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Aleczander Feb 2019
Sono diverso,
Un maniaco,
Odio tutto,
riguardo a me,
sui miei sentimenti

Ma lui,
Il modo in cui i suoi occhi brillano,
Lo splendore nel suo sorriso,
Amo il modo in cui mi fa sentire
Penso di amarlo.

Ma lui non mi amerĂ  '
Sono un maniaco,
Sono diverso,
E un ragazzo.
So this is a poem that I wrote in the pov of one of my OC.
His name is Gabriel Bello Giordano.
The boy the poem is talking about well his name is Raul Dante Leone
Don't worry I will translate the poem.
Aleczander Feb 2019
Is all I see and feel when I look in the mirror.

I cry for help,
But no one heard me,
So I went silent,
No one hears my weeping,
My Sobs,
My Screams,
So I say I'm 'OK'.

Can't you see,
I'm BrOKen,
I'm covered in,
And I feel nothing but,

I'm not OK,
I'm BrOKen.
Sorry, I took so long. I am trying to get back in art.
Aleczander Feb 2019
We all are born INSANE,
Some a little less than others,
Some show it,
Some grow out,
Some grow In,
Some say they're not INSANE,
But we are all INSANE,
And it's a good thing.
Being INSANE is fun.
Aleczander Feb 2019
Blood is Red,
Bruises are Blue,
You are Special,
And that why I love you.
Just a little twist for V day.  I was listening to Good With Grenades - Bruises and Bitemarks when I wrote this
Aleczander Feb 2019
I hear your heart scream in pain,
I hear your heart's Silent Scream,
A pain that only love and knives can fix,
Don't you just love that feeling,

As they tell you to cut, hate, and Bleed,
As they say, they will help you,
As they say, they love you,
As they speak all but the truth,
As you beg for there love they promised you,

Just a tip,
They don't love you,
They will never help you,
They will never speak the truth,
They call you weak as you cry,
You're not weak you are human,

They don't hear your Silent Scream,
Your Silent Scream for help,
Your Silent Scream of pain,
But I hear your Silent Scream for help,
Of pain,

I see the Storm in your eyes,
I hear the Silence in your voice'
I feel the Heaviness in your heart,
I care for you,
I will help you,
I love you My Dove.
My love for my dove. pt1

— The End —