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2.1k · Sep 2016
Moonlight waves Sep 2016
I remenise my pain
How it was lined up
Grew up misleaded
by my own mom though
don't like her
because I was mistreated
So how was I wrong?  
I never asked for birth
She act like it's my fault
when i ask why she starts getting ralled up
She never cared that's my lesson
She wished me dead through a message
False love and neglection
Want attention get regected
I don't hate her
I forgive her apology
even though she never said it
1.1k · Mar 2017
No exes
Moonlight waves Mar 2017
I have no exes
I don't know you if
You entered my life
Played games then left it
Take away my heart
Lead me on then neglect
Thought it was real
From day one a false connection
No more stressing
Heart grown strong it's a new essence
No more catching feelings
At the same time guessing
Disloyal secrets everytime
your in my presens
Every scar on my heart blessed it
I'll take a break
Because my heart need some resting
359 · Jul 2017
Moonlight waves Jul 2017
As I age I think who am I? 
I know of what I am
What I was but
Who am I? 
Am I self served? 
I feel guilty for taking
others stuff well earned
 I know I'm 20
But how old Is my soul
 Is there a untold past
 I yet to remember
I meet old friend and
here unbleivable stories of myself
How I was bad and
 ate food bad for my health 
Daily abuse from a belt
watching my snowmen melt
ignored when cried for help
now I'm happy
Because I do for myself
Fell so alive and well
My shoes are worn out
Can't imagine how I felt
all I know is I rose from hell
I'm not in heaven but
I'm not caged in a cell
Locked in jail waiting for mail
I'm blessed to survive
My surffering
 without taking blades from my shelf thanks so my faith
Ive bonded with my inner self
349 · Sep 2016
Dream Love
Moonlight waves Sep 2016
U love me as a man
I respect u as a woman
Our connection never ends
Because we never forfeit
We argue but we make up
Go on dates and make love
Your my best friend
nothing but death can break us
I think of u daily
You my everything baby
My dream I wish was real
My miss future drives me crazy
But yes u crazy for my love
which make it all amazing
Been with u for years never touched
yet your existence is my craving
I love you no one above u
Just wish I even known u
My perfect little lady
Priceless beauty of knowing herself
Independent but knowing there's help
Great personality
slow to opening up
We'll live together happily
Begin to start a family
 right after I ask the question...
"Will you marry me?"
328 · Sep 2016
Luna saves dawn
Moonlight waves Sep 2016
He was raised by wolves
But a lot have died
Pack of many but not many survived
Mama wolf left
and confused them with lies
 papa was strong
but was consumed by his pride
Brother wolf took it out on puppies
Went crazy then taken for life
Sister wolf taken to a dog pound
Crying  every sound
Death to his pact no need to howl
Broken apart by humans
**** that's so foul
Coming from a rough town
King of dark and light
With an energetic crown
Physical angel dark like demons
Like a creation of God
from Satan's semon
Created to be a hybrid creature
Level of anger broke the meter
Soul eternally trapped and screaming
Heart gone cold and bleeding
 Out his chest black is seeping
twin wolf Luna bright
Found years later
and brought him to life
Bringing dawn a new light
Not once did they fight
 both wolf both strong
In will and might

— The End —