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Dec 2020 · 77
LonerInTheCrowd Dec 2020
I love you
Yet I don’t

Do I love you
Or the idea of loving you?

We broke up
And I have yet moved on

We stopped talking
Yet I can’t stop thinking
Of you

We stopped texting
Yet I’m still stalking
Your social media

So tell me
Do I miss you
Or the idea of missing you
LonerInTheCrowd Apr 2020
why are you having anxiety? aren't you contented with your life? i mean, you're doing well financially, academically and nearly all other aspects in life. i just couldn't get it, why are you still having anxiety?

I'm doing well. better than some, quite like most and closely behind a few. but still, I'm having these anxieties.

because I'm raised to be better than everyone else, or to be at least at par, but never worse. if everyone is taking two steps forward, i should only be taking either two or three steps forward, but never one. because I'm not raised to be left behind.

i am raised with expectations, a whole lot of them. i am expected to be better. i am expected to be the best, one that they could boast to their friends about. i am expected to not be a failure, a defect.

i am expected to reach their expectations. this specific results in exam, this specific univ to attend and this specific career to choose.

so tell me, how could i live without these **** anxieties, when i have so much expectations on my back alone ?
Jan 2020 · 88
She won't get me
LonerInTheCrowd Jan 2020
I could scream my lungs out
But she won't get me
I could cry my tears out
But still ... She won't get me
I could
I could
Yes ... I could
But I won't.
What's the use?
She won't get me anyway.
Just jow I've been feeling about my mom.  It's like we're so detached yet attached all at the same time. Sometimes i just feels like she won't understand me as much as i wish she would.
May 2019 · 122
LonerInTheCrowd May 2019
a failure
that's what seeing you today felt like
seems like she can makes you laugh more
smile a little brighter
and speak a little louder

maybe it's better
that we're no longer together
because you seems just fine
better even
without me

just how much we differ
for I'm no better
worse even
without you
Have you ever looked at your "used to be" and felt the same way ? Or am i the only one ?
LonerInTheCrowd Nov 2018
Because lying is what I do the best,
So I say "I don't love you",
Those words that I said,
Then becomes my home,
One that I lives in,
One that I cannot get out of,
For it is secured with a lock,
One which the key I have long lost.

Because lying was what I do the best,
Now I am sitting in this home,
One which I built myself,
Feeling trapped and suffocated,
Being angry and depressed,
But this is the fate that I have to accept,
Because lying is what I do the best.
The words that you said will then becomes the house that you lived in.
So be careful .. For it may bring you happiness or regrets.
Always choose your words wisely
Sep 2018 · 237
Take Me Back In Time
LonerInTheCrowd Sep 2018
Take me back in time,
When you're still mine,
For I miss your warmth,
When I was in your embrace.

Take me back in time,
When we're both standing in the rain,
Eyes mirroring each other,
Let me say I love you again.

Take me back in time,
When we're both holding hands,
For I miss the way you would rub the back of my palm,
Assuring me that everything is fine.

Take me back in time,
When I still had my mind with me,
Swear to god I'd never leave,
Unless I'm taking you with me.
When regrets came and all i wished is to be taken back to the time when it was "us" instead of "you and I"
Sep 2018 · 369
Moving On
LonerInTheCrowd Sep 2018
It's weird,
How every song,
Of every genre,
Reminded me of you,
Of us.

Dear ex,
Do you remember?
How happy,
Or how reckless we used to be,
Running across even when the light is red.

Or do you remember?
How sad,
Our break up used to be,
When the light is green and I crossed ahead,
Leaving you alone on the other side of the road.

Now years had passed,
And I've got someone else for me instead,
She's lying on your side of the bed,
But it's still your warmth,
That I yearn for on every rainy night.
Moving on because I've got me someone else, yet you're still lingering in my mind. Moving on, because my memory still take me to that day when I left you alone sometimes. Moving on, because I still hope to see you sleeping on your side of the bed. Moving on, because I have yet moved on.
Sep 2018 · 242
LonerInTheCrowd Sep 2018
i say
let's put the baggages down
and i did
only to pick it up again
because i care too much
for you who care too less

i say
let's not care anymore
and i did
only to hurt myself yet again
because i think too much
of you who think of me too less

i say
let's not talk anymore
and I'll be fine
but i don't
because i love too much
for you who love too less
What uses to be us, has niw becomes "you and i" .. so let me just stood here, watching you laughing with someone who's not me ..
Aug 2018 · 369
A Poem for You
LonerInTheCrowd Aug 2018
missed your hi's
perhaps your hellos too
missed all those times
when there used to be us

used to wake up with your text
now all that left is you in my thoughts
wondering if you're okay
or if you're not

so ..
are you okay ?
do you still drink to get drunk ?
or have you stopped now ?

did you wrapped yourself up
when the weather is too cold ?
what about your cat ?
still as cute as ever ?

have i ever crossed your mind ?
even once ?
because you came and lingered in mine
as if it was your playground
Because people became poem when they are no longer reachable by words .. so i write this, with you in mind
Aug 2018 · 188
LonerInTheCrowd Aug 2018
if you asks me
how important you are
I'd say very

you're the first that i thought of
when i woke up
evey morning of every day

kept your messages for the longest
just to reminisce
when the longing came when i expected the least

got so many things
to remind me of you
from the simplest to the grandest

everyday I'm left to wonder
if you're okay
or if you're not

if only
we're living in the same part of the globe
with no timezones to cope

i wish i can let it show
how much i worry
and how much i care

I'm not the one that you chose
but you're not the one that i wanna lose
and I'm selfish enough to want you close
People become poems when they are no more reachable by words .. And so I wrote this with you in mind, because you are no longer reachable bu words
Jul 2018 · 185
Then and Now
LonerInTheCrowd Jul 2018
there was once
when i called you dear
and you'll call me darling
I'll hold your hand
and you'll have our fingers intertwined
you'll look into my eyes
like they hold the world
your world ...

but that was then
now everytime I'll call you dear
you'll call me buddy
when i held your hand
you just let me be
and you'll look into my eyes
like they hold nothing
nothing at all ...
When love changes, which would you rather choose - to love and lost; or to never love at all ?

Tell me your answer down below (in the comments box) ..
Jul 2018 · 131
LonerInTheCrowd Jul 2018
if you asks me
how important you are
I'd say very

you're the first that I thought of
when I woke up
evey morning of every day

kept your messages for the longest
just to reminisce
when the longing came when I expected the least

got so many things
to remind me of you
from the simplest to the grandest

everyday I'm left to wonder
if you're okay
or if you're not

if only
we're living in the same part of the globe
with no timezones to cope

I wish I can let it show
how much I worry
and how much I care

I'm not the one that you chose
but you're not the one that I wanna lose
and I'm selfish enough to want you close
Amanda, one who I've known for not that long, yet she hold a place in my heart.
She got me thinking of her at the oddest hour of the day.
She's wary of her flaws, sometimes I just wish that she could see how perfect she was underneath it all.
Her insecurity got her questioning her worth.
And so i wrote this, with her in mind.
Jul 2018 · 183
LonerInTheCrowd Jul 2018
It was 3a.m
When I lay awake on my bed
Thinking about you
Thinking about us
And what we could never be

It was 3a.m
When I wished to be just a little bit braver
So that I can tell you
That you're the prettiest
And you look the loveliest when you smile

It was 3a.m
When I wished that I could be just a little bit braver
So that I can look into your eyes and say
I like you
I love you

It was 3a.m
When I was drowned by regrets
Over things that I never do
Words I never say
And you that I've lost

Jun 2018 · 162
LonerInTheCrowd Jun 2018
i do funny and i play stupid,
forgetting the pain that i safely hid.

untill the sun set,
and the moon and the stars meet.

only then that it come back,
all the pain and worries they strike.

oh no,
i won't let you see,
let all the burden be only on me.

oh no,
i won't tell,
let me bring it along with my last farewell.

just smile,
the way you always did,
let it be my last view.

just laugh,
the way you always did,
let it be my last music.

and when i say goodbye,
i wish to see you cry,
but I won't be the one to wipe your tears dry.
May 2018 · 1.1k
Dear ex
LonerInTheCrowd May 2018
Dear ex,

Sometimes when the sky is blue
I would be reminded of you
all the 'I love yous'
and the 'i miss yous'
that we shared
as we stare into each other's eyes
with a smile danggling on our lips.

and when the rain pour
I'll be reminded of the day
when you showed up in front of my door
drenched by the rain
eyes mirroring the pain
and never did you hesitate
to part your lips and say
let's break up


what used to be us
has now become you and me
what used to be we
has now become you and him
what used to be a team
has now become nothing more than a dream
we are nothing more than strangers
stealing glances at each other
May 2018 · 258
Have you ?
LonerInTheCrowd May 2018
Have you ever wonder,
What would it be like to put a knife atop of your wrist,
Run it back and forth,
As it slice through your skin.

Then the blood oozes out,
Staining the once white floor,
Will you be hissing in pain,
Or will you be crying out in relief instead.

Have you ever wonder,
What what would it be like to have your body numb and cold,
As you lay on the cold hard floor,
Waiting for darkness to swallow you whole.

Then you set your eyes on the countless photos on the wall,
Recalling each and memory back,
As you let more air to leave your lung,
Before it then came down to your one last breath.

So you whisper your goodbye to the tightly shut door,
The deafening silence,
Before you forced out one last smile,
And let everything go.
My first suicidal thoughts ..
May 2018 · 377
The Unseen
LonerInTheCrowd May 2018
I'm tired
Of walking with my gaze fixed on the ground,
Dragging my feet just anywhere around,
Trying hard to not stumble down.

I'm tired
Of flashing my smiles
And closing my eyes
Hiding whatever it is I'm feeling inside

Why oh why
You can see through everyone but me
When I'm as opened as a book can be
Or was it your choice to not to see ?

I know I've had my door closed,
But it was never locked
So why won't you at least knock?
Instead of passing by and ignore

If one day
I stopped asking "are you okay?"
Don't you dare to question me why
Because by then I'll laugh and say
You made me this way
When you're tired of being the unseen ..

— The End —