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 Mar 2017 Kyle
Awesome Annie
I search for him in my sleep.
His name falling from moon kissed lips,
and slipping into the tangled sheets.

I reach for him.
beyond blurred shadows and blanket barriers,
Arms stretching across vacant space so hopelessly.

Nightmares stay on the edge.
Pawing in frustration that his adoration elevates me,
placing me upon a pedestal far beyond their monstrous grip.

Night fades in a kaleidoscope of rising colors.
Crumbling the darkness into opulent  light,
leaving me always breathless in this unspoken place.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Marisa Lu Makil
He carried a crimson bible
And held it between his hands
He flipped through it with his fingers
And taught me to understand.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Megan Sherman
Across the ancient shimmering sands
Blows the medley for all lands
Uniting all with exquisite blare
In which the babes of the earth doth share
Swaying their heads and clapping their hands

This is the song. Hear how it flows
Consists in it a truth that grows
To which we are wed and betrothed
In it the light of justice shows

To vanquish evil as it crows
Banishing mortal fears and woes
The song is ours, we sing it loud
Rejoice in voice that is sure and proud
That hath all ears rapt in throe
 Mar 2017 Kyle
the fight
 Mar 2017 Kyle
the blankness
utter blankness
spiraling through the night
trying to latch on
no i say
let go of me
shaking it off
feeling it's teeth sink in once more
i go limp
the stars above start to spin
and my mouth goes dry
i cannot feel anymore
just my senses and i
lol word dump
 Mar 2017 Kyle
 Mar 2017 Kyle
She was like a cup of coffee.
A plain, black, cup of coffee.
She kept the world awake.

Her personality was warm,
But she had a bitter aftertaste.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Stephanie M Ruiz
“I’ll take a look at it when I’m done with my wine.”
Mother is never done with her wine.
With a slow movement,
she twirls the glass,
takes one last sip
and opens a new bottle.

Mother likes to take her time,
drinking gin, drinking coffee,
reading her novels, cleaning the house.
She likes to keep busy.
Mother’s work is never done.

“Show it to me later.”
But later never comes.

Mother is too occupied.
Mother is too sad.
Mother is oblivious.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
 Mar 2017 Kyle
it eased my mind to know that
somewhere between parallel worlds
somewhere in another life
somewhere in different universe
i am able to be with you
i am able to feel your warmth in my fingertips
i am able to collide my lips with yours
maybe not in this life
maybe not in this reality i live in right now
but still, it eased my mind to know that somewhere
i'm not alone, and we're not on our own
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