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 Jun 2023 Pyrrha
monique ezeh
days crawl by
and humidity stills the air.
the black flies are late this season,
though around here, most things are.
below the gnat line, girls like me
seldom get to die easily,
perfumed powders
masking the scent of illness,
flushed cheeks and damp foreheads donned
as our feeble bodies recline on fainting couches
to delicately languish away. we know that
there’s a certain beauty to decomposition,
to fungus gnats invading potted soil,
to fruit flies nesting in sink drains. we know that
rotting is a clock that never stops,
tallying each unflinching, humid second while the
days crawl by.
 Jun 2023 Pyrrha
Frances Raeburn
I like your smile
you like mine
so far
it’s all sublime
don’t introduce your real self
in case
I have to find mine
 Jun 2023 Pyrrha
Her eyes would never look at mine,
But I could never look away.
My love became too strong to hide,
And still I love her more today.

The seed we planted barely took;
It never reached the sunlight.
Then a rainstorm washed it up
To fertile soil rich and bright.

I didn't think the seed would grow
Until I saw a new green stem.
When I saw a leaf unfold,
I had to have her back again.

Finally, she looked at me —
A flower burst in love's blind view.
Though it took a while to see,
I knew then that she loved me too.
© 1985 by Jack Morris
Nature has this innate ability to take in many sounds
both unpleasant and kind, insulated its core, penetrating deep, it unravels the mysteries, mysterious its ways, in dispersion to diversity
always bears and offers fruits, fair
Nature Inspiration moments
 Jun 2023 Pyrrha
Robin Carretti
Drenches half music blues
Paints my eyes his drips of two's
Like a software of compliance
Superior-what's inside

Anxiety you can tell
  at a glance
In a state of anxiety  
Nature calls cleansing
A world of society

What is at state?
No greener pasture
Present the future

Craziness high anxiety fire
More jobs to hire
Paints- birthstone- sapphire
Picture memories
  to capture  
Anxiety like sanity
Paints wellness next to

Eyes weaken but your heart
We are living in a world with different ailment a lot of people have anxiety and other things I hope this helps
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