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 Oct 2016 Phoenix
Brett Palmero
Sometimes I'm in the dark
And the night closes in
I live with this mark
Sadness upon my skin
Ask if I'm okay and I want to lie
Because I never want to see you cry

It can get hard to move
My feelings are howling
But your care it does soothe
No longer it feels like drowning
I feel happy and begin to fly
Because I never want to see you cry

The world keeps spinning
And life goes on
Yet just beginning
A new day's begun
I want to go on, ask why
Because I never want to see you cry
I found myself biting my lip
Drawing blood as I looked into her eyes.
I wish she could know
Does she know?
It’s like I want to expose myself
Purposely mess up,
Let her hear a hint.
I wish she knew how I felt
Could she know?
And what if she did?
What if she knew?
Would we be right for each other?
Sometimes I see her looking at me.
Almost starring.
I can’t help but wonder,
Does she think about me the way I do her?
She feels like everything,
But I hardly know her.
This passion radiates off me.
How is this even possible?
She is so beautiful
Yet somehow so insecure.
I want to see the future.
Our future at hopes,
Maybe I can learn the ropes.
If we ever get to love each other,
This is for you.
It has always been about you.
I really like you.
Like, a lot.
You are so cute.
Make me feel like a mute
I hope
One day
I will
We will
Have mutual love.
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
I had that epiphany moment where I realized I was
more than the ordinary
tightly dressed caped zero
capable of saving living things
like  kittens
stray dogs and I don't throw frogs against walls anymore
nor do I willingly hurt my nemesis
I try to tame them
with a song a dance trance them
you might call me
the reality show superhero
if I wanted to I could win
American Idol
but that would take precious time
away from my fighting crime
I sing to my dog and she sings  back
like she does when she hears sirens
and I could win a dance contest
I  dance with my kittens
or try to
they are still young enough to be skittish
I am truly a superhero to them
when I open a bag of chips or fry
pork chops
in olive oil and  spice them with garlic salt
which they think is catnip
and I write in a cape
and go sailing over clouds over
type stuff
I know I am
a superhero
to them
to me
and Gotham
and Clayhatchee
and home for them
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
*How could I see the fire in your soul?
And let hidden from their eyes
How could I hear your emotion?
Like whispering wind
And kept silent from their ears
I wonder how I feel you,
Why your ghost feels so alive to me?
Your melody twirls livelier than a young girl
Skin glows brighter than a new-born
Breathe warmer than a summer sun
So young but so old to caress me expertly
Like you’re dwelling inside eternally,
Moving from time to time
From one body to another,
Like an endless poetry
That saves every lonely person
Stuck under the blank night
With no moon and no stars
Merely looking to an end...

a light,
a hope,
or death
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