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 May 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

Parched and dry, this barren field stretches,
I wander…head hung low,
staring at the emptiness eclipsing my thoughts
Brittle blades of grass disappear beneath
my worn out Chuck Taylors,
black and white crushing beige
in slow fashioned footprints ~ blistered dust

“My sanity for some cool water.”

When upon my shoulders, reddened by solar intensity,
wet from exerted energy, comes a breeze
as if Autumn has come to claim her colors,
to gather her brown and sepia landscape,
pull the lifeless trees, with little leaf
from the chalk textured ground
taking it where it would suit another ~ for this is my luck

“Take my shade a beg not, for it is merely a branch.”

Like fingers of a silken web’s reach,
a soft caress of skin is not understood, though very pleasant
nature finds me a shiver, a small comfort in this arid place
once crawling with snakes of assorted length, now
green as if lush has just been defined
with sweet air and pomegranate skies
featuring a glow, pristine shades of which I’ve never seen ~ heavenly

“To whom might I thank for such a gift?”

When before me stands, as my eyes saturated and lost
slowly focus, a beauty of winged loveliness now smiling within my own
personal oasis, which quickly forms in my heart
An angel, a goddess, extends a hand…to me?
My cracked and weathered palm touches, smooth, gentle
her hand as she lifts me, I am weightless, floating
to her, my breath leaves me as I wonder ~ is this my end

“If this beauty shall be my final curtain, let it be dropped slowly.”

A voice of velvet speaks, as I fade in and out of reality
now steadied by her touch and the sweet scent of lavender and lime,
“I have come to you as a verse...for poetry is thy keeper,
thy words have been heard,”
lyrically she sings
melodic and harmonious, rhythm’d to the beat of my heart
the race of my pulse, the love of my life ~ my muse

“Eternal to you I shall write, for your beauty fuels my pen.”
Your a
memory I
want tattooed in to my mind....
Today was a good day.
I had one worry; it died.
My soul lost weight; my heart
Found its way back up
From the bottom of my belly.

That, and the sun
Shone all day.
We're not spoiled with that
Here in the semi-arctics.

I didn't go hungry for a
I laughed until I cried
Several times at work.

Every face I saw on the street
Had a feeling of friendliness
To it.

With days like these; who needs
I'll sleep like a fat, old cat tonight.
Content and unafraid
Of tomorrow.
You own
the skies
the stars
the seas
the mountains
the valleys
and You want
my heart.
Been watching video proposals here and there
You would'nt imagine how lucky it's been for them
They are the happiest people on Earth
To loved and be loved by there special person till death do us part
There were different love romances
Different events, dates and occassions
But there's only one in the heart that's been catching the butterflies in their stomach
Filled the nutcracker into a sweet jelly life
And add it into a meaningful day of their lives
I was imagining if I were given a chance to be part of those fairytales
That even fairytales do come true
It's not impossible to dream of having one true love
Cause i believe true love exist in those who truly deserve and who believes in love
Cause love is unconditionally for every one of us.
May 19, 2014
I stopped writing when you left.
You gave my life meaning,You gave it depth.
Glistens the bones in moonlight
Ones within the one outside
Has no answer the fairy night
Why bones’ glare the dog can’t hide!

The one outside is the dried up bone
Marrowless yellow hard as stone
Yet for jaws a hope in sight
If chewing its dews makes warmly night!

Like bone is hard infallible trust
In breath of death till last breaths last
Can bring from brink a pale moon bone
A whiff of life hope’s seed re-sown!

Skinny shadows pray to the night
To make them bone from moonlight
Just one yellowed for a dreamy ride
In crumbling bones breaking inside!
is my first poem
with no capital letters.

and i don't know
why it matters so much,
because the height
or shape
of a letter
has nothing at all to do
with what you are trying to say
or how you feel,
if, of course,
you are one of those lucky few
who feels anything at all.

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