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Sydney Ann Nov 2015
Dreams of life outside the confines
Little Wisps of hope swirl angry
My world is books and worlds and minds
When souls do starve, minds are hungry.
Sydney Ann Nov 2015
Why did I ever deviate from listening
Talking just encourages releasing secrets to the wild.

Now I'm falling for him but I promise I wont let myself
He only ever loved my best friend
everyone loves her of course
but he and I are so alike
like clones that took different walks of life
I see him maybe falling towards mo too
but I'm too afraid to ask
I don't want to hear the answer.
True story
Sydney Ann Oct 2015
I'm sorry you don't love me
and I know I should stop
but I know me well enough to see how this goes on
I never predict it until it's too late
and my head is already mixed up.
I miss the old me that wouldn't let you in so easily.
I remember her but she let someone else in and he stole her then she broke him but she broke herself too.
So let us let this continue
It feels more like a partnership for a business place
more like that than a matter from the heart
I've placed my matters in the middle of the page.
  Oct 2015 Sydney Ann
Antoinette G
My sobs abruptly end
When the loud heavy trod of
booted feet are heard walking down the hall
Eyes wide, my eyes roam quickly
around the room
There must be somewhere I can hide?
A barren room is my answer
My heart beats faster as the thumps get closer
Why is he home so early?
I scramble out of bed
Quickly brushing the tears off of my face
The thumps cease right in front of my door
The click of a lock is heard
With a creak my door slowly opens
Eyes wide I look into the face of the person
Who has turned my life into a living hell
He was suppose to be my Knight
But has turned into my Prisoner
He smiles sweetly at me
my stomach twist into knots
There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Plastering a smile on my face
I greet my father
Sydney Ann Oct 2015
I wish I had some meaningful words left for you all
even as I write this I know its finished product is going to be
horrible absolutely
but I love you all dearly
your write such wonderful words
I just wish I had the attention left to read them
Like when I first started to write
and I produced phrases worth hearing
as Robert Frost said and will forever say
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
I suppose I couldn't stay gold forever
I'll resign to something darker
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