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 May 2022 Tafuta Atarashī
In the red dusk of the desert with folded umbrella,
I am waiting in the ruins for you.

Touch me with your eyes for my arms aren't enough to hold you,
Breathe life into the shadows of my eyes.

This flutter of my heartbeat is the sign of the approaching storm,
Tearing apart my hopes has always been my favorite tune.

Maybe this traitorous moon was at fault,
cause the fireflies aren't enough to lighten up my world.
Inspired from the song 'sabotage' bebe rexha
I am amazed how self sabotaging one can be,
Ruining something so beautiful.
 Mar 2022 Tafuta Atarashī
My earth was waiting for your stormy footsteps.
They say,
It's not a crime to love what you can't explain.
So you'll be my secret forever
just like the sea's oath to the inquisitive siren.
I promise to hide you in
the crimson of my eyes,
in the blues of my veins.
 Sep 2020 Tafuta Atarashī
God help me in these godless times.
A black sabbath, corrupted holiness
inhabits our hearts and souls.
Sulfur from Satan delivers his kiss.
We made them
nurture them during the day
fist punch full of glitter
mesmerizing the night
a sky full of glittering stars
I see you
I see me
Not being chosen
I see you having more fun
I see you walk by in your seducing scarlet jumpsuit casuallly dismissing me
I see your lips with a dark shade of  maroon moving and not a single moment of silence
I see your hazel brown eyes not even glancing  towards me
I see the red-brown of your hair but they face me
I see your long silver earings dangling and shaking as you laugh
I see the golden bracelets in your hand  slide back as you tie your hair
I see you
I see me
                             All alone
When you are nothing more than a second choice
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
 Nov 2019 Tafuta Atarashī
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
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