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Sasevardhni Apr 2023
A guy from the neighbouring coffee table,
Had a long narrated fable.
I shamelessly overheard without any cable.
His narration was so adorable.
******* **** was clearly audible.

My anger was uncontrollable.
I wonder how it was gossip-able
Me. becoming a sexist was unavoidable.
As guys gossiping ruthlessly about a love story was unbelievable.

It was all about suiting the unsuitable.
The cheeky listener filmed the unfilmable.
Called it a pornograph, as if he isn't able.

Girls have ethics
Go girls-gossip girls with ground rules.

The suspense lies in the unheard truth.

Apr 2023 · 351
Sasevardhni Apr 2023
So tiny, so alone,
    Together so grown.

Unknowingly known by everyone,
              Being single, you are known.

Being found elsewhere/everywhere,
      But duration never matters somewhere.

"Being blood offers one pain.
Being rain presents one fun.
But being in tears gives an indecipherable fear."

Signals are never red forever.
  Just waiting for a chance, I dare.

So I take a little strain
   to count your absence hereafter.

The real quest is,
Not the bliss of a droplet
But the isolated emotions in it.
Apr 2023 · 155
Dear brother
Sasevardhni Apr 2023
That dear brother.
For whom I do a little bother.
To recite further.

I know he is amiable.
He is staunch enough when he quibbles.

He is,
Confident in his content
And debates until he is content.

I thought he was downright polite.
But nevertheless, he is
That inquisitive charm of his is elite.

He, a good advertiser
But  a better reasoner
And the best advisor.

"Dear, dear brother
I know not your second face
But am aware of a hand full of few."
Apr 2023 · 2.0k
Aunty tea to Bhaiya tea!
Sasevardhni Apr 2023
Until I turned nineteen,
I never considered where I had been.
I couldn't be seen.
As I have never been on the scene.

Every morrow, I called out to my aunt
To express my love,
and welcome a cup of tea
That is dear to me.

"I hailed to thee,
Aunty, tea."
When she delays a little,
I became a prattle.

A mature lady smiles and places a cup of tea
What a great human is she!

As I had to traverse to another city,
I had to shift to a hostel that had no tea
Not a day did I receive
A mere cup of tea.

Every morrow, every eve,
All I yearn about is only her and I.

Like a mother, the love she showered.
Like a roe,
Neither did I apprehend
Nor did I reciprocate.
Here my mind does thoroughly replicate.
                .... TEA....

Every morrow, every eve
I buy tea,
Just by paying the fee
which I used to get for free.

Not lovingly calling Aunty tea
To an unrelated shopkeeper
Asking, 'Bhaiyah Tea'.
Nov 2020 · 245
COVID 2019
Sasevardhni Nov 2020
Oh my dear Corona
What on earth have we done to you?
With or without wearing a mask
We could neither live nor die.

You came in through the air.
To stop us travelling by air.
Object us from breathing the way we were
To walk maskless on the streets became so rare.

You flew in uninvited.
You made people become intimidated.
You took our rights ignoring legislation norms.
You made our lives miserable by questioning our norms.

The old has almost lost its worth
The colours have almost faded in youth.
The bride and groom are chocking to accept maskless wedding bells.
The newborns won't know how a maskless dwells.

Like a demon, you ****** our blood in the ways possible.
Eliminating a commoners purpose in life is the norm for you.
Should an infant learn to wear a mask before it treats to suckle?
Should Shutting down a layman's joy be a delight to you?

Who the hell are you?
An uninvited guest ruining everything around you
Wasting an individual's precious time,
Spoiling a wonderful year.

You got your name and fame
by Stealing one's beloved possessions.
How cruel could you be!
Butchering lives with or without attacking.

Should you stay forever or be gone before dawn!
Jun 2020 · 257
Ode to My Spirit
Sasevardhni Jun 2020
Hey dear Granpa,
I know that I owe
A letter to you
A verse for thou.

On this father's day
I write one with a lot to say
Firstly, your presence was my gay
Your love didn't let me cross the bay.

I have a father who looked after my expenses.
Whereas, you brought me up with all the senses
Showing how to go beyond one's fences
by using mind's lenses.

I tried to follow your ways
But I kept going in search of love
Forgetting no one can be you
And, I was caught facing anxiety.

How can I forget those
Long walks which didn't last long
The endless conversations which did end
Bicycle rides which steered away to sides.

I saw the people, and I understood the world,
I witnessed the love, and I saw the sacrifices,
But I couldn't see you....
My heart yearns to end my best moment with you.

I wish I were able to see you
I hope I could feel you
I beseech I were long gone with you
I wish, I wish, and I wish to be with you.

I don't want love my dear
I don't want marriage my dear
I don't want parents my dear
All I need is those loving moments with you

Can't we read a novel again
Can't we fight over a book again
Can't we talk for hours about it again
Can't we seek a judge to wave a victory flag for us?

dated: 21/6
Jun 2020 · 244
To laugh out aloud.
Sasevardhni Jun 2020
I know you as a person
I understand you as a friend
I appreciate you as an individual,
I can always see you more than a friend.
Who likes to laugh
To laugh unknown of reason,
To laugh unknown of season.
No matter of winter is cold,
No issue of spring being pleasant
All that you want is
To laugh out aloud.

I guess miseries are with you
So that you laugh a minute of few
I guess sorrows r hear
So you laugh to bear
Happenings are rare
It is not meant for you to carry.
But, you do admit
Your laughter is your gear
Worries are here and there
You ought to share
For them not be a mare
Never, you regret to deliver
Your pain  doesn't stay forever
Never, you regret to convey here
As your true laughter
Would return to you for sure
Sasevardhni Dec 2018
I have never known that I will be my tutor,
Since 2014 every respective day,
Is self-taught schooling in a way,
Day in and day out I discovered a lot.
Every year we mount up not realizing that we really are.
Though most of us look forth, some of us never fail to look back at our amour.

At a glance, Wordsworth saw ten thousand daffodils.
So did I, but my past.
Every day appeared different to me.

Have I been that one person?
Who cribbed and mourned with least reasons.
Knowing that God bestows me with joyful seasons,
I underestimated the power of self-taught lessons
As I considered them as unseen lesions.
Forgetting that they encompassed a few of my missions.

At a glance, Wordsworth saw ten thousand daffodils.
So did I, but my present.
Every heyday wasn't innovative to me

The year was good for me
But, I didn't allow anyone to see
As I have always thought of the secret behind being free
It would have taken a few minutes to glee
Where I kept waiting for my fling to cross the seven seas.
No wonder why didn't I seize, the best moments of gleaming breeze.

At a glance, Wordsworth saw ten thousand daffodils.
So did I, but my future.
Each day was a threat to me.

Though complaints and blames are two different terms,
They deserve a meaning of their own.
As I knew my students deserve the best lessons
I sowed good thoughts and positive vibes.
Like a preacher, I followed a few of my words.
But I didn't bother to carry to them in my world.

At a glance, Wordsworth saw ten thousand daffodils.
So did I, but roses, thorns, and petals.
Each and every day reminded me, who should I be.

There is a heaven and a hell in every one of us
We need to find out the best and worst sides of it
But most of never know how to figure out.
I could be one of them.
We have our answers for dos and don'ts
Have I not been the one?
Who mostly won
All my battles on my own.
Sasevardhni Oct 2018
I lived a life
A life with you.
I never knew
Every day will be so new.

I thank God.
As I am blessed.
I thank God
For I am being loved.

I knew one day
That you will die
Will die one day
But, Didn't expect it that day.

Your birth meant a lot
Your death is meaning a lot.
The truth behind pressure.

Some knew that you were my treasure
Except one, none stood beside
When my heart experienced that torture.

I got to know I'm learning a lot.

You should have known the battles
The battles that were fought
Your presence was a visual essence
Your absence is an unexplained presence

I thought through birth
we learn a lot
I forgot to think
A death teaches a lot.

I can't tell you
How much I miss you
The day you see my pillow
You may know.
When your beloved leaves you, you may take time to accept it but no one can explain that invisible scar......... .
Aug 2018 · 370
Where can one find love?
Sasevardhni Aug 2018
An omniscient voice said,
We are human beings,
Without any humanity.
Some are spoiling the purity of fertility
******* around not knowing whom to **** around
One speaks nonsense and expects the other to reply.
Each and every one has their wish and will,
Which shapes an individual
But some lovely bodies will do nothing
Instead, keep complaining
About the world being round
Assuming that the hidden truth was found.
Money, food, flesh are the three vitamins
All that one needs in life
Whereas one may just need a knife.
To **** that cliché
To show the life in a sachet.
Forgetting that we in a reverie
Of so-called living.
Ask yourself "Am I living or Surviving? "
The brain will suggest option A
While heart will be throbbing to say "SURVIVING".
The definition of the term ‘Privacy'
Is lost in networks ‘Secrecy'
Videotaping ones ‘Intimacy'
Has become our ‘Fantasy'
How can they be a wrong deed
When they satisfy our need.
Most of us convert money
From foreign to the native currency
Forgetting that we are
Literally converting needs to wants.
The dying proverb
"Money makes many things"
Has become the living truth
"Money is everything"
We all have forgotten to exchange goods.
Is it because the barter system is extinct now?
Where can one find love?
Is it in the self or in the other?
Jul 2018 · 616
Vitamin Cff
Sasevardhni Jul 2018
We are acknowledged as human beings.

The difference between need and change,
Reminded her about Derrida's defferance.

Being a human,
She is mostly in need of someone.
Or, sometimes seeking for a better one.

Though she owned everything,
She demanded something.
Although she knew to dance, draw and sing,
Her heart ached to possess a fling.

The undivided universe revolves around three elements,
Apart from the God-given five elements.
Cash, food and flesh.
She was always in a rush
Who forgot to blush on seeing her crush

Though love seems to be a priority,
Some of us don't have the time to stop and relish one's individuality.
But has all the liberty to judge other's sexuality,
And feel sorry about an unknown casualty.
Most of us have never hesitated to escape reality
Thus our face encourages duality.

Though the universe grasps the truth,
The concept of acceptance became an issue,
Maybe, that's why some great words were used as a tissue.
Trying not to get the point, but just get offended.
The confused woman heard, "accept, don't expect".
Thus she accepted the truth, "Money makes many things"
And she stopped expecting a change.
Jan 2018 · 1.1k
Sasevardhni Jan 2018
Like placing a Sitar
I placed you with care,
On my lap I dare,
On my lap, till I fell asleep.

My fingers ran over those dots
Came to know the plots
As I felt my cracky sneaks
Smiled on turning the leaves
On sensing your corners
Understood the creator's pain
The pain of adorning those leaves
Those leaves that have thorns and veins
You contained dots,
Dots, six popped out,
six punched in.
Heartfelt heavy for sure
On analysing the torture
The torture of oneself
Shed tears on knowing the revealed fact
The revealed story.

Slid within,
Felt the essence of love and life
I didn't want to harm
To harm by a pen
By a pen by underlining the passage.

Hats off to Louis Braille
A blind man
Felt the essence of a novel
Though those eyes were at rest
Though the world is black
Lived the moment of colours
By the warmth of which the eyes fell asleep.

Dated: 19.10.2014
Oct 2017 · 417
Sasevardhni Oct 2017
From the moment of leaving mother's womb
We shed tears
The first cry/weep of a child
Is nevertheless mild
A mixture of scream so wild
Not knowing the first cry will be the last
As the world is so vast
And sometimes certain things either couldn't be
surpassed or could be stopped.

Though joy and pleasure
aren't hand in hand for sure
Both provide smile and laughter
But, joy renders smile and tear,
Pleasure may render
Regret and tear later.
Though sadness and displeasure
Aren't hand in hand for sure
Both lead to stillness and tears
But, sadness yield faint smile and tear
The excitement takes us aboard
Love showers reasonless smile
A reasonless smile and tears

Pinch of salt in certain food
Makes it so good
Whereas the salt in tears
Provides oximoron's reason either.

Dated: 10.8.2014
Sep 2017 · 546
Running Towards Goal
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Running towards goal,
Is like tickling your soul,
No one literally knows your role
Don't be a fool
Better do your role.

Everyone has their own mask
And they never unmask
Until you pester and ask
Better go ahead
With your own task
Without wearing a mask.

There is always a stepping stone
So, don't stop to mourn
List of the succeeded people were known
Don't forget
Your goal is what you own
Climb the stairs
To take your chair
Then you can share
All the dares.

Running towards goal
Is like tickling your soul
No one literally knows your role
You should know to fetch your goal.

Dated: 24.7.2017
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
The novel has more than six hundred pages
Each and every page has it's flavoured essence
If the essence of one page dilutes
It isn't really diluted
And, just adds varied flavours
Simultaneously the other page dilutes
Dilutes a little.

Flavours of essence is completely known
Quality of dilution is partially shown
Neither complete nor partial
Either incomplete or impartial
Words are of such
Which posses a sensory touch
No words could be neglected,
No pages could be skipped,
A word is a sword
A page is an image
An unseen film
An imaginative one.

The author has enriched his work
The novel does move around with the following
Most of the readers should have run short of words
Other than admiring.

Love and care,
Care and love;

Love for knowledge,
Knowledge of love;

Love vs betrayal,
Betrayal subsiding love;

Betrayal of characters
Characters are given roles of betraying.

Yes, yes, yes
The characters that betrayed
Were pathetic of all
Kinetic for sure.

The novel has more than six hundred pages
Each and every page has it's flavoured essence
If the essence of one page dilutes
It isn't really diluted.

Dated 30.6.2012
Sep 2017 · 537
Grandpa's Lecture On Love
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Once I asked my Grandpa,
When can a person fall in love?
He laughed and gave a lecture
A lecture considering future
His lesson was in vernacular.
All I did was just jotted down
Certain highlighted quotes
Translated them into English language
I object certain points of his
I converted them into a poem.

The poem begins in this way
The way in which we may
We may agree to lay.

Love is 'the pure feel'
The dart that is felt by looks
Boards with likes
Sustains with a little lust
As long a fertility sustains
Continues with mock fights
Lives with silly numerous apologizes
Departs with spirituals
May later live as individuals

Thou fall in love
When you are qualified.
Make sure, that your beloved
Is qualified too
Who owns a character for you.
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Ha, ya is it I,
Why don't I,
Why don't I, need to lie?
That I love
Love the person who knows me more
It is with whom I spent on the shore.

As I like you
Wonder I either like or love
Wonder whether my heart a slave ;)
A slave for you or for him
He knows me
You know me
I know you both
Is that a beautiful sloth
Is it I,
Who fell for you,
Who fell for him
I love the way he cares for me
I love the way you care for me
I love him
I want to marry him ;)
I need to be with him.
Oh no, then you
I love you too
What will you do
What do I need to do
Love accompanies a little lust

What could I be
I spend time with you
Which he never knew.
I spend time with him
Which you do know.
Is that your tactics
Draws me to you
Or is that 'the love'
Draws me to both
Am I on right path
Fear not to step into sloth (pit)
Are my hormones triggering
Triggering me not to love
To love you
Or to love him
Let me know
The innocent love
Stole my dove ;)
Know Cupid is blind ;)
Sep 2017 · 425
To My Mother
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
She may not bother the universe
But for her family
She is a resource

She may not be the queen of England
Deserves to be the queen of her land,
Who left her own land,
Likely to live with the licensed hand,
Towards the world
Her looks are simply bold,
For family, the decorum she holds
Who sometimes accepts,
never conveyed love.
Husband and children were bestowed
With unconditional love.
Positive patronage ply so high
For others to sigh
At, patterned family file.
Not for the world she lives
But to,
Rest her soul for family's peace.
Sep 2017 · 352
Should She S.....
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
She was single for ages,
Friends taunted her by different sages.
She prefers to be alone,
As to answer there could be none.
All she loves is animal,
Forgetting she too is a mammal.
She longs for something,
Which none can think of providing?
She is a self question-mare,
As well a self-answer.

She just thinks,
As her thoughts sink,
Providing several hyperlinks,
Which vanishes by mighty winks,
While her itchy nose turns into pink,
Whilst simply imagine a sip of tea to drink.

She owned a magic wand,
The once living wand,
At every need, proved to be a wand,
That was her treasure to be known by wand,
Not sure has she lost her wand
Trusts she has not lost her wand.

She was not single for ages
As she had her MAGIC wand
She was then given
Given a wand later
She wanted to accept
Situations held her back
The wand thought to wait
She aided the wand not to wait
Her wand preferred to wait.

Old is gold
Coals become diamonds
Undug Gems may be dug later
She should seek for
Wand to be a wand or magic wand.

Dated: 3.1.2016
Sep 2017 · 314
Ode To Power Cut
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Somehow, day in and day out,
I get to meet you throughout,
To deal with at some sought,
Scheduled duties lay at doubt,
Of incompletes, to tackle their shout.

Day by day you are simply shown,
Hour by hour your value is known,
Certitude, a minute of day you are spoken,
Amid of rustles in a day.
Wailing a fellowship at no reason.
You neither wan nor wax.
But a tortune fact
To miss you for an hour of the day.

An individual tries to seethe
Of turmoil.
Hamlets are at rage
For their clarions too are at no usage.
Thou neither being a human nor a beast
But play a truant in individual's life.

People are known for jocund,
As, when you depart
never wish a bye,
But when you arrive,
We feel that serene
And greet you in.

Dated: 16.3.2013
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Is Life rewindable?
Is Life rewindable?
If is it so?

Just imagine
Stepping into the past,
Unknown of the caste,
Enjoying those lovely days in mom's womb,
Which is always the sweetest home,
Where nobody dares to boom (scolds)
After birth

Torchering parents with sleepless nights
Loving silly fights,
Arguing for simple rights,
Embracing days of sights.....

Oh, no...,
After reaching a certain height,
Partition with parents may create at sight,
Innocence of love and affection may disappear
Senseless problems and fights...fear,
Some even end up with answerless tears,
If lucky problem clears.....

Will the days of past never appear?
Is there an option to go to the past?

Dated: 27.11.2011
Sep 2017 · 224
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
I went out at the day
I saw a green lake
On nearing it
Finally on stepping on it
I came to know its fake.

I saw a grey cake
On nearing it
Finally on touching it
I came to know its a cloudy grey smoke.

I saw a rose bed
On admiring it
Went near to it
Finally on sensing it
I came to know its a place where phenolphthalein fed.

At night I reached home
I was given a cup of 'Bru'
Thought it wasn't true
and threw.

It fell on my feet
Finally on feeling the heat
I came to know
Things which I thought was true wasn't true
This cup of Bru is really true!

Dated: 23.10.2009
Sep 2017 · 278
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Water, water, water.
What is all about water?
A day without you
Is really a painful matter.
You are found everywhere
Pure, impure, dust dare
Many never hesitate to share
But be aware
One day you may really be rare.
Sep 2017 · 325
Dear Brother
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Hey you are my,
Dear dear brother.
For whom I do a little bother.
I do have something
Something to recite further.

I suppose, I know you are amiable
Staunch enough when you quibble.

You are,
Strong enough with your concept
Never withdrawing,
Even when offered a receipt.

I thought you are entirely polite
But nevertheless, you are
Of course possessing charm of your's is elite
And that is my delight.

You, a good advertiser
But a better reasoner
And the best advisor.

Dear, dear brother
I know not your second face
But do aware a hand full of few
So as you say

I take little strains to view you.

Signals are never red forever
Just waiting for a chance I dare
So take little strain
to count my absence hereafter
As memories are within for sure
My concepts are a little rare
But do please bare.

The real quest is
not the bliss of mine
But of all.

Dear dear brother
My recitation can never
be completed for sure.

Dated: 20.8.2013
Sep 2017 · 264
Smile as Her Veil
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Smile as Her Veil

She does simply smile
A smile that lets one walk for a mile
She does simply smile
A smile that is so cute and fine
Her smile looks so real
That makes a person to accept her deal
The ends of her lips stretch to its length
That does deliver her strength
Her lips marks her presence
None knows the hidden essence
Her eyes contained strains
Her heart accumulated with worries
Her brain filled with stress
Is nevertheless revealed in her smile.

Her smile is her friendly veil
Which supports her routine sail
Sailing with a smile facing tides.
Behind her smile the melancholy hides
Like a curtain
Just waving with folds and shrinks
Wonder what melancholy her smile withholds
For, her real smile to uphold.

   - Sasevardhni.

— The End —