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 Oct 2016 Josie
Michelle Jordan
You put yourself
Above the world
To prove that you're important

But you see not
That a pedestal built
On shifting sands
Will only fall down, around you

How blind you are
To the light of life
Seeing only, the light IN your life

Drama Queen, my dear
Why can't you seem to see
You are not above the rest

You're pedestal built on shifting sands
Is built upon the same sands;
Shifting in all our lives

Relinquish your crown
Stand amongst the rest of us
Look through the grains of sand
You are no different
 Oct 2016 Josie
 Oct 2016 Josie
Today and yesterday were the same,
People acted like animals who can't be tamed
So i decided to walk away,
Drama is too much,
I can't stand for it a next day.

These emotional series of circumstances just get to me,
I wonder why people can't get along and let things be.
No, this isn't a play for theater or television,
Shakespeare has nothing to do with this.
Yet to be social this is my vision,
But is living without being too social too much of a risk?

                                                          ­                                      Jonesy 2016©
 Oct 2016 Josie
drama queen, drama queen
looking for attention
facebook is your movie screen
the place of your invention

drama queen, drama queen
hoping for some tension
facebook is your movie scene
the place for your dissension
 Oct 2016 Josie
Sunako Tortyrshy
Lets walk alongside the path of
Shattered, Crushed and Grotesque dreams,
Where we'll dance to the
Screams and whimpers in the close distance.
Their shrills excites us
As we go on a killing rampage,
Using those humans as our personal piñatas.
Feeling no remorse as we wash our bodies
In their pathetic blood and
We begin to laugh...
This, my dear, is our
I'm feeling slightly insane at the moment, and so I came up with this for my sadistic boyfriend. He's a sadist and I'm a *******. The perfect pair.
 Oct 2016 Josie
 Oct 2016 Josie
"Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane."
 Oct 2016 Josie
Poetic T

                                                               ­          Inside

I am going insane.
Oh wait, I already am.
I see the demons already,
I see the floods.
At least I don't see,
crimson blood.
 Oct 2016 Josie
 Oct 2016 Josie
Once upon a time
there was a cactus
it can be seen–
can't be touched.

Thus, value yourself.
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