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  Dec 2017 Muneer
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for all the boys and girls who still yearn for love in our digital age
  Dec 2017 Muneer
There comes a peculiar feeling
With the completion of a poem
A sense of truth
Even if the topic is foreign to you
Like a mother giving birth
She has never met this human
But it lived inside of her for months
Connected in the womb
Growing each day
Just like a poem
That grows in the mind
An emotion
Growing in the pit of the stomach
And then comes the creation
That began with conception
And is born unto the world like the wailing infant
Desperate to be seen
As a passionate idea brought into the world
And in the world it grows
Away from you
In other hearts
Then you realize it is no longer yours to claim
That’s okay.
For there is relief in creating and letting go
What was once felt by one
Can now be felt by many.
the birthing process is done
#birth #creation #poetry #writing #process #relief
Muneer Dec 2017
You are in love
When you are at war
With yourself
Love defies logic
Cause there is nothing logical about it
No explanations
No manuals
Just fighting
The battles of your heart
While ignoring your instincts
When they are screaming
Warnings of pain
For you to listen
To escape
Yet you proceed
While you know the truth
And here you are
Poisoned in its bliss
Fueled by a fools hope
Of fairy tales and longings
Gambling your way through life
While the ferry that carries you
Slowly sinks
Into your delusional present
Guided by your heart
Before you could make it
To your destined future
The last time I beheld her comely eyes
That are as halcyon as a millpond,
Thrice brighter than colliding galaxies
That proudly waltz upon heaven's compound,
Girthed I by a bizarre brume of dismay.
The same that once saw me as a lover,
Scowled as of a knight at his enemy,
Clouded with despair as wilted Stover,
Thus as tumbles a withered leaf to ground,
So dropped I unto my quivering knees,
Whispered a serenade in a soft sound
Fairer than of a zephyr to wild trees,

But she dimmed her novelty shine away,
Never to beam upon me since yon day.

**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. 7th.Nov.2017. Jumeirah, Dubai.
Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet
  Dec 2017 Muneer
They say you're in true love
When you close your eyes
While kissing someone you love

Why yes,
I've kissed him many times
With my eyes closed
Whenever I sleep
And it is only
In my dreams
I'm 21. Who says I don't dream of such things. Yet I still feel awkward about these things! For ***.
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