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  Jan 2019 Kjell
Kira Davis
Your smile has become
more inviting
than the graves of those I once
  Jan 2019 Kjell
Shi Em
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°         °            °   .          .   °.     °.   °
    °         °        .         °      °.       . °      °.       .
°      °.          °        .        °       .   °.  
it's hard to stop yourself
   °      .      .      from drowning °.   .   °     °    .°      °.       .       °.       .       °.         .       °      °.       .       °.      when you can't .       °.         .       °.        .    °.    °     when you can't.    °.    °.      .    .    .
°     °.  .       .         °
°  .  even see the water nor the waves 
   you're supposed to be
   °      °.       .       °.       .       °.         .       °.        .    °.    °     °.    °.     °.      .    .    .
°     °.       .     °  fighting °.  °    °.   °     °    .°      °. °      °.       .       °.       .       °.         .       °.        .    °.    °     °.    °.     °.      .    .    .
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          °.         °.    °
  Dec 2018 Kjell
He cried like rain
And screamed like thunder

And I

I was a quiet river deafened by his storms
  Dec 2018 Kjell
I took the crown off my head
To make myself more approachable
To you
And in doing so
Forgot that I ever owned one
Never lower your standards for anyone
Kjell Dec 2018
The witness of my many breakdowns
My refuge when I feel bad
The saviour of my positive thoughts
My companion in good times

I like you
Eventhough it doesn't always seem that way
I desire you
Eventhough I push you away
I love you
With my body as well as my soul
I want to share my life with you
I want to live with you

Together alone
In a house filled with warmth en humility
With a garden and pets if it may
I want to build a future with you,
beside you

I want to be your goodbye before work
Your lips to kiss when I come back
I need you beside me in our bed,
your company throughout the day
throughout my life
Until death do us part
I wrote this as part of a christmas present for my significant other. I'd love every feedback
  Dec 2018 Kjell
Melissa Rose
We are as unconditionally loved as much as the one loving us has the capacity to unconditionally love themselves
Kjell Dec 2018
No desire
No time
I'm losing myself

Dancing on my cheeks
When you glance
at my wrists

But no worries
How bad can it be?

I've accepted it
Some day
I'll lose this war
This is something I wrote 2 years ago. I'm doing way better now. Just wanted to share it.
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