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 Feb 2017 Rosy Smith
Megan H
There's always that one girl.
So used to dealing with horrors
That she's learned to smile through it
She never cries
She always listens
Everyone thinks she is a great friend
But one day she will die.

She will drown in the tears
Of the people she tried to help

No one will realize,
That the girl who had helped them
Broke piece by piece
Because although she listened to everyone,
No one ever listened
To her silent pleas
At first I thought that will she ever be mine
My thoughts said yes she will be
Gradual were the thoughts
Mellow was the love
Then with a gesture it all became a hipe
I wanted her, I wanted to be hers
She was the one who could hold me
She was the one who could tell me
Yes I was the one
Infinite looked the time
Gestures were getting stronger
Finally a day came when it changed
She was having chaos and the mystic answers to those chaos were only with him....
She will be yours the mind the heart whispered again and this time they were together...!
 Jan 2017 Rosy Smith
In the care of warmth
I lost the tarnished nature
jagged spittle
Black snakes writhing
The Doom ov virtue
This care wears me down
Softening the edges of
My brittle soul.
Chasing affection like a child,
Weakened by a state of want.
I am not this
Just a form that flows —
Adrift on chaos limb.
 Jan 2017 Rosy Smith
Mike Patten
Within her,
I lose myself,
without her,
I find myself wanting to be lost again.
I just,
can't help myself.
She's the only one that knows me.
She's my 3am thought.
She can see my real worth,
she shows me things I never knew about myself.
And the thing is,
once you see your own worth,
it's hard to be around people that don't.

— The End —