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 Mar 2016 Phia
I brought your favorite flowers again
Tulips blue and yellow
Laid them down before you
Adding to all the rest

You’re running out of room
It’s starting to look more like a garden
Than a grave

I would stop bringing them
But I don’t feel that they are enough
They don’t convey the amount of how much I love you
And that you are missed
 Feb 2016 Phia
it hurts
 Feb 2016 Phia
it hurts because
you don't care anymore

it hurts because
when i get mad
you don't try to fix it

it hurts because
when i walk away
you dont run after me anymore

and it hurts because
you don't care anymore
and i care even more than before.
Biting your tongue
so the words don't slip out.
The taste of copper,
sharp in your mouth.
"Penny for your thoughts"
the saying goes
but they could never afford
the words buried below.
Sentenced to silence,
laid in unmarked graves,
as you're slowly murdered
by the things you don't say.

~J.M. Green
This is probably my favourite poem by him! I love it!
 Feb 2016 Phia
Tafuta Atarashī
I'm not doing so fine.
I distract myself from the anguish
By pouring music into my mind.
But that could never comfort this
Feeling of helplessness felt inside.
Jesus take my heart, take my sighs
And the subtle pain from which I hide
And take me into your arms
Dear Lord take this wandering sheep
God, in your Sons name please
Remove this sadness far
Away from me.
 Feb 2016 Phia
The rain falling on my hair
Breathing in the freshest of air
I guess nows the time to go inside
And to come back out when the rain has dried

But rain has such a nice sound
When it falls against the ground
No such comfort can be found
No such comfort can be found
It raining outside because of El Niño
 Feb 2016 Phia
am i ee
the songs have

silence in the car
silence in my heart

the songs of others
fill my ears

the songs of others
fill my throat

but mine
have gone silent

the silly ones
the sad ones

all have flown

off somewhere
off all alone

a song almost
began today

my little furry
friend at play

these precious
fuzzy creatures

lighten my heart
such love pours out....
i miss my sweet buddies... my muses for my silly songs... about them... about our love... about our times together... Big Fat Yellow Bootay was created from time spent driving with this latest love of my life....  the songs will begin again... when the time is right.... time for each season in its turn....
 Feb 2016 Phia
Dana Kathleen
 Feb 2016 Phia
Dana Kathleen
You can tell a lot about a person
by the way they leave you
so let me tell you about all
the ways in which he left me.

He left me in my room
he left me on Friday nights
he left me by the lake
he left me in April and again in December
he left me on the sidewalk
he left me in texts
he left me in a different time zone
he left me in thoughts unsaid
he left me for the summer and for his hometown
he left me for her, twice
he left me on the kitchen floor
he left me in ticking clocks and calendar dates

He collected leaving like it lead to a high horse
because if you’re doing the leaving
you can’t be the one that’s left and
it taught me how not to leave people
and not to let people back after they’ve
left because they will do it again.

I lived in waiting for him because it was better
than wondering when or
how he’d leave me again
Is this the last time?

He left me outside
of myself and forced
me to reach in and find
all that's left.
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