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  Jul 11 Traveler
Odd Odyssey Poet
There’s something so sinister about being lost inside of yourself;-
I apply Lip Ice before I fall asleep, just in case I have to experience
That cold kiss with Death. But that’s one being, being less than
generous to oneself, and giving out a lot of degenerate excuses
Of not doing so well. Rambling picaresque; engulfed by a hardened
sense; feeding well into my own insecurities, made from haphazard
ingredients- as a soul that tastes like concluded gumbo

Still, I ate a full plate; possessing a ruthless taste; an illegitimate
descendant of experience- that ******* is tapping, watered down
By the chit and chatter of rain; a totem of pain, spoken in haste,
As my lips are a cigarette ember, kissing while heat reveals itself,
As a tiny echoed spark, in a pool full of fresh gasoline

I only hear the sound of peace, in a snoring dream, ha, I hardly
do try to breathe out of my nose. From not being altogether; are we
Really all together- who really knows? But only the dead, who truly
Get to see the entire world, as souls that rise, or of course those who fall
As its truly so sinister living as beings, in this world’s being.
  Jul 11 Traveler
Dani Just Dani
The moon shines
bright tonight,
My hand extended
Closing in on
the ropes of light
That tie it down,
To be set in space
and time.

As I manage
to get a hold,
I pull and pull
with my back,
The seas tremble,
The ground laments,

What can I do?
But fall into desperation.

What can I say?
When there’s nothing to be said.

I fall back,
As my lower back aches
Like an old man’s
fishing at sea,
To show me
How heavy the moon
Really is.


I’ve stopped dreaming
Of bringing down
The moon to your feet
I’ve also forgotten how silence
Sounds with you.
Traveler Jul 11
Hate is dangerous.
Love is safe.
Time is a line
Limited by fate

On the other side
Nothing exists
Accept of course
An infinite waiting list

You don’t want to end up there
So enjoy your life
While you’re still here
Traveler 🧳 Tim
  Jul 10 Traveler
Marshal Gebbie
Often pulled the Dragon's tail
Through dangers days in life's travail,
Sweet, the taste of risk survived
Whilst cheating Reaper's plot, contrived,
Feeling hot sweat crease the brow
Not understanding... why or how?
Chance, that fickle, flighty touch
May push my luck, that inch too much....
Then knowing well, on that fine day,
I'll meet my bitter end...and pay!

Ha... Wouldn't change a minute of it all,
Love it!!

Response in league wit Anais Vionet's little ditty, "Curtains".
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