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 May 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

On borrowed steps of distant stars

Of broken branch and multi-colored stone façade
the pathway steals my outward glance
Winding through the cottage hills
like kite string freed by a strong wind, it spills
Patterns shadow in abstract array
through barbed wire and solid steel
barricades, creating menacing shapes,
criss-crossing narrow wheel ruts of long ago

“I tug my trousers in defiance and set my pace”

Obstacles, of stead and stood,
branded in a wilting wood…
directions carved to empty me of all I know as good

Within my chest sits a living compass,
beating my quest in a never ending melody,
sweet as creamed corn pie and pointing
towards the sun, which sits before me
two hills above the horizon on this new day
Temptation beckons over my right shoulder,
whistling in the breeze of delicious
offerings, and I do hunger…

“Still I stand firm of my journey back to your love”

Take your glow of nectarines
Cool refreshing summer streams
For I shan’t waver, not an inch, her love calls in my dreams

Midday, as the solar glow finds my shoulders red
and sweat clings like life in dampened conclusions,
blisters form bringing the pain of decisions made before…
and I would have it no other way…for this I deserve
Mountains faced of jagged stone break my crawl,
rubble sweeps my feet, as my knees bleed,
thirst speaks in the language of a long feared enemy…
yet I do not listen…

“No challenge shall be placed that will keep me from my return to you”

State your case in hammered stone
Tear my skin of broken bone
No tethered vines of loneliness shall sway me from my home

My shadow now waits before me, long and slender,
molded by dried weathered foot prints…my foot prints,
heading a direction opposite my heart
Many years old yet still their outline remains as a warning…
When I see it, the lilac arbor, scented in old desires and
new in life, encasing a glow, melodies of  gold finch sing
as my eyes find your smile, an extended hand, a soft touch
I have found my way home…

“My sweet love, this heart begs forgiveness and longs you eternally”

Mistakes I’ve made, my journey far
on borrowed steps of distant stars
my every waking dream desires to be right where you are
 May 2014 Ever Punk Goddess
Lurking, in the shadows of what you believe…....
broken twigs give away your hiding place…….....
where tree bark withers of acrid breath……….....
frowning upon dead leaves…the trail…………....
you set out for the unsuspecting………………....
baiting foot steps in disguise…………………......
red eyes peer of darkness……..……………….......
glowing hideous light……………………………...
attracting seekers………………………………......
totally unaware…………………………………......
of the hatred……………………………………......
you hold………………………………………….....
for all…………………………………………….......
It has been brought to my attention we have a troll lurking about the site.  You can not hide...
 May 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

Silent sentence

The silence is deafening
pounding this cartoon anvil
lodged somewhere in my head
echoing through empty chambers

A loud dose of nothing
calls to me in voiced undertones
resonating with the volume
of butterfly wings pinned to a board

My clouded eyes look,
hoping my ears are mistaken
wishing for only a sound
vibrating in this vast glass hallway

Wave lengths in shorter shadows
collect on mesh grilles
protecting weathered speakers
cracked and taped…yellowed

Tiny dots felt of faulting fingers
braile’d emotions screaming
along a page of discomfort…blistering,
dog eared for no reason at all

Stillness…that is all…stillness
no wind, no color, no movement,
as I wait for this that shall not come
alone…perhaps unheard by others

This it seems shall be my existence,
written in quiet ink…invisible to most
no lemon juice tricks this time
as I serve my sentence…in silence
i don't think anyone will understand
the pain
of being completely abandoned
by the people who are supposed to love you the most.
 May 2014 Ever Punk Goddess
Hello, my name is Jack
and I am an inkaholic
Just for fun
when those eyes that couldn't last
but only ours stays long
it's quiet relief to wrap around your arms

might as well
is this be a  F O R E V E R ?
May 5, 2014
I'm so scared
that you won't know
how much you meant to me
and how much I love you
Please know it some day....
"Roll! Take One, Action!"
It feels like I'm in a movie
Filming my own story
Directing myself without a parody.

I act, tears fall and mouth grins
Go jogging and walking in the park while eating beans
Others should realize that, that's life
Enjoying it's every part, left and right.

That's what I want to take
If I'm given a Last 5 Seconds to make
To give my life a recess
Like a kindergarten not suffering from stress.

Life is too beautiful
To spend time thinking how to be useful
Stand up, be fearless.
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