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 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
I can't wait to die
the universe will hold me
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
I'm dying inside
trying to convince myself it's all lies
10W / she's in the rain
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
you keeping looking at me
like I'm someone else

you're going blind
let go of my hand

I dream
impressive dreams on your couch

slept a 5 am
didn't hear you coming in

feels like I'm the chosen one
I hear the earth cry
the trees are falling asleep

am I the only thing on fire
in this freezing winter
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
I spoke to a flower today
sobbing she was falling
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
I questioned myself
why is there no light

must you go blind
hold my hand
I'll guide you

open doors
water faucets

we both know
what's it like to lose

this is life
with one smile to love

we both know what it's like to lose

don't lose me
I don't want to lose you

   look outside
the winter sun

this is life
lost forever
waiting for someone to find you
I am so not ready for this cold
And the dreaded curse word I call snow
**** it I see some flurries
I better get inside in a hurry
The air is bitter and it’s cold
Did I ever mention I hate winter
Sorry for being so bold
Oh it’s beautiful when it falls
But once it’s over, I wish I have a magic wand
To remove the snow from all around
Bring up the sun and warm the ground
I am so not ready for the cold
And the dreaded curse word I call
Here’s to the first snow fall
Of the year. Just a little rant lol
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
to me,
you are
an art

                              to you,
                              I was
                              a tragedy
you still remain, and will always be
a fine piece of art
to me.
// edit: thank you for having this in the daily. ♡
 Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
you get a call
it’s too early
but too late all at once

you get a call
it is after midnight
he has the bottle in hand

you get a call
it is early morning
the pills are down his throat

you get a call
it’s one am
he tells you not to worry

you get a call
you don’t know how to feel
he says he’s done the bottle
(you don’t know if he means the pills or the water)

you get a call
you don’t know what to do

you get a call
it ends too soon
based off the time when my friend called me during a suicide attempt
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