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205 · Dec 2019
Fall Apart.
Taylor S Dec 2019
So confusing, constantly shifting
Scattered across my life
Pieces to the puzzle, constantly drifting
Started from the middle, can't find the edges
Life's little things always in chaos
Big picture got me gazing over ledges
Thinking death ain't so scary
Not suicidal
Just a little confused, thoughts always contrary

Tell me I'm worthless
Don't deserve no one
Tell me I'm perfect
Ain't deserved by no one
Voices in my head
Their never done
Always one last thing to be said
I don't get any peace
And I don't get no love

My head in her lap
Fingers through my hair
So close to a relapse
Had she not been there
But she don't remember a thing
To much wine and revelry
And I can't say a thing
For fear of her leaving
For fear, fear of her staying

What do I do
If she says no
What do I do
If she says yes
How can I live my life
At the end of this rope
Pull the knot, Kick the chair
But I ain' wanna go there
To much commitment
Look I'm scared
Had to many people in my life walk away
To many times where I forgot what to say
To many ******* times
Couldn't read their minds
193 · Dec 2018
Taylor S Dec 2018
He smiles
That dark, mischievous smile
It's a twisted grin
The kind you get when you remember
When you remember that life never goes to plan
You see, his past
It isn't a winding curious trail
it never really reconnects
He simply branched off
Over and over again
A hard right here
A slight left there
Always a new journey
Always a new road
He plans his future
And then veers off
Because to him
Linear isn't an option
There are to many what ifs for that
He could be a lawyer, or a chef
Maybe a pipe fitter, maybe an architect
There's just too many options
For him to stick to just one
Life is simply to easy to pack up
When nowhere feels like home
That doesn't mean he hasn't found it
Because he has
Home, home is that empty stretch of highway at 2am
Home is that one song he hears
Everytime he starts feeling lost
Home isn't really a place for him
It's just a feeling
So he smiles
the hint of a storm brewing behind his eyes
As he makes plans once again
And sees just how long they last
161 · Dec 2018
Not her.
Taylor S Dec 2018
Have you ever had your heart stop?
That moment when you realise
****, this is love
But you know it'd never work?
2am and it hits you
Like a freight train off the tracks
You're stuck there
Real pain in your chest
Because it can't be real
Not this, not her, not now
But you know it's true
You've loved her since the day you met
Just felt like a different brand
What do you call it
When you'd die for them
When you'd **** for them
When you'd drop everything
Just to be there
When you can't lose that ache
When your eyes light up
At the sound of their laugh
When their darkness sets in
And you feel helpless
Because you're 1200 miles away
And don't know what to do
When you smile ear to ear
Because she's found someone
Who brings out that sweet laugh
That's love
That's deep, painful, undeniable love
She's not perfect
She's so far from it
But she's so ****** interesting
A history you can't stop listening too
That quiet intelligence
The one your not sure she knows she's got
The softness in her eyes
That rough exterior
Hiding the kindest soul you've ever known
119 · Dec 2018
Taylor S Dec 2018
Walking down the road
Questioning things I used to know
Look up and all I can see
Her pretty green eyes
Looking right at me
Sent me straight to that day
Laying on the beach
Letting the world teach
Us what love really meant
I was dazed and confused
She looked a helluva lot like you
118 · Dec 2018
Anthem of the Broken
Taylor S Dec 2018
Smile for the world.
Smile to pretend it doesn't hurt.
What's life without a little pain
Without it, they say there's no gain
What the hell's a mental health day
The words your boss will say
So grit your teeth
Beg the demons to hide away
Break. Break. Break.
When it's more than you can take
But don't you ******* dare
Shed a tear out there
Your brain isn't broken
You're just lazy
You're just crazy
So Smile.
Smile through the pain.
Smile through the tears.
Because you're expected too.
117 · Dec 2018
Keep walking.
Taylor S Dec 2018
Every day I care a little less
Losing my emotions en masse
I'm not sad, I'm not angry
Just broken
Feeling myself lose the colour
Losing my vision of the future
Just hoping I don't make it there
Would never **** myself
Don't have the heart to pass the pain to someone else
But if a car came careening down the street
I'd keep walking straight
Wouldn't miss a beat
Hits me it hits me
64 · Jun 2019
I'm Here
Taylor S Jun 2019
I got real big dreams
And no plan to get there
Just a kid with a big heart
Collecting bears at the local fair
Give em to those in tears
Just a little comfort
Somewhere to whisper their fears
Call it charity
It being such a rarity
But I give a ****
When a total stranger
Takes that hard hit
I can't just walk away
Gotta be the one
Put a smile on their face
Knowing what it's like to feel alone
Means I gotta be there
'*** who knows what's waiting at home
44 · Apr 2021
Long Overdue
Taylor S Apr 2021
How do I really start this story?
There isn't a way for me to say I'm sorry
And there's a million things I want to say
To express how thankful I am every day
To have you in my corner
Cheering me on, pushing me forward
You taught me to fight tooth and nail
Get my *** back up when I fail
You taught me that growth isn't comfortable
That life isn't some kind of fairy tale
If I wanted to be something
That I had to work and keep working
You taught me respect
Taught me to reflect
Taught me what unconditional meant
You taught me it's ok to get angry, to vent
I guess what I'm trying to say
At the end of the day
When it's all said and done
Is, thank you, I love you Mum

— The End —