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 Oct 2015 Makenzie Robison
Maybe I could join a poetry club

I would enjoy reading and listening
To other poems

I'm tired of my shoulder
And nobody cares

I'm tired of my shoulder
There is no one to say "there, there"

Each and every day,
It will not go away

I'm tired of my shoulder
And I tried to pray

Looks like it is going
To be akward forever
What more can I say

Life is so lonely
Lonely every day

I hope to meet a female companion
POEM 78**
A Crystal Moon

“... deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die....”
–Pablo Neruda, ‘Your Laughter’
from, “The Captain’s Verses”, 1972

In the sky
your crystal moon
shines on me,
lighting a pathway to you.
But even if your light went out,
I would still find you as
your laughter sings
from mountain tops,
forest glens
and spring cooled streams.
And I hear your laughter say:
“Come to me.
Find me in these meadows
filled with betrayal’s sorrows,
drenched in heartbreak’s melancholia,
and drowned in ocean’s tearful waves.
Come, find me in you.”
In the sky
a new moon reflects
in your eyes
as invisible rays
entice me to say:
“Dear one,
let’s climb over these walls,
roam through life mysteries,
and into lilac gardens.
Cocoon us from hurt’s shadows,
and hand in hand, let’s
reach for the stars.”
But, in the sky
a crystal moon shines,
it’s beams searching for you,
wondering if your laughter
will be heard again.
And I, broken
and lost in the ground,
wonder when I will die.

Aztec Warrior 10.21.15
A wonderful friend here has been re-posting some of Pablo Neruda's poetry and being a huge Neruda fan, wanted to try to write a love poem in the style of Neruda. Not sure I succeeded but... and thank you Kalypso, for enticing me to get out my Neruda books and dig into his poetry more deeply...

I wanted to tell you,
to allow my words to roll,
then sway, like the way
Autumn air mingles
within the halls where
Lester Bowie played
“I Only Have Eyes For You”.
These laughing chords of
light-hearted brass fantasy
seduced you to
my intimacy;
surrounded you with
warm arms and
to dance you to a calypso embrace.
                  Or, so I hoped.

I wanted to tell you,
to sing my words,
fill pages
with the sound of poems
read just before the sun
disappears the night,
and we are sweet with
the scent and sweat
of liquid rhythmic sighing.
                 Or so I hoped.

all I could do was blush,
then whisper your name
as my trembling fingers
traced your slightly
parted lips.

~~Aztec Warrior 2003~~
an older poem that I found today digging around in old poetry notebooks. The music is Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy version of
"I Only Have Eyes For You"
I don’t know what to tell you
My mind is spinning so fast
I pull at my hair to make it stop
But that no longer works
The pain isn’t enough anymore
Reluctantly I reach for my wrist
Digging my nails in
Hoping that the pain will be enough
The pleasure it brings me doesn’t help
As all of this occurs
You ask me what's wrong
Reaching out desperately to help me
But I coil back
Trying to reach another
Who no matter how mean is always there
To forbid what I’m too scared
To promise away
My grip changes to not leave marks
Now pinning my veins and bones together
Under a steel vice
Practice has made my hand
I want to talk to you
Tell you what is occurring
But my heart beats against my ribs
Like a caged rabbit
My veins push at the thin skin above them
Begging to be released from their prisons
I wish I could grant their wish...
And I lost you
Just like that

Every promise

Every memory

Every second

You changed your mind overnight
And now I'll spend the rest of my life wondering why
 Oct 2015 Makenzie Robison
You were supposed to protect me
Your little girl
Your little angel
Your only child

You might've loved me
At one time
I think you ended up resenting me
But that's fine

Subjected to your selfish tirades
Put through your gruesome facades
Held up on a pedestal
Only to be pushed down
Your once endearing smile
Now causes me to frown

Everytime the bottle went up
My heart sank down
I begged you
I pleaded you
You weren't there
Not even when I needed you

Sure, you were physically there
But mentally, you were so unaware
Or maybe you were
And just didn't care

You got in your car
Went out for smokes
You were hazy
And at this point, I went crazy
Who were you to risk a life?
Not your own
But maybe somebody's wife?
Somebody's husband?
Somebody's kid?

You don't even care about your own
And I don't think you ever did
I’ve had this long distance relationship for
a while, now
since sleep-
overs were a thing, literally, sleep – overs, when
I was just 8,
the flicker of my friend’s basement
TV taunting me to dare it to come
back, seeing
daylight hours I never
knew existed before,
and it intensified in
college, as you could
imagine, I’ve missed it
so much since it’s been gone
I know when I had it,
when it wasn’t hours away,
I let it
kiss my eyelashes
right before the moon rose
and hold me tighter than
any secret I’ve
kept (on purpose). without it now,
I’ve never
felt so abandoned-helpless.
In college,
especially in college, it
was a constant that
everyone in a relationship
couldn’t relate to, they’d go
out late at night, and I’d
go, too, missing it
missing sleep.
How I’ve missed you
Wished to
embrace you
every night that
everyone who didn’t bother
took for granted, greedily stuffing
themselves with it,
but insomnia
pushes sleep out
onto an ocean voyage to nowhere,
reminding me of my first sleepover, when
everyone but me lay silently on the floor,
while my exhaustion crept around the corners, drowning in the
and it’s like I can only hear
the ocean waves long enough
to taunt me back awake
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