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Sep 4 · 234
The Sun after the Rain
Kenedie Sep 4
The human trudged away,
With pain in their heart,
They didn’t know where to go,
They had no clue where to start.
Is this the end?
Has my fate been sealed?
Perhaps it’s impossible,
Perhaps true love isn’t real.
But then they thought of the rose,
The one who showed them love,
They remembered what they said,
So the human looked above.
They turned their tear stained face,
To the warm open skies,
They felt peace wash over,
Like the gentle waves of the tide.
As long as I’m alive,
I’ll look towards the sun,
There’s more to life,
My journey is not done.
Radiant in the sunlight,
On the brightest hour,
The hope filled human,
Turned into a sunflower.
Sequel to The Rose in the Garden
Sep 4 · 151
The Rose in the Garden
Kenedie Sep 4
A rose is chosen,
In a vast flower field,
It had been waiting patiently,
For a love that was real.
A human picked up the rose,
In that field full of many,
And so the two went,
To live their lives happily.
The rose offered its sweet scent,
And the human its company,
They traveled far and wide,
From the country to the sea.
The rose had small thorns growing,
But it wouldn’t be an issue,
The human never complained,
Their love still pursued.
Yet the thorns kept growing,
And the ****** got larger,
Then the rose saw the blood,
Flow from the human like water.
You must set me down,
Our journey is over,
Nonsense, replied the human,
I can still last longer.
You are hiding the pain,
But your eyes do not lie,
I can see your suffering,
I know you want to cry.
We had a great journey,
We both learned new things,
But now the sweet day is over,
The bird no longer sings.
It’s time to return me to the garden,
And there I’ll wait again,
For someone to hold,
One of which I can’t hurt their hands.
No, cried the human,
I won’t let you go,
I love you and you love me,
I won’t give in to my sorrow.
Their grip around the rose tightened,
Their stem started to snap,
Don’t you get it human,
I can no longer love you back!
The human loosened their grip,
As a tear fell down their face,
Then they began walking back to the garden,
But not with much haste.
They set down the rose,
Right where it belonged,
There will be another flower,
Loving each other wasn’t wrong.
I know there are others,
But you’re the one I chose,
I didn’t want daisies or lilies,
I wanted the rose.
I had to set you down,
You hurt I and I hurt you,
But the time we spent together,
Those are memories I mustn’t lose.
So goodbye my dear rose,
I’ll never forget you,
I won’t return to the garden,
For I may not find love that was true.
Take care of yourself human,
Don’t continue to cry,
Just keep your head up,
Look towards the warm blue skies.
Your journey is not over,
Your love is not lost,
You can go stronger than ever,
Don’t let your heart begin to frost.
This isn’t a “farewell”,
A “goodbye” or “adieu”,
This is a bittersweet wave,
Just a simple “see you”.
Are you a flower or fellow?
Sep 4 · 154
Pick a Flower
Kenedie Sep 4
In the field full of flowers,
Only one you must choose.
Depending on the one you pick,
Determine how you live life and go by its rules.
Dandelions, violets peonies and daisies,
And ***** poppies which make you go crazy.
Flowers of every kind lined up in a row,
But would anyone dare to choose the lovely rose?
Its beauty is splendid, the petals unique,
But it’s also full of thorns, so most do not keep.
But I’ll pick the rose, from the flower bed,
I’ll hold it in my hand, even as my blood drips, red.
Beauty through pain, isn’t it all what they say?
Pain for the pleasure, I guess that’s my way.
The thorns pierce my skin, with the flower in my palm.
Alas I won’t care,
I’ll be caught in the roses sweet song.
I’ll carry my rose for others to see,
I’ll suffer in silence, no one to hear my pleas.
A sacrifice must be made for the greater good,
So I had to pick the rose because no one would.
The scarlet drops run down my arm leaving a ****** trail,
I hope someone would follow and my pain won’t prevail.
Perhaps I have held the rose for so long,
That I no longer feel a thing.
I can only hope when I set this rose down,
Someone won’t pick it up and start the suffering.
The lovely rose
Kenedie Feb 2023
The beautiful bird sings in the cage
It sings sublime songs of freedom.
It reminds the spirits of all that hear
That their golden hour will come.
The sweet gale is heard through the storm
The bird never stops or falters.
For it knows with the song of its heart
The tune of the harsh rain will alter.
The bird knows someone out there always listens
They always have from the start.
The soul of the bird sings wild and free
Because they know who watches over their heart.
This was a poem based off "Hope is the Thing with Feathers" by Emily Dickson
Nov 2020 · 136
Kenedie Nov 2020
My name is Spooder
My fangs are strong,
My body is small,
But my legs are long.
And when it's time,
to go to bed,
I weave a web for my sleepy head. :3
This is a poem about a loveable spider called Spooder. I got inspired off a cute snake poem
Oct 2020 · 112
Kenedie Oct 2020
Everyone chases after something,

it's either love,

or hate,

or just SOMETHING.

We see the bubbles of our dreams,

and we run after them trying to capture them forever.

But when we reach those bubbles, POP

They disappear right in our hands, and we are left with nothing until we chase another one again,

In an endless cycle, till we die.
Oct 2020 · 116
The Animals
Kenedie Oct 2020
The animals are stars that shine in the night sky,

and when they see a human in need,

they jump down from their glory,

to rescue them.

When their job is finished,

and they see the good end,

they become a star shining in the night,

once again.
Oct 2020 · 93
Kenedie Oct 2020
I remember when I first met you,

and it was one of the best days of my life.

We loved each other dearly,

and it really worked out.

You fed me,

played with me,

and I cheered you up when you were down.

One day something terrible happened,

that caused you to frown.

You were miserable for a while,

and constantly cried.

Everything I did to help,

but it wouldn't satisfy.

Then all of a sudden,

you lashed out on me,

and you would beat me terribly,

till' I could barely breathe.

I continued to love you,

because I knew,

deep down you were still in there,

even though this was new.

So on my last beating,

so here came my death,

"You'll always be my hero." I mewled

then I was gone like a winter's breath.
Oct 2020 · 97
Kenedie Oct 2020
Yes, overwhelmingness is a real word
Oct 2020 · 88
Kenedie Oct 2020

a poem is so good,

that it doesn't even need a title
Sep 2020 · 60
Kenedie Sep 2020
Run run,

will you make it?

Dead end,

dead love.

Lonely corner,

lonely heart.

You run and run throughout the maze,

looking for a happy exit to run to.

Hoping that you will breathe the fresh air,

when you have escaped the maze of life.

Sorry you've been misinformed,

this is just a never ending labyrinth and nothing more.
Some are lyric pieces from Fnaf songs, yes you caught me, Im a fnaf dweeb
Aug 2020 · 58
Kenedie Aug 2020
A girl lonely,



and having no hope left,

falls asleep on her tear soaked pillow.

She dances with joy in her dream,

feeling more alive than ever.

But those dreams of happiness come to an end,

when she wakes up to yelling.

Today she comes back to her pillow,

with bruises and scratches and pain in her heart.

But this time she cries tears of joy.

She has the same dream,

but this time it doesn't fade away.

The girl never woke up.
Aug 2020 · 69
Kenedie Aug 2020
My owner has left me here

I must obey their orders, "Sit and Stay"

I'm waiting here for them

They surely come back

They love me


I must stay faithful and wait here

My belly yearns for food, and my mouth water to drink

But I must wait for them to return

I'm slowly dying

My vision is getting blurry,

And I'm not in my right mind

They aren't coming back

Are they?

My last wish is for them to know I still love them

Even after what they did to me,

And so my body will still stay here,

Aug 2020 · 58
Kenedie Aug 2020
Your friend may be the light in the dark,

your sun in the sky,

the source of your happiness and hope.

They are there when you need it,

bringing you up and getting you back on your feet.

But that same friend can reject you,

and lead you down the wrong path.

That light they were in the dark has been whisked away,

leaving you alone in the dark.

They no longer resemble a sun,

and your warm feelings with them are gone,

and with that you feel cold and alone.

Your friend may have brought you up and got you back on your feet,

but now they shove you back down on the ground,

and cause you to stumble in your walk in life.
Jul 2020 · 59
Kenedie Jul 2020
Life is like a 3d printer, most of us don't have one.
Jun 2020 · 80
Who am I?
Kenedie Jun 2020
I am dead.

I died when my spirit gave up,

it's just that my hearts beating and I'm breathing.

I am a body.

A body that was tortured by this world,

that hides the depression because of the judgement

a sad lump just doing the forced path of life.

I am not here.

A new thing is here,

one that has taken over my life,

controlling my every movement,

because I have given up.

Depression is here, and again it has claimed another tired, weary, lifeless soul.
I have Major Depressive Disorder
Jun 2020 · 84
Kenedie Jun 2020
Rain is small bullets,

falling from the sky.

Drowning insects,

flooding animals homes.

Splattering against the windshield,

doing no harm.

Reminding me of the painful bullets of depression,

constantly piercing my broken heart.
Jun 2020 · 91
Kenedie Jun 2020
The scars,

my beautiful scars.

The stay with me,

longer than most.

I will forever be,

their sad lonely host.

But still with them,

I am not proud to boast.
Jun 2020 · 87
Kenedie Jun 2020

One word,

so much meaning.

Hope is when you find the light in the darkness.

Hope is when you tell yourself to believe.

Hope is there when you need it,

even when you cannot see.

Hope will be your guider, and also your everything,


One word,

and yet, so much meaning.
Jun 2020 · 136
Kenedie Jun 2020
Roses are red,

violets are blue,

sometimes it hurts,

to confess what is true.

Roses are thorny,

violets are weeds,

when will this world learn,

wants are not needs?
Look on the bright side, but don't forget the dark.
Jun 2020 · 205
Fake it
Kenedie Jun 2020
Wake up,

hide the tears,

put on the smile,

ignore the weight of depression,

cheer others up,

act silly,

come home,


I am really good at hiding my depression in public
May 2020 · 140
Kenedie May 2020
"It's ok, I feel sad too sometimes."

But not like this.

"You're faking it."

I'm only telling the truth.

"I know how you feel."

Not on my level

"Stop being so lazy!"

Lazy  ≠ exhausting

"Get over it, and stop feeling sorry for yourself."

I can't get over a mental illness.

"It's not that bad if you aren't cutting yourself"

Self harming isn't always cuts.

"Don't give your life away!"

Actually, good idea, what do I have to lose?
I have had depression for a long period of time. These things have been said to me. Even though I kept silent, this is what I would really like to tell them back.
May 2020 · 204
Why not?
Kenedie May 2020
Why long for a hike in the mountains,

when you could play Adventurer in your backyard?

Why dream of a Fennec fox,

when you could pretend your cat is a mighty lion?

Why wish you had more friends,

instead of being grateful for the friends you have.

Why always want instead of seeing whats right in front of you,

for one day **** it may all be gone.
Be grateful for what you have
May 2020 · 79
The Language of mice
Kenedie May 2020






Make things neat

Produce offspring

Stay safe

Scurry about

For one who comes in,

may not always go out

Make sure you go as a mouse's life bends

And use your life wisely till comes your end
This was inspired by Fawn's Songbird Talk
May 2020 · 85
Kenedie May 2020
You say a nasty comment is hurtful to you,

and you show people your "painful *****".

While others suffer much worse and theirs pains are stabs and deep cuts.

Others say how happy they are in their rich homes, and yet they still complain,

and yet others who live on the streets and they are truly joyful to even be alive,

and still not a single complaint falls from their mouth.

Instead of focusing on yourself, focus on others,

because you never know what they have been through.
Think about this.
May 2020 · 85
Many Languages
Kenedie May 2020




Although we speak different languages,

the message is clear:

We are hurting, mentally or physically.

We are brought together because of our pain.

You are not alone
May 2020 · 113
Kenedie May 2020
I thought you knew,

I thought you would listen to me,

But instead you ignored my longing and misery.

But that's OK, because I told you the story.

I put my trust in you,

and I thought we would soar high,

but I ended that day,

feeling embarrassed and shy.

But that's OK, because with you, I shared the reason why.

Now to this day,

I hide in my pillow in shame,

because I said it's OK,

and I cry with the rain.
This is my story of rejection, unforgivable forgiveness, and telling a crush I liked them.
May 2020 · 135
Hidden Thoughts
Kenedie May 2020
No one knows.

They never will.

They laugh at me and taunt me,

cal me names, bully me.

The thoughts are getting louder,

my sanity growing thinner.

Flashbacks become daily visions,

and dreams are thrown away.

Dreams come true,

but one will have to end in rue.

And though before the rainbow comes the rain,

there will also be that storm so vain.

And others hear but do not listen,

as the story goes.

But only a true listener,

knows this poem like I know.
Don't say you understand the pain, when really you don't even feel a pinch
May 2020 · 68
Kenedie May 2020
Happy may feel sad,

Furious could really be glad,

The hurting may be content,

while the kindness could hide all the resent.

Bitter, sweet,

sour, neat,

and all those others in between.

Take off those masks and show yourselves,

instead of resembling those empty, purposeless shelves.
Everybody has a mask, be the one to take it off.
May 2020 · 74
Animals Poem
Kenedie May 2020
Raccoons and roaches,

rhinos and raaaaats,

we love all animals,

especially if they're fat.


they're so cute,

we all love them,

how about you?

But they can be dangerous too,

bats are born with rabies, EW!
This was a song me and my friends made for a music project.
Apr 2020 · 82
That dog
Kenedie Apr 2020
A dog, a dog, a lonely street dog,

forever homeless, a weird little hog.

But underneath that mangled fur,

is the greatest dog you have ever heard.

That dog works night and day,

to keep a orphaned baby's death sentence away.

He takes scarfs, toys, food and more,

to keep the street infant happy galore.

But the people did not think of him as that dog,

And they did something more nasty than a frog.

They called Animal Control for crimes he didn't do,

and his whole life ended with a BANG and in rue.

But that dogs last teardrop saved the day,

For the hidden baby cried out,

And she was taken away.

If only those people knew the story like you and me:

That THAT dog's heart was big,

bigger than 3.
This was based off a short film I watched.
Apr 2020 · 75
Suicide Story
Kenedie Apr 2020
I was happy and young, living life,

but as I got older thoughts got louder.

"You are stupid and dumb" and many more names,

that I cannot even bear to say.

I planned out my route, to run away from home,

and picked out the knife, if I chose not to roam.

But something held me back,

that kept me alive,

It's something so deep,

yet so easy to find.

I was kept alive by love, and friends and family,

now I'm truly glad, I didn't lose my sanity.

For all you people out there, ready to die,

don't **** yourself, here's my reason why.

You are loved by someone, if not your family,

By friends, neighbors, teachers, and me.
Please, don't give your life to the devil. You are loved. Btw this story is true.
Apr 2020 · 72
Kenedie Apr 2020
When you are a little child, you believe everything,

But when you get older, you learn things are not always as they seem.

When you have the eyes of a young child, you see nothing but goodness in a person,

but when you are older you see the flaws in a person.

Why everyone should be like young children, innocent and pure, truly honest, and seeing the good, not the bad.

Instead of being older people, who know more, deceive, lie, see the flaws.

This is why we should be younger.
Love the little children, and don't take advantage of them
Apr 2020 · 80
Not Understood
Kenedie Apr 2020
No one understands me,

Not that they ever would.

They make me feel stupid,

I would certainly tell them if I could.

People try to copy me,

And it makes my teeth grind,

That I am treated differently,

Because I am a mime.
Be different and respect different people.
Apr 2020 · 72
Kenedie Apr 2020
Agile, fast, smart, and cute,

Funny and quiet,

but can be loud too.

Living on the streets,

or living at home,

free as they please,

just living to roam.

Though people say they’re boring and they don’t do much,

They’ll still be there even through the muck,

As we wrap up this poem,

Needless to say,

They’ll be a woman’s best friend,

Forever and always.
If a dog's a man's best friend, then a cat's a woman's best friend!
Apr 2020 · 88
Kenedie Apr 2020
Joy, joy, freedom from work, suddenly filled with energy and perk.

Running and playing throughout the half hour.

Savoring the fun, not making it sour.

But when it’s time to end the fun,

We are not sad.

Cause’ tomorrow we’ll play again, that’s why we’re still glad!
This was before Covid - 19 btw
Apr 2020 · 81
Kenedie Apr 2020
Silly, goofy, rude and ignorant,

Yet kind and smart and great friends,

They have many cons,

but yet also pros,

Sometimes it’s hard to understand what the other gender knows.

Though someday they might turn into men,

We should savor the childhood till’ comes the end
Btw, I hope this is not offensive to men and/or boys. Even girls act like this!
Apr 2020 · 78
Kenedie Apr 2020
Gasping slowly,

Life escaping from you,

death grabbing your soul.

Waters washing over you in a new place,

Running to forever happiness or eternal suffering.
Which one will it be?
Apr 2020 · 80
Kenedie Apr 2020
Running, running dodging alleys,

Panting as you go.

The roar of the engine, stopping you in your tracks,

The pole with a loop snags your neck…

Apr 2020 · 77
What I Want
Kenedie Apr 2020
All I want to see is happiness and joy in the air,

Not filled with all bad feelings, including hate and despair.

I want people to be happy and joyful, safe from harm’s way ,

Not to see people sobbing at funerals every day.

I want animals and plants thriving in their home,

Not to see them hopeless with nowhere to grow or roam.

I want a lot of things you can already see,

I want all living beings to be thriving with friends and family.

But I what I really want to say,

What I really want to call,

Is to see people and nature,

Come together and make a bright future for all
We can do this!
Apr 2020 · 78
Night Love
Kenedie Apr 2020
Jumping silently through the window, hush hush

Trying not to be late, must rush rush

Seeing a familiar face, blush blush.

Dancing under the beautiful moon,

Leaving but seeing each other soon.
Are you running off to your night love?

— The End —