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but it doesn't change the fact
that all you can give to the world
is an awkward wave to a girl
who may be dying.
All I remember is the crashing sound
of the old brown door slamming behind me
I'll do anything to get out of here
Get me away, away, away

I raced through the trees
The greenery wizzing by me
My knees began to weaken but I ran on
My chest heaving, I look up to the clouds
Help me*
I choked down a sob

I, I'm not strong enough
I, I can't do it
Just let me go

But, I, I, I-
I c a n 't
The hoarse whisper of my voice
dies with the sweeping of the wind
My legs fail
I fall

Crushing the autumn leaves
beneath my body
I sigh

I am finally away
I'm gone
I have achieved what I came here to do
And my eyes close
for the last time
Out for a walk today, you're looking out a ***** window.
You squint against the overhead sun and see a sky,
ripped and faded light-blue like denim--
the clouds wispy and thread-bare
receding into the white horizon.
Here the sky meets golden-brown grass,
flattened and dry like a pancake.
On the road, the cars dusty and dull,
not even the clean ones shine that much,
but they still sound loud and rushing
like high wind or running water.
You wouldn't be able to tell it's spring here,
except for what it says on the calendar.
Well, the snow is gone and left last-year's trash;
plastic ******* and grocery bags
litter the ditch and empty lots.
It bothers you, so you focus on the patches that look green,
under the brittle stems of old grass.
This is what spring is to you:
dirt, dust, dead grass, and
Marlboro packs and canisters of chew on the sidewalk.
It's the planting of seed in an empty lot,
watering the dry soil,
and clearing out whatever winter buried.
Here, the first stirring of life clears the dust from the window.
Day 9 of National Poetry Month.
I went to a therapist last week.
I've got some things wrong with me.
Turns out I have SPD.
With lots of other "tendencies."
And a part of me wanted to be told,
That I fit the 'normal mold'.
But another part of me wanted validation.
Validation, meaning that what I felt,
Wasn't my imagination.
That's what I got.
And it thickens the plot.
At least I know I'm not insane.
I have these things to blame.
Or is it my brain?
To blame?
I guess,
Maybe everything,
Is to blame.
Including me.
I really don't like the new format of the website. I never like change, however. So add me to the list of things to blame... for this too.
As much as you say you miss as well as want me back. Just know that you have failed me, nothing will changed that fact.
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Grim Reaper
I wish I could be a student of life.
I would ask it questions about why we survive and why we died.
Who gave us brains, not food, but minds.
Where do the real answers lie?
I don’t care much for war or death!
I could be happy sitting on a rooftop or near River!
So why does this reality seem less important,
What are we fighting over?
What are we moving towards?
What I am thinking!
Reminded me of life, Reminded me of learning
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
The Admirer
The thing is, you were a good boyfriend
But my dead feelings had to come to an end
I couldn't pretend to feel for you like before
So I ended us and I run out that door

I ran away because I honestly was afraid
Afraid of what you might have said if I stayed
Once before you told me you loved me
And for that I knew I had to leave

I loved you too, but differently
I couldn´t be faking it to make you live happily
I had to do it, think of myself and I am sorry
To have made you believe we were a love story
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Jaspal Kaur
Go to sleep everything's going to be alright,
Whole life is waiting for you, it's just a matter of night.

The sun will shine in the morning bathing you in it's light,
You need to get up and prepare yourselves to fight.

Erase all the negative thoughts & battle with all your might,
Polish yourself and someday you will shine bright.

Dance on the rhythm of your soul, be humane and polite,
Now go to sleep sleepyhead, it's already midnight..!!!

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