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  Aug 2014 Shanijua
I cannot stop writing about you. Every little thing I can remember, I've written it down.
I've written you down.
A permanent stain on these sheets.
Shanijua Aug 2014
Conclusions were drawn, better now than ever.
Realizing the past was only a door that had been
shut, a little easier it was to accept. Only temptation
Not anything could lessen the desire of having
her name called back onto her or
the feel of strong hands trailing along her back.
She ached to feel the heat from his body
as it burned her skin, a sensation she could not live
Her tongue felt lonely without a partner to dance with but
never had she been kissed..
His fingers being on every surface of her clothes less body
could send her into oblivion.

To loose her innocence was all she wanted.
  Aug 2014 Shanijua
People are nothing more than a blur of genitalia,
to savor, then scrap.

The Catch is a rehearsed routine,
catcalls turned to cat scratches
and long blonde hairs stuck to his lapel;
his wife will make
he'll repent.

Lip bites and ***** licks,
the high leaves long breaths
escaping quenched lips.

**** falling for you,
I'd rather
******* and leave
standing up straight
Shanijua Aug 2014
Moving on isn't as easy as everyone might think.
As much as you try to, a part of you will not let go
of that little piece of hope. You might know that
it's useless and that you're wasting your time; however,
You can't help yourself. Your mind refuses to let
go of the past yet you are terrified of the future.
Maybe the one you lost has already moved on, still
emotions stay the same. No matter what you do
or what you say, deep down you know that not a
**** thing has changed. You hurt when you see
him or her happy but will not do anything about
it. Why would you?  You accept that this is how
it's going to have to be and you live with it
because that's what you know how to do.
Shanijua Aug 2014
I've heard of  having the pleasure
of finding your true love. They say
nothing else matters to you once your
eyes meet. The songs say that you
would do anything to have the presence
of your soul mate with you.
The movies show two halves becoming
a whole.
Reality isn't so poetic. The movies
and songs didn't inform me of the
negative sides of love.
They didn't tell me how bad it
would continuously hurt if you
lost the one you thought you loved.
My favorite quote doesn't
relate to how ****** I feel a night
when I know he is just fine.
Or maybe I'm too young to know of
love. Whatever it is, it hurts just
the same.
Shanijua Aug 2014
I had to last a week with my personal satan.
Hell on earth, the only thing life was lacking
was the burning pit.
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