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 Oct 2020 LunaThads
 Oct 2020 LunaThads
shall i strip myself bare
letting those committed to jealousy
see the things in me
that were never there
though they won’t bother
to scratch beneath the surface  
to see i have purpose
in this icy netherworld
to live a life in love
so i let go of those  
who choose to
never see me
 Oct 2020 LunaThads
Kafka Joint
The civilisation is tired,
We want bread and coffee,
And be left alone.
 Oct 2020 LunaThads
Kafka Joint
I wrote a poem,
I printed it out,
I burned the paper,
The posterity can laugh now.
She was my music
I danced with.
Created  in life's
Endless tunes
Clothed in
Chanted rythms,

Woven with
Beautiful webs
Drawn from
Ceaseless flow
Of intricate patterns
By broken masks.

Thud falls!
Discord breaks.
Ecstasy  fades
Enchantment  falls
She was the music
I danced with.
I wrote this piece  using the structure of my poetry pieces1 and 2. Once again dedicated to all unrequited lovers
 May 2020 LunaThads
Yearning for the hours free
But once set upon
By the all too present moment
You may wish yourself
To the time before a viral wish broke out
So be careful of your wishes now
A Year Stolen From Ourselves
 May 2020 LunaThads
Kafka Joint
This is a day,
And, as a day,
It is today.
 May 2020 LunaThads
Harley Hucof
I am unknown, still alone.
Experiencing on my own.

No witnesses to validate
My involvement or the weight
Of the choices i've made
Trying to liberate my spirits
With my patterned habits
Only to understand
That i am digging my end
With my crooked tangled hands

But still

My fears and
feelings they tend to vary
And my mind keep changing its mind.

So now i just smile and carry on
Leaving all my worries behind

No one likes to deal with the the unknown
Someone must be manifesting
Because i can't explain my preferences
Disowned , unresting
I have to believe an omniscent is guiding me
So i can truly rest in peace
I don't believe in responsibilities.

Writing is the only way to fruit this fear.

Words Of Harfouchism
What you think matters
I let myself fall into the comfort of your arms again, I let myself end back at square one again, I let myself stare into your eyes while I whisper how much I loved you again, I let myself be completely yours again, I let myself believe that we will make it this time.
I pull you from the darkness, guide you to the light and you show me the love I have craved since you.
I will never be able to love another like I love you and that’s okay with me.
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