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 Mar 2020 Ayana
Raygan Emma Jane
Lately I have felt the tides turning
This isn’t love but what it feels like to fall out of it
I opened my eyes underwater and for the first time in years I could see
There is an ocean of other people
And a man thirty minutes north of Miami
2391.1 km from me
Who feels the tides turning too
 Mar 2020 Ayana
Edmund black
We all strive
To be our best version
Of a perfect self

We all want
The perfect body
The perfect things
The perfect poems

But the funny
Thing is

It’s always
The quirk
The flaw
The ingenuity
That always stands out
 Jan 2018 Ayana
Em Quinn
 Jan 2018 Ayana
Em Quinn
i smile at the mirror,
to remind myself that i can.
because i've forgotten what it feels like.

i spend hours repeating the same phrase in my head,
just to make sure it sounds right.
"hi... could i please have the-"
it never does.

i stare at the crimson lines on my wrists,
and try to convince myself that they're beautiful.
no one else thinks that though,
so why should i?

i check my pulse,
because i need to know that life is temporary.
i need to know that one day it'll be over.

i stare at my reflection,
but i don't recognize the girl looking back at me.
why is she so broken?
she follows me like a ghost.

the time passes so slow,
that a minute feels like a day,
and i wonder if it'll ever end.
will it ever end?

i wake up with tear stains on my pillow,
blood soaked sheets.
i don't remember though.
regret is not an easy feeling to deal with.

i watch mouths move in front of me,
but the screams in my head take up too much space.
so i hear nothing.
"can you repeat that please?"

my hands are raw and tired, scratched away to nothingness.
"how'd you get that burn?'
all i can say is that it was an accident.
was it?

sometimes a lot of things.
sometimes i wish i wasn't here.
sometimes my body doesn't feel like mine.
sometimes i want to cut the pain out of my body.
is that possible?
hi so I haven't been on here in quite a while and i just rediscovered it so here i am once again! this is about my struggles with mental health, and it means a lot to me to be honest. i still struggle every day, but i'm trying my best and i think that's what matters.
 Jan 2018 Ayana
William A Gibson
in darkness
I left you
was when your heart was slow
instructed by the western strand
'gather your clothes and go.'

I missed you
this morning
we moved from where we strayed
slipping free of drunken vows
fevered flesh had made

your soft
small picture
commands me now to kneel
deny the gods I knew before
and drop this broken shield

I'll ask you
'please cut this tender thread.
it bleeds and binds my all to you,
your body, and your bed

that simple
small mercy
returns my broken life
where your kiss can never hurt me
Orion fades from sight'

I know how
you'll answer
'we are so lightly here,
It is in love that we are made,
in love we disappear'

too wise or
too simple
it's either black or white
unhealed, I'll tear at stitches
bleed out this fatal life

years later
onto those soft lit eyes
your warm belly fluttered
in a melody of sighs
then drowsy, low rain
fell there so we'd float
and drift through the desert
in a little rowboat.
 Jan 2018 Ayana
Pagan Paul
My World
 Jan 2018 Ayana
Pagan Paul
And I stumble on across the barren land,
the mist, like a shroud, about me swirls,
chipped flint rocks assault my bare feet,
an endless quarry of slate grey, my world.

So the curtain of sadness and submission falls,
covering my mind with an opaque funeral drape,
the hazy images of the isolated and desolate,
forming the features of depressions landscape.

Vaguely felt, the invasion of another waits,
blind and innocent in a palace of real fear,
set free to roam in a strange arid topography,
desperate times pause for vision to be clear.

A stark scene viewed through teardrops frozen,
by ice winds of piercing calamity and despair,
of a place exclusive to the disaffected and lonely,
the last retreat for an exhausted mind to repair.

And this is my world where the haunted party,
leave me be with my cold mists and grey stone,
the frozen tear for a souvenir means everything,
my special gift, the feeling of being utterly alone.

© Pagan Paul (24/01/18)
Some people slip into a black hole when depression strikes but this poem is where I go when it affects me badly.
I'm OK, just writing about it whilst I can.

— The End —