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1.7k · Apr 2019
Out by the secret pond
Keely Gallagher Apr 2019
“I’m writing this somewhere secret, and green, and  beautiful..

Sparkling water and intoxicating seclusion
That I should be drinking in with relief.

But all I can think of is how badly I wish you were here with me to share in this solitude.

We could wander for hours amongst blossoming weeds, and forget what happened that left us bereft”
I have a beautiful and magical secret pond that I’ve found in my suburban neighborhood full of rules and watching eyes. For the first time since I moved here, I have somewhere I can sit and breathe.
It makes me miss my loved one, but pain can become beautiful.
186 · Apr 2019
When the soft spoken scream
Keely Gallagher Apr 2019
She took a romantic,
A real lovers dream,
And made him a cynic.
Made the soft spoken scream.

And now all is visible ,
Yes everythings clear.
We know why she's miserable,
And sitting in fear.

She broke him, she crushed him.
She made him like her.
She ripped out his diamond, and replaced it with coal.

She was a cynic.
Who woke up in screams.
He made her romantic.
and taught her to dream.

So now they're divisible,
And walking from here.
He's healing and careful,
And changing his gear.

He broke her, he crushed her,
He made her like him.
She's softer & kinder but a new broken within.

— The End —