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Sydney Ann Jan 2016
Does it really matter?
Should I even bother documenting these days with poetry?
After all the love that was there drained away
and my heart began it's decay
Is anything I feel worth saying?
Speak the truth however bold
Speak what lies inside the hearts folds
Do not fear the pain it may cause
Live the moment, do not once pause
Take the chance and feel free
Speak from the heart so it can be
Forget the cowardess you feel
One minute of bravery can dispell the ills
If you feel it may cause you disdain
Remember true beauty rises from pain
15 seconds of courage is all you need..
  Jan 2016 Sydney Ann
marjorie farmer originally shared to poets of g exlib (Discussion):

I would like to share the most memorable poem I ever heard with all here at poets of g exlib:

Trees       by:  Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose ***** snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
RIP Marge!!  You will never be forgotten
  Jan 2016 Sydney Ann
She woke, shivering in the dark of night
Wary of the long shadows on the wall
Flicking on the pink hued tulip nightlight
To forget the monster with one eyeball
The giant teddy bear with sharpened claws
The troll that sneered and chased her down the street
The King Kong turtle with quick snapping jaws
The freckled boy who ate her ice-cream treat
She runs down the cold hall to Mommy’s room
She turns the **** and tiptoes to her bed
“I had a nightmare,” the little girl croons.
“Shhh, it was only a dream,” Mommy said
She tucks her in and rocks her back to sleep
Years later she wakes alone, cold and naked
Her dreams a waking truth; the woman weeps
Resenting all the precious years wasted
From room to room she walks the barren halls
There is no one. Only an empty house
With silent photos hanging on the walls
Sydney Ann Jan 2016
Everything went flat
                                    Heart takes on a dull tone
                                 He poured it into me
                                A connection starting with one kiss cemented it,
                                                                              the flat world I live in
                                                             How do I add the dimension?
                                                        This isn't how I remember love
                                                            What happened?
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