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Shanijua Aug 2014
His smile is contagious
his laugh unforgettable,
his personality unbeatable.
The stars do not compare
to his beauty, the beating
of the waves on the beach
have nothing on the thrill
he gives my heart.
My lips smile like a
fools' at the sight of
him. It's not love,
but infatuation still, my
emotions refuse to
differentiate. When
I was a little girl, I'd say
he gave me butterflies
But now as I'm older,
I can say those butterflies
have turned into gigantic
butterflies that feed on
my sanity. I have
all but confessed my
unyielding love upon him.
I pray to God he can't
read  my mind for I
would dig a six foot
hole to bury myself.
Shanijua Aug 2014
I used to compare you
to the music that I couldn't
live without.
Your words, sweeter than
any melody, could save me.
I never gave any thought
of how I could adore
someone I barely knew
so much, nor did I care.
With the slightest touch
of my body, I was yours.
How I wish it wasn't so,
for you slipped away.
I can feel the ache of
my tattered heart as
it pounds in my ribcage
reminding me of the
ache that doesn't seem
to go away.
I sought to find a drug
to erase all evidence
of you, to relieve me
from this hell.
I prayed for it all
just to have been in my
head, my imagination
going out of control.
The tears that fight
to escape are the only
physical evidence
that prove that the
past year was indeed
real and was not
a product of my
vivid imagination.
I have been ******
to live without knowing
what could have been.
Maybe nothing would
be different at all and
you still wouldn't give
a **** about me.
I realize how great the
chance is of the same
outcome, yet I can't
help but to break
inside when I see
you happy and with
someone. So, *******.
You have so much
power over me and
you don't even have
the slightest clue.
Shanijua Aug 2014
******. After two months
my breath still catches in
my throat when I see his face.
What the hell
Shanijua Jul 2014
She's come to terms of what she is. A *****.
Not in the sense of sleeping with an abundance
Of men, no I should explain..
Once she was asked try marijuana but said, 'no I prefer *******'
Then preceded to light a cigarette.  
Her mom told her not to be peer pressured by her friends and that
No is a complete sentence. They asked her to have a beer
But her answer was 'no, I already had a glass of ***** before I came'
Whilst she opened up a wine cooler.
'If you aren't ready, I won't make you.'
Said the nineteen year old guy she was in
Bed with. He had no protection but she
Unbuttoned her shirt, proceeding to ******
Him. This boy.. He wasn't her boyfriend, he was five
Years older than her. But surely that wasn't the problem-
Her girlfriend was waiting in the car. That doesn't
Make her a *****. This was the first time she's ever
Slept with anyone...

A ***** corrupts the world around her whether she knows it
Or not.. Her life is a game; played with the highest of stakes.
First she will corrupt her mind.. Her body.. Her social life.
But it's okay, she says. No one cares about a *****.
I was listening to Ode to Sleep and a line in the song inspired me to write this.
  Jul 2014 Shanijua
it seems I am out of place
filled with vacant conversations
and a weary heart
I'm not suicidal
I don't want to breath,
Breathing is thinking
I don't want to think.
I don't want to feel.
it seems I am out of place
and a weary heart and heavy mind are not easily mended with vacant conversations
I'm not suicidal
I just want this void to fill.
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