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 Oct 2018 Nigist
Paint me pink
 Oct 2018 Nigist
Your thoughts are like paint dripping off a canvas
Decorating the floor with your ideas
The reds and blues
A thousand hues
But one color always seems to be missing.

The museum is filled to the brim with your art
A rainbow of pain and love
An ocean of wonder
Every color you could come up with.
All but one.

You paint the sky and the moon
The stars and the forests
You draw out the sunsets and silhouettes
You’ve painted a galaxy.
But you think it’s incomplete.

You are my favorite artist.
I could stare at the pieces you create forever
And hope that I could be the color you need.
That one day,
You could paint me pink.
For J
 Oct 2018 Nigist
I tried fitting in with them but was told my skin was to dark and that I was not the type.
I asked a darker crowd for companionship but was denied because I was told I talk white.
In reality they ment proper but I cannot hate my own people for what they don't know.
In a country where a letter from Willie Lynch divided us and still stunts our growth.

We were deprived of our name, religion, and planted an idea in our head that lighter is better.
Features once  seen as a sign of ugliness such as big lip or now being imitated and make others jealous.
These life scars remain though, that rain from feeling left out seemed to only get wetter.
Hoping one day this alienated feeling will dry up but one can only be zealous.
When a moving company came to pick up boxes from my apartment, one of the guys asked me where I was from because he said I talk like a white person from up north versus someone from Louisiana.  As a black child it's sometime damaging to hear statements such as why you talk white or be alienated just for being difference
 Oct 2018 Nigist
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
 Oct 2018 Nigist
Surbhi Dadhich
I'm grateful to have you as my cocoon
For I'm still a caterpillar
I'm blessed to have you as my shell
For I'm still a delicate pearl
The truth won't ever shatter
For you'll always hide behind my words..
 Oct 2018 Nigist
Surbhi Dadhich
Why do male passengers leave their seats
For young women, youthful ladies?
For demonstrating gentlemenly ethics
Or for paying due honour
While women empowerment snores in mere wildest dreams..

— The End —