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  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
Cheyenne W
cartographer of my heart
there are days when I will not be easy to read
I will hold myself upside down and backwards
buried beneath bruised knuckles and cheap fear

and yet late at night I find you saying
“you still make sense to me”
leaving landmarks on my skin
signs that say “you are here"
and here
and here

trace the land lines in my palms
and know they will always guide you home
  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
Bows N' Arrows
Give me your left pale palm!
( Left palm always )
Heart lines and life lines
You have a (wrinkled) square!
Seems like a fire hand to me;
I have an air hand myself...
Your very wealthy, or
You have the potential to become so..
Your still learning evolutionary lessons regarding
What true wealth is
I feel like...
Your mother figure? She seems sad..
He nodded and understood..
He nodded and explained..
I have revealed many things via
Intuition! And
If we weren't too drunk and high
he'll remember my crystal predictions!
His exuberant face trembled at truth;
"He almost knew me"!!!
This dude asked me to read his palm last night, he freaked out
Sydney Ann Jul 2015
Sticks and stones
are what my soul
will run to when you're done

your words do drill
a deep cold chill
until I'm brittle to breaking

Roses are frosted
all flowers in bloom
close up with cold tears
they run from you too
  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
Sometimes it's like this never ending swirl of darkness.
It's like you see a bit of light and try to find your way out but something pulls you back in..
Nothing ever goes my way and nothing ever keeps me happy.
People always say things will get better "eventually" but me... Im tired of waiting for that "eventually."
  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
Amy Blanchette
You could never truly know pain
Until you break someone's heart
Tear through their callous flesh
Rip them apart
Soak their mind in web woven promises
Forever is a long time anyway
Caress them with their last good bye
On knees, awaiting for the answer
The one you can't bear to utter
Through tear stained cheeks
I say to you
I'm sorry, i loved you
But now we are through.
  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
When I was small
I walked on fairy dust and
my dreams were as tall
as skyscrapers towering
above the universe
inside of me, was the galaxy.
I was born of the cosmos,
full of light and love
passionate in my quest to
give this to others.
But as I grew my star began to fade,
stars need love and light to survive
and deprived of both my blazing fire
transformed into weak candlelight.
At school I had learnt it was easier
to hide your light
than to stand out as different
and be extinguished in an instant.
So I kept myself to myself
at the back of the class,
knowing the answers but not
shouting them out.
I daydreamed, and doodled
stars on the corners
of my books, all the while
I could hear the universe
calling out to me to trust,
that we are all born of this
cosmic stardust.
  Jul 2015 Sydney Ann
Am the worst one to ever be born,
Lacking an aim to objectives,
Am as information within torn...
Making excuses for my life's grace so gone....

Joke at me, I am a thing to mock at,
Ofcourse, am insane - so inhumane...
Tracking existence of nothingness...

Keeping my eyes at place,
As a matter of fact, for me is impossible...
Umbrella saves you from rain,
Rain doesn't stop cause of it!

Making a decision on whether I want to live, or not,
Actually is quite tough, quite boring..
Nobody can ever have guts to live my boring life...
"Going places " from knife to knife...
As if, I have no reason to live,
Tragically, I have no responsibility to die...
Am actually fed up of everything, am good at nothing... Am just that stupid child, who was the topper of the class and now has simply evaporated into the tag of " Class's most dumb child"..... I have no friends, and I don't regret it,they weren't my friends, but that of my marks, and I don't know, what I want from my life now.... I once had a dream, and now it has no purpose... I am so aimless, am too lazy to even think about anything... Am just tired... Am just me...
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