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the broken, ask God
not for forever.
but for another chance at love.
I think we get hurt to learn and grow. Not to run away from love.
Sorry for being an




so is every other star

that burns too bright
I talk about damnation
so that I may understand the depth of prosperity

I walk my mind through our world’s fire
because only through
may I come to terms with the meaning of peace

I eternally breathe on the tip of a sword
because only then will I appreciate
being a shield to

I bear with restraint
so when let loose
I will never
debase the worth of having
wings unfolded

And when I close my eyes to rest
I don’t wish to see paradise
but to see reality
so when I wake
I only think about fantasizing
the life I live
Don’t hate

that which you


but instead,

love that

which you can

rather be featured amongst the


dreamless amongst the

Always be driven from within
Be the one who achieves
Set your standards high
Put your mind to it and believe
Success awaits you
Go through the testimony
Let the rhythm move you
Reach for your victory
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