I'm Indian, but my ancestors/forefathers were Mesopotamian , Middle Eastern /Arabian. I was born in Nigeria,( Western Africa) grew up in South Africa and currently …
All original work is my own, and copyrighted by Medusa, and A. Wild. unless otherwise credited. Medusa painting by S. Christian, my dear friend irl, …
Carthage, Tunisia
‘For Bouazzi, Shelley’s rhetoric is “bound up with the human makeup” (11). This toughly elegant formulation articulates the book’s conviction that Shelley’s affirmation and disaffirmation …
The deep crests and troughs of my heart led me to the electric signals down the brain where I found nothing unusual except your revelations …
we who share vestige of our intimate uniqueness, are different — just be you, that is your greatest strength —stay strong ... stay blessed — …