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 Apr 2015 MysteryBear
maybe it's so hard to breathe
because life is such a beautiful thing
and beautiful things are meant to be fought for...
If you looked,
I mean really looked,
would you see me?
I mean really see me.

I don't mean the side of me that smiles,
or the side of me that laughs,
or that seems care free,
or loving.

I mean the side of me that cries,
that is flooded with pain,
with blood on my arms,
and feels alone.

When you look at me,
do you look at my appearance,
or do you look in my eyes,
or do you even look at all?

Please, tell me what you really see.
Look at me.
Really look at me,
because I don't think you really see.
Maybe its time you really looked.
I will not stop swimming in a sea because I'm afraid of sharks.

I will not stop dancing because I'm afraid of tripping.

I am not going to stop smiling for fear that you won't smile back.

For that same reason, yes the very same - I won't be quiet for fear of not being heard.

I won't stop being me for fear you may judge me.

We're all going to the same place - down in the ground.

Most of our lives will be summed up in a dash between two dates on a slab of stone.

I'm going to live, and I will be heard because I'm not afraid live - truly live.

Live life to its fullest, you only have one.

Don't let others talk you into silence.

Don't go in your grave before you get a chance to live.
It isn't that I don't love them, because often I do.
It isn't that I don't care, because I do that too.

I guess its just that I don't think someone can love someone like me.
I build my garden walls so high that they are impossible to break down.
I'm moody, depressed, and a hot mess.

I'm a blazing fire that will never be put out, and people always get burned playing with fire.
I am an emotional wreck of shattered pieces, and it is easy to get cut on the glass.

Yet, when those class pieces hurt others, it is never because I don't love them, its because I'm a girl that can't handle being hurt again.
I push them away so I can't break anymore.

I'm tired of being like this.
It's just kind of sad that they don't try to fight when I push them away.
I think the feeling's gone.

It seems like your over it,

but it seems like I'm not.

I'm glad to say,

 Apr 2015 MysteryBear
A crush
when the thought of him takes your breathe away
when you keep imagining the way he says your name
A crush
Commonly mistaken for love
a crush is just an intense feeling of lust
you cant get enough of
A crush
they way your heart speeds up when you see him
your eyes scream kiss me
but he doesn't get the message
A crush is a seed for something more
hopefully you get the flower
and not the thorn
A crush
*My crush
I try to make it cute but I cant pull cute off lol
 Apr 2015 MysteryBear
I didnt mean to hurt you
im sorry if i made you sad
but this love is the first unconditional love i have ever had
its more than you think
Im not just hurting you im hurting me
My broken heart strings ring off key
inside of me an offtune orchestra sings
I have never been perfect
and i never will be
I will never be able to love you like you think
I will never bee all you need
but one day i hope you will leave me
so you can be happy
so im sorry
for hurting you
i hope you dont accept this apology
and forget me
 Apr 2015 MysteryBear

As everyday does pass my way
Please find my feelings do display
I love you

When every minute on the clock
Does its tick and does its tock
I love you

Each day the sun does set and rise
I find that it is no surprise
I love you

Winter, summer, fall and spring
Every season the same thing
I love you

Pouring rain or falling snow
One thing I have come to know
I love you

Chilling cold or searing heat
Three words I want to repeat
I love you

Whether work or whether play
This emotion every day
I love you

Early dawn or late at night
Forever know these words are right
I love you

In the mountains, at the beach
However far my heart shall reach
I love you

If the oceans disappear
Still these words you’ll always hear
I love you

When the stars no longer shine
In your soul forever find
I love you

I am here and you are there
So far apart but this I swear
I love you

No matter what our lives may bring
Eternal in my world I sing
I love you

And even as this poem ends
This message I forever send
I love you
I know, kind of corny, but love makes me corny I guess. :)
 Apr 2015 MysteryBear
My heart has grown more weak
my thoughts more sick
my existence  jinxed
my path darker and vague

Just let me speak
maybe I'll find some peace
in words that are meant to be phenomenon
and echoes the aches that are just too incredible

like a Cinderella story
once upon a time I went through nasty and fought it
optimistic, enthusiastic and more I was labelled

now I just crawl back to that hole
totally lost
succumbed to the darkness that feeds on me
my dismay on reply

*Will I ever find hope or just settle for a rope
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