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 Jun 2020 Julianna
 Jun 2020 Julianna
Values cave when built upon the riches
of a dead man, whose soul was fed by the hands of greed.
 Jun 2020 Julianna
Word Seeds
 Jun 2020 Julianna
Serene words
are like good seeds
planted in the mind.
Watered by the smile
that will bloom for miles.
 Jun 2020 Julianna
As I got off the tube in London and
Climbed my way onto the ground I saw,
The increasingly tempestuous but melodious
rain collide with Thames like shiny little gems.
The aroma of sweetness abroad the air,
Led me to a small bakery on a secluded street,
And through the display window I saw you,
Sweeter than any pie, cupcake or pastry.
Come let's travel.
 Jun 2020 Julianna
Mike Hauser
Growing up I remember
How much my parents loved me
They'd always let me play outside
But only if it was in the street

I know they'd be saddened
If I got hit by a car
That's just the kind of
Great parents they were

They would always feed me
Jelly toast in the tub
My parents were so clumsy
Often the toaster they'd accidentally nudge

And we all know what happens
When you mix water with electricity
My parents would be crushed
If they ever lost me

Yes, growing up my parents
Sure did love me a lot
But that's just the kind of
Wonderful parents I've got

I remember the time
At the tinder age of two
They left the ladder against the house
So I could get my favorite ball off the roof

If I fell off that roof
I know how hard they would cry
Knowing they left the ladder out
Those silly guys were so forgetful at times

In fact I remember the time
That they left that fork
In the electrical socket
Then went off to work

When I grabbed it my eardrums blew out
For a couple of weeks
I know they always hated it when
Those things always happened to me

Yes, growing up my parents
Sure did love me I swear
But that's just the kind of
Wonderful parents they were

It saddens me to think
They're not around anymore
It happened when that explosion
Took out the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor

They were to close to the house
And the explosion inside
And to think their last thought was
I was at home the moment they died

I wish I had told them
I spent the night down the street
Then they wouldn't of come back
Looking for me

Yes, growing up my parents
Sure did love me like I've said
But that's just the kind of
*Wonderful parents I had
Ahh...the innocence of youth. Lol!
 Jun 2020 Julianna
 Jun 2020 Julianna
I hate to say that you're always right,
Sometimes anxiety is just truth,
I'll keep you calm anyways,
Tell you you're not always right
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