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 Jan 2016 K
Bianca Reyes
There's been a miscommunication
Between my heart and my mind
Electrical impulses at every synapse
Scream your name in adoration
In every neuron they will find
That there has been a collapse
It's caused by my love for you

All that I know to be true
Is that there has been a malformation
A terrible replication of some kind
The one that courses violently perhaps
It fills my mind with all this information
To all else I've gone blind
A neural take over that I can't surpass
Because my body knows that I love you
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 19, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes. All rights reserved
 Jan 2016 K
Bianca Reyes
They lied to me when they said that sticks and stones break bones but words don't hurt

I found that your words have branched and rooted within every splinter in my bones and the ache is nagging and constant

It's the guilt your words caused that weigh like boulders on my shoulders and every step causes a new fracture

Sticks and stones don't break bones but the weight of your words have crushed me
Written on January 16, 2016 and shared on Hello Poetry on January 18, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes and all rights reserved.
 Mar 2015 K
Stu Harley
the blue angels
their wings
this crowed heaven
 Mar 2015 K
Felicia Diana
'When the moon is in silence with his stars in the night, on one side of the circle. The sun shines through her clouds on the other side. On some days they collapse together. The sun will sometimes be obscured If it is too much for the moon to alleviate. To share what is hidden in two souls, a piece of the same, to be as one and spin again in the perfect formation.'
-- F.D. Prenger.
 Mar 2015 K
War and Love
 Mar 2015 K
I don’t know much about war,
and I know even less about love.
Though, I do know enough, to know
that love shouldn’t feel like a war.

Yet somehow I have always felt
like a soldiers behind the battle lines
drawn in the sand by Gods
who don’t know my name.

The other day someone asked me
“How come you don’t love yourself.”
To which I replied “How can you love
the greatest enemy you have ever known?”

Maybe people like me weren’t meant for this.
I learnt the best way to protect yourself
from  broken hearts is to let yours go, and
I have let that piece of me go a long time ago.

I don’t know much about war,
and I know even less about love.
Though I know that some games
shouldn’t be played, the cost is too high.
Not sure how to tell this story so I wrote a poem.
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