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 May 2015 MysteryBear
Jade Elon
I once saw you
sneaking out a girl's
I didn't realize you
could climb that
I wish you
thought I was
a princess in a
tower and you
were a prince
and my window
was the doorway
into your heart.
I just want to wear
your shirt around and
tell you how much I
love you.
But you don't care and
I don't care if you
don't feel the same.
My body is the
mid-west and
yours the
Mississippi traveling
along my edges.
I was never meant to fall in love with you.
Love lives in books,
And on billboards.
Love is loud.
Love is unkind.
You made love pick me up at my door,
While being pulled by four white horses.
You made love beautiful,
And caring
Tangled, but easily unraveled.
Love was not something I was supposed to experience,
At least,
Not with you.
You see,
I am missing more pieces than I ever even started with,
And it hurts to know that you would forever be
Picking up after me,
Carefully trying to put them back where they belong.
As I gracefully dance off the cliff of cliche,
I'm going to say to you,
You're much too good for me.
I was never meant to fall in love with you
Love lives in books,
And on billboards,
And in you.
So much depends to the brown-eyed guy who stole my heart.
So much depends to his unidentical thumbs that makes me laugh.
So much depends to his wrinkled eyes that looks like a cat.

And there's more to that...

So much depends on him taking another risk to try again.
So much depends on the fear he had experienced- and
So much depends to what I have offered him.
 May 2015 MysteryBear
they've escaped my body
all the thoughts in my head
they went in with my dinner
and out with my sanity
as if you could get rid of a problem by making one
but maybe i'm the problem
i don't even know what i'm getting rid of
i half want to go up to something who purges in the bathroom and ask
"what's your excuse"
the other half of my thoughts go toward telling someone the truth
a conversation i do not want to have
would you?
it's not like i'm being ***** trained
i can't go up to my mother and say
"Look mommy, i threw up on my own."
 May 2015 MysteryBear
i waited
 May 2015 MysteryBear
i waited for you to see it
i waited for you to care
i waited at your doorstep
to find that you weren't there

i waited for you to hear me
in the deepest parts of my soul
while you waited for me to speak
i waited for you to say so

i waited for you to notice
the smile i'd always fake
i waited for you to see it
i waited til i'd fade

i waited for years and years
for you to look through my lies
i waited for you to see it
everything i'd hide in my eyes

i waited for you to see it
i waited for you to care
i waited at your doorstep
*and found that you moved somewhere
 May 2015 MysteryBear
can you explain something?* why am i not good enough? i know i’m not perfect, but i assumed that you did to. and i know you’re meant to teach me, because thats what parents do. but am i no longer allowed to speak anymore because of my attitude?

So i guess it’s my fault, the reason you come home angry and give me that look at that drop of a pen. And oh my God, that look. If looks could ****, you would have murdered me with nightmares. But I guess i’m supposed to grow up thinking thats what daddies do. Threaten you with eyes, hurt with words,, and deny it when you bring it up, too.

But i guess it’s my fault. I’m the one who “didn’t see” my brothers brain development. Despite the constant warning of your children, your final decision was to deal with it.

But i guess it’s my fault, that when someone says *“your parents raised you well,”

now i have to lie. But i’ll be dammed if i give up and let you raise me.

So it’s my fault, because all these things are true. And the new rule, that only applies to me is “speak when spoken to.” I supposed i raised myself, because wrong and right were always in my mind. True. But mother, with all your excuses for him

**I’m a little hurt by you
 May 2015 MysteryBear
There once was a girl named Chloè
She was tall and really skinny
She told everyone lies
So they wouldn't see through her disguise
She didn't want to keep on living
True story
 May 2015 MysteryBear
the sun breaks through the clouds
a warm welcome on my skin
a smile breaks upon my face
a smile that stems from within
a memory of when we were kids comes passing by my lens
it's been a while
a long while
since we made crowns with dandelions
 May 2015 MysteryBear
I don't want to think about you
But i don't think nothing other than you
How mad to like someone deep...
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