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2.3k · Oct 2015
The Beauty of the Forest
Mya Oct 2015
As I gaze out the window
So goes my soul

To the trees I run
Into the forest I go

Each tree being something different
Something– amazing

My fingers lingered on bark
And my toes danced in the dirt

Once I reached the heart of the forest
I planted my feet

Oh woah
I knew

All was connected
All was one

Each tree
An individual beauty

But together
Together was magnificent
Mya Jul 2018
Liquor doesnt always taste like honey
And without a job I have no money
All I do is drink when the sky ain't sunny
My life is ****- but to some that's funny

So let's let out a cheer
When we stare in the face of fear
And let's get it clear
That the end or maybe love is near

Life is crazy but maybe
Just maybe

If hes with me
He has the key

To unlock my heart
And this release will give me a fresh start

Because the way he feels is like addiction
But all this life gives me is fiction
When he speaks he has such good diction
And I dont even feel the friction
2.0k · Jul 2018
A session with my therapist
Mya Jul 2018
We're all self-destructive at heart
This practice is an art
That we've perfected
While emotions are left neglected

Come now, come now
I guess I could see how
Such a past
Would stick and last
But it's not healthy to dwell
Inside this hell
You trap yourself in

Maybe you're right but people are people
And no amount of praying under a steeple
Will save a soul
Or help wanderers know
How to thrive
Or keep tender moments alive
We'll destroy what we can't control
Just to fill a hole
And I'm afraid I'm joining the herd
1.8k · Mar 2015
Mya Mar 2015
Ouija, ouija, ouija
Grab my heart and squeeze
Grip my neck and pull

Ouija, ouija, ouija
Shadows released into the wall
Horrors brought into this world

Ouija, ouija, ouija
I wasn't here
But now you see me
Mya Dec 2018
And I refuse to kiss
Spoiled flesh
1.4k · Apr 2023
Cold Hands
Mya Apr 2023
Words are like flowers
Ephemeral and beautiful
But cut short is their life
Once they leave the lips
It becomes the duty of action
To animate them into fruition
With persistence and grace
To keep them alive long after they’re spoken
And seasons change

From the falling of leaves
To the settling of snow
Trapped in winters grip
‘Til spring came to thaw
We’ve spoken many words
Fleeting and playful
With passion to match

Much like the flower
Flames can be evanescent
If left unattended
Yet in your absence
The light abounds

Summers soft warmth
Will hold us tight
As we hold each other
And brace for the chilled breeze of fall
To blow us back to October
To our first hellos
Without goodbye in sight
Mya Jun 2018
"In the end
It's you.
And, **** it,
It's always
just going to
be you.
I'm simply
not going to fight it
You're mine."
It's a honey feeling, sweet and messy, to have someone else

Own your heart.
But when it's the right person,
Maybe it's not a bad thing.
1.2k · Nov 2016
Danger of Night
Mya Nov 2016
Her eyes are heavy
And her tears are tired
She can sleep
Oh no, not yet
If she sleeps now, she wont wake
with the rising of the mourning sun
Tonight she lives to suffer
Her heart to be ripped away in agony
Only the shell will be left
What is left of her liquid insides
will be refilled into her
like a frozen tetanus shot cutting thought her blood
but not just though her arm
All over her body

But the moonlight seeps in
She looks but she wont take the Horseman's hand
She'll flirt with the idea of him
The clock on the wall tells her to go
To sleep with the rising moon
dance with the shadows in her head
Memories of light are the only images
like a romance movie she watches for help
Only a few more moments before the Sun returns
He rises to save her soul only for a
fleeting moment after another
Until the prideful pain returns with the moon
Each night
1.1k · Oct 2018
Even if it sets me free
Mya Oct 2018
I lose myself around you
And truly my love
I just cant afford
To cry anymore
1.0k · Feb 2015
Day You Left
Mya Feb 2015
I remember the day you left
You went on to new places
      And you left me behind

I remember the day you left
You wore a smile and a suit
      And you left me behind

I remember the day you left
Your body stayed and your soul moved on
      And you left me behind

I remember the day you left
Your mother wept, as did I
      And you left me behind

I remember the day you died
Your body was cold, and so followed my heart
      And that was the day you left me behind
960 · Feb 2015
Sweetest Weakness
Mya Feb 2015
To be another's weakness
What an honor
To know a life could have such an impact on another

To make the individual weak
But together as a whole
To use the weakness
To be stronger

What a privilege
To be intertwined with another
To touch that soul
To make it weak
So in turn
Both may be greater

What a silly thing
What a fickle thing
What a wonderful thing

What a weakness it is to find strength in

All with another
To be
Mya May 2018
It was in that moment
While lights were dim
and the temperature rising
That losing myself
To retain you
Became too much to bare
I can't sacrifice my blood for your body
825 · Jul 2015
Bruised Hearts
Mya Jul 2015
From heart string to heart string
We tug and we pull
We rip and we tear
Only with heartbreak to spare

From fist to fist
We swing and we punch
We hit and we miss
Only with bruises to bare
Mya Oct 2018
Loosing weight
but not the right way
sometimes that's how it needs to be done
Of course its not fun
and I'm coming undone
under the stress of starvation
and working the day shift
I cant stop because I need money
from paycheck to paycheck
I pay my bills and
you know it kills
when I'm forced to watch
the crisp green fall into the pockets
of those who are just gonna stock it
I'm trying not to waste
but so much of me is gone
my pants have long since abandoned my waist

And I'm just starting to think
maybe within just this black ink
Is all I dwindle down to

So in this one last plea
hear my decree
don't let me die like this
Just remember me
Please save me. The pain keeps me awake at night, but hey, I'm finally beautiful right?
Mya Mar 2017
Even the earth wept
Birds took shelter
And the sky took revenge
The addition of this soul
Was too much for all
Even today it rains
Honoring the tragedy
Which still walks the soil
Happy Birthday to me
716 · Sep 2015
She Waited for Love
Mya Sep 2015
His hand she held
In her heart he dwelled
The girl waited for love

Days flew by
Many moons left the sky
The girl waited for love

The birds would sing
Her phone would ring
The girl waited for love

He was becoming the one
The almighty and her only sun
The girl waited for love

The menacing clouds rolled in
Fate crept out from where it had been
The girl waited for love

Then came the shame
She was to blame
The girl waited for love

It was then in the dark
He saw the mark
The girl waited for love

Her heart was on the line
He knew it was time
The girl waited for love

He said don’t cry
You’re an angel to I
The girl waited for love

He placed his heart on his sleeve
She couldn’t believe
The girl waited for love
696 · Jul 2017
Lost in the Sea of Maybe
Mya Jul 2017
So many past names
And almost given last names
Too much to ever keep track of
Who the hell are you?
Who am I supposed to become?

Too many passing glances
And familiar faces
To ever keep straight
I'm sorry, do I know you?
Do I even know myself?
677 · Jul 2017
Dank Memes and Lucid Dreams
Mya Jul 2017
And most things in-between
A sugar coated horror show
People who visit never know
Even as the light doth shine
Every heart beats before its out of time

If you fear monsters or the dark
Best be brave and find a spark
To light your path back to reality
I warned you so don't be mad at me
The people who come never leave
And for your loss the rest will grieve
677 · Dec 2016
Death in a Box
Mya Dec 2016
Death does not shake me
Because I know how I'll die
It'll be brutal and painful
Not like a stray bullet or hit by a car
The cancer will **** me slowly
It will break down my body
Then **** off my soul
I know this will happen
Everytime I light the cause
672 · Jan 2017
The Flawlessness of Change
Mya Jan 2017
The flaw from yesterday
Is not the flaw of today
Today's flaw is the fact
That I believed I was flawed yesterday
666 · Mar 2015
In Your Notebook
Mya Mar 2015
haha, I wrote in your notebook
I guess you can't stop me
Even if you could,
I don't think you would

You're too blind
And you despise my joy
Even when it's me
Writing in your notebook

This means some of your space is mine
Does it scare you to be open?
To let someone else within your pages
And to be a part of your space?

I wrote in your notebook
And I guess it was wrong to laugh
Not everyone wants to be open
And share

Yet again, don't you love me?
Do you fear that I may hurt you?
Please trust that I care for you
And I would never hurt you

All I want to do
Is laugh in joy
And write in your notebook
665 · Jul 2018
Mya Jul 2018
A cigarette will fix things
It has to

Each release breathes out the smoke
And the toxins from within

All I need do next is light the fire
And watch it all burn
Heal me in heat and cancer
626 · Nov 2016
Still in Your Notebook
Mya Nov 2016
I'm still in your notebook
Long after you've left
My page remains
Being open was hard for you
I get that
Not all of us can bare to share
But I pushed you away
For that I'm sorry
If you ever need me again
I'll still remain in your notebook
Forever my love
Mya Apr 2019
Rose was left red
Violence isnt new
Drink that potion, kid
And they'll take you too
In a world of beauty, it's dangerous to overlook the mundane.
599 · Jul 2018
With time like that
Mya Jul 2018
On your hands
Doing what you do
If she doesn't know
it will soon become the mistress

With time like that
On your hands
All you have left to do
Is dream
So sleep away my prince, I'll be here when you wake up.
588 · Mar 2017
But Im Just Sleeping Again
Mya Mar 2017
Come walk with me to the place of dreams
Let us dance forever in this silver lining
The diamonds of my dress glistening
Off the light of the stars in your eyes
Let the music carry us
While your arms pull me into the sun
With endless skies ahead
and many galaxies to come
We could be eternal
A love-sick romantic who can't get her head out of the clouds. Forever my eyes will keep dreaming.
584 · Nov 2024
So much for my hero...
Mya Nov 2024
Five years
Don't just dissappear
The night you leave
And decide its over

I've been left with this
Heavy shadow and
It hurts to wonder
But I often do-

Am I carrying this alone?
I'll be left to save myself at the end as always.
584 · Sep 2018
But she just wants to cry
Mya Sep 2018
Darling, please,
Lay your head down
Even on my shoulder

Curl up nice and warm
Grab the blankets
And my arm

I'll fight the demons away
If only for tonight
You don't need to be strong

Your fight is over
The war has ended
Its time for me to save you

Close your eyes
I'll hold your head
It's time for you to rest
And let this all be forgotten.
569 · Feb 2017
In the Spirit of Today
Mya Feb 2017
I will always have those elastic memories
To stretch and watch over and over
Until they snap and fade away
Even if they don't break apart
Eventually theyll erode to nothing

I fear this pain won't be like those memories
It'll stick to my lungs and rot them away
Tears of acid will peel away these once rosy cheeks
My hands will shake wanting yours
Reaching for the memories
That have long sense expired
Happy Valentines Day
559 · May 2018
And he still wont be you
Mya May 2018
But tonight
He will soothe my aching heart
And take up the empty space
On your side of the bed
554 · Mar 2017
Always be around
Mya Mar 2017
You make me feel a special kind of high
Like the sea in the eye of the storm
In all the chaos my heart can rest

Youre sweeter than ice cream
Melting in the heavy sun
and sticking to my heart

Like the funniest joke in a lifetime
I want to keep on laughing
Every second more dear than the last

Youre a sunset
For no other reason
than you make me smile

Promise me something
If we become shapes
That we'd be a circle
Only so you'll always
be a-round
547 · Feb 2015
Closed Off
Mya Feb 2015
All of a sudden I became tired

Almost like the world had drained me of everything

My eyes closed to the new and faded my memories
My mouth ripped the power from my words
And the dark silence made me weak

My ears remained open

I heard their words- all of them
I listened to their evil jokes
I was tormented by their every laugh

And I knew it was all for me

Who else would deserve such misfortune?
545 · Mar 2017
In Passing
Mya Mar 2017
His soul was so beautiful
I will regret letting him go
Watching him walk away last time
For the last time...
I didn't require love
But I don't deserve abandonment

Now she holds his hand
Comforts him when he sleeps
She feeds the fire in his soul...
I could never give him that
The wrong love
At the worst time

Now all we have are passing glances
And my remorse
Maybe in those ephemeral moments
Our flames could collide yet again
For my BT,
Even if you read this, you still wouldn't know it's about you.
Mya Sep 2018
Silly boy
Broke my heart

Hes a toy
Been from the start

But we got this way
And its all jumbled

Seems my hearts to pay
For this fumble
528 · Oct 2018
Silly me
Mya Oct 2018
I got so high last night
That I actually thought
You were a good idea.
524 · Dec 2016
The Art of Disassociation
Mya Dec 2016
Learning the art of disassociation is easy!
Anyone can do it
Begin by being the c**t you are
Now look one of your friends in the eye
No, not that one. Make it a best friend.
Hold their heart in your hand
Shove it in the ground at their feet
Walk awa-
Oh, you're already going?
Wow, looks like you've done this before
Finally you've mastered the art of disassociation
510 · Feb 2015
For Him
Mya Feb 2015
Cigarettes and ashtrays
Red hair and Mohawks
Tattooed is the temple

Rock n' Roll
Busy home and quiet thoughts
Coloured are the walls

Big cities and small streets
Dark nights and bright lights
Empty is the sky

Sketching and painting
Rhyming and writing
Amazing is the Man
509 · Dec 2016
Social Monster
Mya Dec 2016
Post. Post. Post.
Your whole life through
Whoa, you don't mean that...
Do you?

Scroll. Scroll. Scroll.
Until your fingers bleed.
Press the reply button...
Do the deed
Don't post everything on social media you idiots
506 · Jan 2017
Mya Jan 2017
With each treacherous kiss
You ripped the words from my tongue
You snatched the power from my lips
Everything I had- you consumed
Leaving me with nothing
504 · Jan 2019
You make me crazy
Mya Jan 2019
If the opposite of depression
Is not happiness
But mania
Then the opposite of loving you
Is not hatred
But hysteria
504 · Mar 2015
Mya Mar 2015
Evil is
as evil always will be,
every time,
without fail or compassion.
504 · Jul 2018
Mya Jul 2018
Forever let my fingers trace your spine
Dot to dot- I'll draw every line
Your soft, sensitive skin
Smells - where have you been?

So many words flying
The rooms spinning and I'm crying
Your words slam to the floor
With your hand on the door

Oh god, he's leaving
My already widowed heart grieving
What can I say
to make him stay

"I know its not you- its me!"
What a desperate plee
Rooted in lies
Something more ugly, than all of our highs

"No, it's not you,
that's not the least bit true"
But with each of his sighs
I see in his eyes

It's the end
And for us, no longer will time bend.
502 · Nov 2018
Knowing Yourself
Mya Nov 2018
I can give you
You've ever wanted
You, however,
Need to figure that out first
500 · Feb 2017
Tacky Glue
Mya Feb 2017
With claws so sharp it's easy to see
Why you tear me down so often without a second thought
The poison I ingest daily
Comes in the form of the little words you think hold no meaning
Your tacky glue won't hold us together
If all you do is throw out the pieces at your feet
Maybe when you look at me
-how I look at you
You'll know the pain of watching the mold break
All I want is your everything.
499 · Mar 2015
Haiku by Brent
Mya Mar 2015
The Great Lord Becker
Dark as the blackest night yo
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
Mya Jan 2017
The burning coals are hot against your feet
I know its warm and that you want to cry
The image of the ash will be quite sweet
The only thing you have to do is try

The fire of my heart within your hand
Where is the part of you I get to hold?
Please give me the key to your holy land
Promise me these flames will not grow cold

Your flame burns a different shade of purple
Our blaze together can form a flower
Let us live within the sacred circle
You alone will ****** away my power

Feel the heat under your feet and find
All the pain we feel is in your mind
I think I'm falling in love with you. Will this bitter emotion burn me too?
Mya Jun 2018
I'm only perfect
When the lights are off
And so are my clothes
469 · Nov 2016
My Uniformed Man
Mya Nov 2016
He strolled in with the badge he earned
Never for the man he was
But for the man he threw on the uniform to be
Pushing through failure until the bricks fall
Making way for the long life choice of training after heartbreak
and leaving to seek self-gratification
Not looking for the pieces of those broken when the bricks fell
March on without the fears of life or man
Forget not those who hurt him but remember to distance those he loved
Mya Nov 2018
Shes deadly and sharp
Yet loving and careful
Like nothing I've ever seen before
Or dreamed before
Because shes not like the books I read
Or the poems I write
Shes a force all her own
And I pray to god
I never see the day
Her heart breaks
457 · Jun 2017
To My Future Daughter
Mya Jun 2017
Baby girl
Always know
You don't need to put on a dress to be a princess
You don't even need to be a princess at all
Show the world your stunning smile
Backed by your gleaming personality
And wisdom beyond your years
Your prince is sure to follow
But you don't have to have a prince
Anyone can save you
Let them
And when you fall in love
So be it
Fall hard and fall fast
Love like Fierce Kings conquered
Swift with no regrets
Live this way too
In all aspects of your life
The world is waiting for you
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