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452 · Oct 2020
Love Me Dead
Will you love me still
when my flesh has fallen to rot?
Will you love me
when decay has taken my form,
and fed my flesh
to a grave full of worms?
Or should I slow the
gangrenous bubbling of my skin?
Will you love the ivory perfection
of my bones, sweet one,
so like the grasping branches
of a dead tree...?
Will you still lie by my side,
our flesh rotting together,
the roots of a tree twining through
our ribcages?
Will you still love me,
love me dead?
404 · Oct 2020
I Died at my Death
I died at my death
And that was a shame
My sun went to nova
With no one to name

I died at my death
And that was a pain
My song undersung
And nothing to gain

I died at my death
You called out my name
Weeping and broken
But no one's to blame

I died at my death
I went to the grave
What I spent of my duty
My heart couldn't save

I died at my death
They put up a stone
My flesh fall to rot
Til there's nothing but bone
381 · Oct 2020
Dearest October
Dearest October,
please be kind -
already the leaves are flame-bright,
and made fragile -
I am the same:
ready to fall to the earth
and find rebirth among the twining roots

Dearest October,
please be kind -
my leaves are changing hue
and grown fragile
in the season of change,
ready to feed the hungry ground -
fodder for the spring rot

Dearest October,
please be kind -
my leaves are tearing away,
plucked and pulled by each ardent breeze,
My roots grow deep,
bracing for the winter
and the dark night of rest
Wrote this on September 30th as I pondered the change of the seasons and what autumn means to me 🍂
256 · Oct 2020
My Last Kiss
I'll take my last kiss
and pin it on the wall
- light pink, tinged with red
around the edges -
never fading
and it will stay there
as long as the tack will hold,
a darling memory
217 · Oct 2020
The Souvenir
I think I will keep you
on a shelf,
bright among the books
and knickknacks
You sing a visual song,
a parrot's lament,
but you are too wild
to let loose
207 · Oct 2020
The River
Gentle river
Lick me clean
Take my sins
And slam them
Against the rapids
Wild river
Grant me freedom
Let me float
Along your bank
Let me sing with you
Let me roar with you
Until the birds call me home
Rising river
Rise with me
Rise with me
Rise with me
127 · Oct 2020
One day I will be murdered
One day I will be murdered
And buried by
The tender hands of my lover
They will pour soil over my pale body
While moonlight pours from the heavens
They will bury me
With moonstone and rubies
Another gem of the raw earth
The best treasures are always buried deep
100 · Oct 2020
This Embrace
I am star-crossed
Star lost
A child of the moon
Drinking deep from a goblet of sweet wine
How I miss you
When the sun goes down
You feral beast
Of tooth and claw
The sea beckons
Waves pulsing
And pounding
The deep, the deep
Silver Moon on the waters
Reflect in your eyes
Light up your thighs
The earth
Roots twining
Around our ankles
Our wrists
Keeping us in this embrace
93 · Oct 2020
I Sought the Earth
I sought the earth
With trembling hands
My fingers
Against black soil
Deeper and deeper
I dug with
Aching and rusty
I turn over
Rock and bone
90 · Oct 2020
What May Come
Something wild
Something calm
Something rides
for us at dawn
Something stolen
Something black
A thing unsettling
on the track
Something feathered-
Something flees-
A thing corrupted
A darkling beast
A cry goes up
A call for aid
A loaded gun
A sharpened blade
Here we stand
Arm to arm
Where night is thick
and blood is warm
Though we may die
We stand as one
Against the night
And what may come
just looove dark imagery. I hope you enjoy this one, it's one of my recent favourites

— The End —