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Mar 2019 · 105
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
The words are there
The thoughts are there
Poems are created, through inspiration unspoken of

Sentences are thought
Poems are thought
But no inking, no typing, no writing

They are there
They are here
In mind and soul, written in blood and memory

Tomorrow is another day
Another day to write and create
To think and remember, to poem for never to be spoken of
Mar 2019 · 147
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
I have homework to do
But I keep thinking about you
The way we where
It keeps me from thinking clearly

I have classes to follow
But I keep staying at home
Because I keep thinking about you
The way you moved on

I have a study to finish
But I can't focus on the tasks to do
My brain won't let me
Because all it can do, is think about you

I have point to gain, so I'll pass the year
I want to, I really want to
But you, my past are holding me back
I don't know how to, how to move on
Mar 2019 · 123
You are
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
Some wise word I heard, spoken by a man on the ridge
"Beautiful things don't ask for attention"

Don't destroy the bridge
Look inside, you are amazing

I just want to tell you at this intervention
Life is to short to give in

Just go outside, and start stargazing
You think it is beautiful?

You hear someone play the violin
You think it sounds breath taking?

I think you are beautifully indisputable
because beautiful things don't ask for attention
Mar 2019 · 712
Like clouds in the sky
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
Dreaming away, like clouds moving along the sky
Listening to music, to be carried away
Along the sky, like clouds moving by

In a state of happiness, floating around
Drifting away in a higher state of mind
To be carried away, instead of staying on the ground

It gives a certain feeling, a state of happiness
Look at the sky, being able to let it pass by
I wish that it lasted, for it to be endless

Feeling this way, is like floating through paradise
getting away, from the earthly pain
To be taken by the clouds and glide along the blue-skies
Mar 2019 · 127
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
Come let us travel
Travel around the world
A world full of opportunity
Opportunity to be free

Come let us take this ride
This ride on the eagle's back
Back to nature, trough time and all
All we need to do, is believe we can

Come let us visit an old friend
An old friend I met in the wilderness
The wilderness of trees and woods
Woods that are gone at tomorrow's age

Come let us go and be gone
Gone from this worlds constraints
Constraints on our lives
Lives we wish to life in simplicity

Come let us be reborn
Reborn into anew world
A world that is free of pain, of today's society
Society that keeps us all from living our own lives

Come let us be free
Free from pain and torture
Torture that keeps us from living
Living our own freewill

Come let us fly away
Away to a new future
A future full of opportunity and freedom
Freedom to live our own lives

Come let us move on to tomorrow
Tomorrow is today
Today we start
Start with living our new lives
Mar 2019 · 117
The search
ThatBrokenOne Mar 2019
A place of darkness
Is where my heart lies
A place of pain and dispair
Is where my soul lives

Walking through a labyrinth
Full of thoughs
Crawling my way out
Going left and right

A place with a broken lamp
Is where my heart lies
A place filled with knifes and daggers
Is where my soul keeps falling to the ground

Searching for that last piece
To finish the puzzle
Desperately trying to find it
Searching everywhere

A place six feet underground
Is where my heart lies
A place blazing with eternity fire
Is where my soul stumbles around

The end of the tunnel
Is what I am looking for
To end this never ending madness
To find the light once again
Feb 2019 · 221
Dreams tell us stories
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
The sun comes up, the day has started
After a long dream, I feel fainthearted
Was it a dreamless sleep, or a big nightmare
You might say; I was a sleep for all I care
But I don't, I want to know
The sleep wasn't for sure about a rainbow

What you dream, tells a story
And it doesn't always shows us the Japanese Morning Glory
It can tell us a story like the Queen of Night
A dream can give you an enormous in sight
An in sight in your thoughts and memory
It tells the story, a known story but with anew energy
We should take this warning to heart
Before we are teared apart
Every dream tells its own story. A story based on your memory. A dream is a process of the memories you have made, it doesn't always seem to make sense. But know this, not every memory does too. Because we all have our own vision on how the world works. It might be different from what you saw, or what you think you saw. A dream is just a mere rewind of your memory but with a refreshed vision, it might be a bit exaggerated but it always is based on your memories.
Feb 2019 · 114
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
At a distance far away
Your house is build on a solid ground
You walk your steps through the city

At a distance far away
Your bed is placed in a tidy room
Your books a stacked on the shelf

At a distance far away
You live your live
You read your book about the higher person

At a distance far away
You step in the teleporting machine
To start your travel to a place far away
Feb 2019 · 113
Happiness walked away
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Happy I was
A year long I lasted
Depressed is how I feel
Lonely is what I am
Happiness is lost

But it will be again
Needing it is what I do
Sharing it with others
Filling my life with stuff to do
Hoping to find happy again
Feb 2019 · 101
Would you?
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
The weather is nice,
Sun shining, clear blue sky's.
The temperature is nice,
Birds singing, grasshoppers chirping.
Spring is in the air,
People dancing, laughs shared.

I would like to go for a walk,
Would you like to come along?
I would like to lay in the grass,
Would you like to lay next to me?
I would like to sing along with the song,
Would you like to join me?
I would like to dance around the field,
Would you like to dance with me?

It would be nice to be outside,
Do you want to go outside?
It would be nice to do it with someone,
Would you like to be that someone?
Feb 2019 · 634
Am I okay?
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
No I am not
But I live
So I will be in time
Feb 2019 · 269
Your eyes
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
When I look up to the sky
I see these little lights dancing
Like cows going outside for the first time of the year

When I look out the window
I see the leafs move in the wind
Like little flames dancing in the fireplace

When I look at your face
I see a little smile
Like a little pup having the time of his life

When I look in your eyes
I see little sparkles lighting up
Like a flower opening up in the early morning sun
Addressed to: person unkown
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
It hurts to know
It hurts to see

That you have replaced me
That you have past me

I am happy for you, that you moved on
I am happy for you, that you have found someone new

I told my brother
I told my sister in law

That I am not well
That I am suicidal at times

It was a relieve to tell
It was painful to see

Silence fell when I told
His eyes turned into water when I told

A river of tears was streaming down
But it didn't weight him down

To tell me, to let me know, he is there for me
He loves me, he will be here with me

I am grateful that he is here
He wants me to be here

Time is all I needed I said
Time is the hardest thing to let pass by

I told myself I can do this
I told them I can do this

So I will do this, I will see it through
So I can do this, just because I said so
Feb 2019 · 154
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Breaking seems to be my new nature
Yesterday I saw a picture of her and a friend
It made me broken again
Broken like a earthquake cracks the ground

She went to a concert with a friend
A concert that we where supposed to go to
It hurts to see her move on while I am staying behind

It feels like I am stuck
Hanging in the past
Frozen in the moment she left me

I feel broken
I feel miserable
Don't know what to do
Where to go
How to get past it

I don't want to feel this way
I want to move on
But every time again
I feel this pain
This emptiness inside me
It keeps pulling me back
Into the void of pain and memory
Feb 2019 · 110
Taking the bus
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Sitting in the back of the bus
Gently being pussed left to right by the turns of the road
Feeling the sounds of the engine roaring to keep the bus at speed, pulling it forward along the way
Listening to music through my headphone
To slowly fade away
Taking a trip with my mind through space
Tottaly zoning out, letting everything behind
Letting life for what it is, and feel free for a moment
I could do this everyday
It feels so nice, it's almost like a drug
A nice feeling to be taken everyday before going to bed
Just to keep mind and body at peace
Feb 2019 · 189
Warmth of the fire
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
It's dark outside
Lanterns are lit
Light is glooming
Shadows are flickering

Night has just started
People went inside
To sit by the fireplace
Reading books, wachting movies

Rain is wettening the cobblestone streets
The could breeze is blowing through the trees
Time is sheared with loved ones
Quiet and comfy by the fire
Feb 2019 · 134
Life in this world
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Time is ticking
Ligh walking
Darkness crawling
Ideas spinning
Yet nothing is done

Words are spoken
Thoughts spread
Food sheared
Roofs made
Yet nothing is done

Cults are raised
People hypnothised
Brains fried
Teambuilding learned
Plans made
Yet nothing is done

Spirits are killed
Ambitions beheaded
Souls crushed
Believes imposed
Freedoms taken
Everything is meaningless
Feb 2019 · 133
Values and thoughts
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Can we value one the most
Or is it just a mere idea

Can we think of one the most
Or is it just a thought

Can we love one the most
Or is it just a feeling

I think everyone is different
So we value everyone differently

I think everyone is unique
So we think about everyone differently

I think everyone is special
So we love everyone differently
Feb 2019 · 258
Random words
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Words popping up in my head
With no clear reason at all.
Putting them together
Sentences are made.
Thoughts flowing out
Ideas are written.
Words are created
plans are tolled.
Feb 2019 · 116
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Crowds cheering
People screaming
Voices raised
Words Shouted

Many thoughts
Lots of people
Large crowds
Streets filled

Everyone is unique
Everyone is different
No one is the same
No one thinks alike

How to please all
How to make peace
What is there to accomplish
What is it that we can achieve

While everyone has different needs
While no one wants the same thing
When we act like one, but are many peaces
When all of us can't agree on the same goal
This poem came out of no where. I really don't know how or why I thought of it. I actually have nothing with politics and government and all, with large groups of people
Feb 2019 · 301
Going crazy
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Speakers pumping
Blood rushing
Thought flowing
Mind thinking
Like drugs
Being addicted
No relief
Same over
And over
Pain growing
Memory torturing
No escape
Going crazy
Feb 2019 · 131
Anew chaos
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
A scar here, a scare there
It is chaos in my mind
You are glued to my thoughts so it seems
Listening to metal keeps me sane
Reflects my mind
Just that organized chaos
I don't know what to do
How to get rid of you
Of the thoughts that keeps coming back
The way you left me
It hurts like hell
It broke me, it left me in pieces
You are glued to my mind
I don't know how to fix it
It makes me go crazy
I know one way to get rid of it all
I requires from me my last breath of air
So I can just be free for once
Maybe this is the solution
Unless some one else knows one
So I can be free and roam around once more
Free of pain free of delusions
Free of thoughts of wonders
Free of the past to get to the future
Free of me, to start anew
Feb 2019 · 114
The un expected
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Once upon a time
There was this little kid
He was playing along the tide
Building a sandcastle with walls

At that moment the water was far away
So his castle would be safe
Guarded by feet of sand in Parama bay
A place down by the shore of Mexico

The kid lived a happy life
He could play for hours by the beach
The world was small as he was only five
He had summer vacation

Every day felt like a happy day
Playing on the beach listening to music
But then all of a sudden the sky turned grey
Water started rising high

The little boy had no idea
So he played on build his castle
A scream came from the house, it was his sister Sofie
She had dropped a *** of tea almost on her feet

James heard his sister and ran in the house
But tripped over his little castle
He didn't notice the large wave of water behind him
His sister screamed more, something about running faster

So James ran and ran as fast as he could
But he was to late, the water had already reached his feet
And he fell again, bumped his head on a piece of wood
The next thing he saw, was his sister holding him

She was holding him in her arms while running to the car
The car was far away, so it took a little while
Sofie drove and drove as fast as she could
Because the water was still rising

The tide was rising fast, real fast
At some point the whole house was underwater
And all inside was lost, no one believed this forecast
But it turned out to be real, and all was lost
Part 1? I don't know if there will be a follow up poem about this story of James and Sofie
Feb 2019 · 171
Just an update
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
I am feeling better
The thoughts are less
Most of the pain has flow out with the river
The river of blood and tears

I am doing better
Therapy is on the move
My mouth is speaking
It helps to process

I have plans for the future
A new house is what I will be looking for
A house for me alone
Just quiet and comfy

I have flashbacks sometimes
Thoughts, memories popping up
From things that remember me of her
But that is okay, as she is a memory

I am doing better
It is going great
The future is near
And I want to meet the future
If you want to know anything or talk about anything. Just say it, don't keep walking around with it. That **** doesn't work, you only will feel more miserable. So please talk if you are in pain, any pain.

Is it "sometimes I have flashbacks" or "I have flashbacks sometimes".
My feeling says the first one. But if that is true the rythem in the poem will be weaker, as not every verse starts with "I".
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Nothing is what it ever seems
Nor is it otherwise
Nothing is what it ever sounds
Nor is it otherwise
Nothing is what it ever tastes
Not is it otherwise
Nothing is what it ever smells
Nor is it otherwise
Feb 2019 · 120
To all the people
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
You are important to me
No this is not an empty saying
Because I mean it
And you should know that

I want to thank you
For being there for me
For listening to me
For thinking with me

I wish you all the best
I want you to be happy
Live a happy life
Live it like you want it

And if you ever feel the need
Just talk to me
Speak up your mind
Say what is wrong
Talk about your thoughts
Maybe I can help
If not, we at least had a nice talk
So please don't go
And keep talking
Do it for me? 0:)
Feb 2019 · 145
To the tomorrow me
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Drinking helps me to write
To let the words flow from my mind

Or is it a mere illusion
Is it all the alcohol that makes me think it

There is only one way to find out
I need to read these poems tomorrow again

And feel ashemed of my writing
My writing that isn't even reall nor good

So to you, my future me
Remember you are great
You can't fail, because you are awesome
You can always write what ever you want
You shouldn't feel ashamed of your thoughts
You are great, and you should know that
You I love, I love you

Sweet kisses from me ***
Feb 2019 · 257
To writing. My friend
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Writing helped me
It helped me to stay sane
It helped me to stay alive
It helped me to stay straight

Writing helped me
To process it all
To keep me from killing myself
To free my mind of the torture

Writing helped me
To meet new people
To make contact with the outer world
To talk about my problems

Writing helped me
To find my self
To get to know my self
To reinvent myself

Thank you, writing
For helping me
For keeping me
For letting me
For being there for me
Feb 2019 · 131
Am I lonely?
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Does this mean I am lonely
Laying in my bed
Listening to metal ish music
With a slightly tipsied head
Writing poems about my thoughts
Does this mean I am lonely
Because I am drinking alone
My brain racing around
Full of thoughts
Does this mean I am lonely
Feb 2019 · 140
For the future
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
I hope you will understand
My pain, my fear, my thinking
I have encountered some trouble along the way

I hope you will understand
When I say I am afraid you will leave too
I had a girlfriend, whom I loved to death

I hope you will understand
That I have been broken before
And now I am frightened it will happen again

I hope you will understand
That I love you with all I have
And I hope you won't leave me too

I hope you will understand
That I don't want you to leave me as well
Not as I have been left before

You must know
That I am giving all I can
That I want you in my life
So please don't leave me too
I want you, I need you
You are all I have, all I need
And I love you
ThatBrokenOne Feb 2019
Two months has passed by
And I am still alive, still standing
The walls may have crumbled down
And the towers may have been torn down
The flags on the battlements burned away
And the glass in the windows broken
I am still standing, still alive

Another two months will pass by
Because the war is not over yet
The walls must be repaired
And the towers rebuild
The flags remade to give the battlements some color
And the windows reconstructed with glass
I must build, rebuild my castle

In two months
My castle has been torn apart
Walls neglected in the battle
Towers knocked over
Flags burned to keep the warmth
While the cold wind was blowing through the open windows
As the building was under siege from within

The next two months will be a battle
A battle to get back the castle, my castle
The intruders must be thrown out
Chased away into the darkness
So the torches will be lit again
And the music played again

The war is not over
The war is not lost
Not as long as I am still standing
Not as long as the castle still has it's foundation
So let the intrudes know, they must leave
So let the intrudes know, I am coming back
Let them know I will prevail
Let them know I will conquer
Jan 2019 · 145
Why can't I do just do it
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Three times in my life
Have I been suicidal
Three times in my life
Did I hate it
Did I want to leave

Three times in my life
And this is the one that's going to cost me
This one is going to cost me my life
This one is killing me

Three times in my life
Have I fallen deep
Two times, have I found hope
A light at the end of the tunnel
But all I found was a spare light
A lit sign that said exit

Three times has life offered me a way out
Three times I couldn't
Three times I should have done it
Three times I tried to stay alive
A million times I wish I had done it
A million times I wish I was gone
Jan 2019 · 113
Is this it
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Is this life
Is this how it goes
Is this how the rest of life will be
Being depressed
Being suicidal
Being heart broken
If so, I'd better quit
If so, I'd better go
If so, I'd better leave you all
Jan 2019 · 123
Seeing you
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Why is it that when I see you
I go back through memory lane
I feel broken
I start to hate myself even more
I hate it when I see you

Why can't I accept it
That you didn't want to be with me anymore
That you chose an other path
That you needed your life to be yours

Why can't I move on
Why do I keep hurting my self
Why is this so hard
I hate it
I hate it all
Jan 2019 · 101
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Poem, my friend
You are there every time again
You never left me
You never hated me
You, I like

Poem, my friend
I met you three weeks after
I kept meeting you
I never want to lose you

Poem, my friend
Stay with me
Stay against me
Stay for me

Poem, my friend
All I want is you
All I have is you
All I need is you

Poem, my friend
I like you
I adore you
I love you

Poem, my friend
I will not leave you
I will not mess with you
I will not hurt you

Poem, my friend
I am glad to have met you
I am happy to have you
I am happy to keep you
Jan 2019 · 120
Air balloon
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
The mind is traveling on it's own
West to South, North to East
It's traveling miles from one side to the other

Thoughts are spinning around
Like a rocket getting out of control
Up and down, right to left

Ideas are popping up
Just the same as a mole pops up to look above ground
Bending backwards over, almost inside out

That little blackhole full of things
It won't rest, it won't sleep
Not when it is in need
In need of space
To think, to be free
To be floating around the earth
Like a hot air balloon
Jan 2019 · 255
Good night my rain
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Rain is falling
Tickeling my window
It's screaming, yelling, making funny noises

Rain is falling
I am safe
Comfy in my bed

Rain is falling
It is time to sleep
Sweet dreams and a good night to y'all
Jan 2019 · 90
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
The system is broke
Our way of living is rigged
Why do we need to learn in school
Why do we need to buy our food
Why do we need to approval of someone else

Let us learn one on one, like medevil times
Let us gather our own food like prehistoric people
Let us live on our own
Without social media, with out government
Let us live a simple and happy live

The world is controlling
The world is destroying
The world is dieing
The world is broke
The world is rigged
Just keep it simple
Keep it honest
And we all can live a happy live
Sometimes I wish I was living on my own in the middle of no where. Just on my own, no one to tell what to do. No one to tell what to like, what to think, what to mind just me and myself.
Jan 2019 · 137
A reminder
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Violins playing
Voices singing
Rooms filled with sound
Sound of music ringing my ear

There is no need for fair
Everyone can listen what the like
Play what the want
Craft things like never seen before
Just do as you like

Who are we to judge
We are not your supervisor
Nor are we god

Be who you want
Be what you want
Think like your self
Act like your self
And let us be one big happy family
Just be you, and don't judge anyone for being them
Let us all be good to each other
And we will all live happy together
Jan 2019 · 107
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Chloe Chloe Chloe
Listen to me
This is not you
Wake up, wake up
Before you fade into darkness

Maxine Maxine Maxine
Why are you no where to be seen
You are not here nor there
Get out of that closet
Before you will forget who you are

James James James
Stop that chase
It's not good, not for you
Stop before you lose your faith

Chloe Maxine James
Come to me
So we can be free
Free from the world's grasp
Come and join me
Come and follow
On the path of freedom
Just a brain spin off. I don't know if this poem makes any sense at all
Jan 2019 · 159
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
You said those words
"I love you"
But did you every really say them
Or was it more of a "it's what people in love say" thing

You broke my heart
At first I was fine
I was broken for sure

You were the reason
When I realised what really happened
I was gone, gone to the darkness of live

Your absence made me go crazy
I found the light switch
I felt fine, really I did
It was like I fixed my heart

You had me, and lost me
But it never really was a light switch
It was just a mere flashlight
A light that will run out of juice
And I never really fixed my heart
It was just wrapped in ducktape

You are still hurting me
That tape never covered my whole heart
It left open spots
Spots that leak my love, my live, my sanity
From time to time I feel this pain
This emptiness
This absence of sanity
Jan 2019 · 111
To you, my future
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
I have been looking forward to this moment
This moment that will be the future
The future we will have together

I hope you will be my together
My together of never ending
Ending that lasts longer then death

We will make a great duo
Duo as in boyfriend and girlfriend
Girlfriend as in my soul mate

Forgive me for having ideas
Ideas about how good we will be together
Together we will have the best time of our lives

Come on, jump onboard
Onboard of this train to happiness
Happiness for the rest of our existence

I'll show you the world
The world of love
Love like never seen before by mankind
to you my unknown love
love of my life
life that makes me happy
Jan 2019 · 98
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
I don't know what to do
I don't know how to process
I don't know how to get over you
I don't know ******* my self
I don't know anything
I guess it just means I am worthless
Jan 2019 · 113
Last time
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
I saw you
Although it was only a glimpse
You were on the same bus as me

I remember the last time I saw you
I picked up my stuff from your house
It ended that day with me standing next to the train tracks

That glimpse of you was enough for me
My heart stopped, it became to heavy
My blood froze in my veins
My body was nailed to the seat

Once the bus stopped
I fled away
I was walking, running
To catch the train

Now again I want to die more then ever
I feel so ****** up
I need to catch that train
I need that train to...
Jan 2019 · 1.4k
A day gone by
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
There hasn't been a day gone by
Without a thought of you
Every day again
Every hour again

There hasn't been a day gone by
Without a thought of the past
What we did
What we wanted

There hasn't been a day gone by
Without a thought of the here and now
How much I hate it
How much I resent it

There hasn't been a day gone by
Without a thought of the future
What it would have looked like
What we would have done

There hasn't been a day gone by
Without my mind being ****** up
Every day again, I torture my self
Every ******* day again, I wish I could travel back in time
Jan 2019 · 306
A simple movie
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
The movie in the picture palace
It was a lot of drama
It was like a drama queen
It was about queen

The movie in the motion palace
It made me hate my self
It made me feel so sad
It made me feel broken

The movie in the movie house
It was pain full to see
It was beautiful to hear
It was confronting my live

The movie in the picture house
It made me think
It made me cry silent
It made me feel left alone

The movie in the motion house
It was heart breaking to see
It was reminding me
It was hard to see

The movie in the cinema
It reminded me of what I had
It reminded me of what I could have
It reminded me what love really is like
The movie queen was so relatable in some moments. When i was siting there watching those scenes, i just wanted to be dead. The be rid of ths pain, the pain kf my lost love
Jan 2019 · 99
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
I sat in this restaurant
Eating drinking speaking
It was delicious and delightful
It was nice talking with my sister
This was the first thing we did together in years

We talked about
My ex

She asked me questions
Questions about me and my ex
About the breakup
The reasons

Things she said made me think
Who am I
Why do I blame me for the bad things
While it is neither her nor my fault
And still I blame me
I hate me
I would like to **** me

Why do I think like this
Why do I hate my self, for losing you
Why why why why

The questions while never stop
Nor be answerd
For the are neither her nor my fault
Jan 2019 · 116
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
Come my friend
Let me be a place to stay
A place to feel at home
A place of love and laughter

Come my friend
Let us be friends
In times of need
In times of despair

Come my friend
Stay, eat, sleep
I want to be there for you
I want to be here for you
Jan 2019 · 271
It's snowing
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
It's cold out side
Snow is falling down
Light is shining
Kids are playing in the white glittering

I am sitting inside
Falling down in the void
Light is dimming
My mind is playing with memories

The sun is warming body's
Everything looks so cozy
Lanterns are lit
The feeling of warmth is spreading

My body is cooling down
I feel like I am going crazy
My eyes are closing
My body is cooling down

Out side the sun has set
Darkness a rises
People are moveing inside
Curtains are closing

My mind has set me free
I see the light at the end of the tunnel
Thoughts are popping up
The path has been found

You did something
I wish it was different
My life has been hurt
Body has been cut

You are not worth it
The pain, the cutting
I can't let the control go
I am the one who owns it
Jan 2019 · 709
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
When will it be Friday
So no one will ask why I drink beer

When will it be Friday
So I don't have to think about school

Please let it be Friday
Because I want to be free
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