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 May 2018 Some1
Im Sorry Mama
 May 2018 Some1
I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
for those heart broken nights I kept a secret
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
For when we had to stretch a dollar and I acted like I was full, but I really wasn't
I wanted to say I'm sorry to you mama
That during those times that you locked yourself in your room and the cried acting like I didn't know, I already did
 I'm wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
For not being the girl that you wish I was to be
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
Because my heart has been broken so many times and I won't dare tell you
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
Because the biggest secret I have kept is one that is hardest to speak
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
 for those nights that I locked myself in the room and cried silently so you wouldn't know
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to your Mama
Because you do not know the reason why those tears rolled down my face
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
Because you will not know that shadow of my past haunts me at night
I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
 That my ankles are chained to a wall of self-doubt and regret
I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
Because you don't know a man's words is what made me like that
 I wanted to say I'm sorry to you Mama
Because I have no idea how to say all of that
Sometimes what I wish I can say
 Aug 2017 Some1
Jenn Linh
I'm in awe
Sitting here motionless
Absolutely clueless as to
Every turn has its fate
Feelings of f ea r  s
within me.
And I feel so
Just want to close my eyes and put my life in mute
.. Only can imagine you

Im needing you more than you know
Just with a prayer
May you just walk through the door
Show your face
With those eyes that make everything irrelevant vanish
Let me embrace your attention
Feel the warmth I've been craving
And without realising how much this means my heart is filled and I feel no longer fear.
Your presence alone ignites
You've made every piece of me within come back to life
I've never felt something so strong
Just pick me up
   Carry me away
I trust in you and will easily walk away from all I know
Just for you
Let me also be your escape
Inject the words of endearment and lure me through this fairy tale.
With faith in you I see only gold
As you enrapt me with the never knowing you assure me I'll never be cold
So captivated and mesmerised by the rarity you are.
Truly the pleasures mine
As I assure you with my passion so bold
.. forever capture my vulnerabilities
In sync your heart with mine

Tangle our thoughts

   Twine our memory's

Hold my hand and never let me go
Further more my forever treasured
For the day that calls I too will never let you go
And Our love may never be measured

© Jenn Linh
We can wish can't we...
 Aug 2017 Some1
people go through a pain
people then hold their hands
caring is often important in
but not in mine

no one holds my hand

I'm not sad

I just know
how to get my way around
being alone
 Aug 2017 Some1
the only reason people stay is
for my pretty eyes
they like how I make them laugh
all that matters is my body
even my smile is a real catcher
the way I walk
I'm Lost

no love
all about the physical side

what happened to our heartbeat
and feelings

no love
love is dust
 Aug 2017 Some1
Blah blah
 Aug 2017 Some1
Blah blah
"Aren't you tired of feeling the pain again and again.
Looking for the lost pieces,
You know lost things never find their way back, right?
Don't you feel worn out of stretched skin and aching muscles.
You know its making you look pale and fragile, right?
Aren't you fed up of looking for long lost happiness.
You know its not coming back, right?
Don't you feel sick of being desperate for just warmth and love.
You know they don't exist, right?"

"You need to do something other than getting hurt all the time."

"I know, I know.
I'm trying."
And when i wrote this, the clock said 23:59.
 Aug 2017 Some1
I'm a no one;
Just a stranger that happened to pass by,
Who made a silly mistake,
Yet you talked like we were meant to.

Just a peculiar case;
Talking random things,
That seem to mean nothing,
Yet made its way to be remembered.

A cathartic mess;
Leaving a note that said I'll leave,
Trying to forget how much it'd hurt;
You told me to come back.

Words that made me hold on,
Coming from the most unexpected person;

Dancing with what you've said,
Somehow excruciatingly sweet;

Exhausted with nothing more to say,
Though wanting to talk;
Cold coffee.
I miss you

Even if I know you don't remember me
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