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The mind is the place
where everything comes to life
when the world sleeps
Where you weep.

This  journey you begin
going through life
Is a day by day one.
Life never takes a pause
until the end.
Never go to bed angry.
Don’t leave with regret.
You never know when it ends.

Don’t stay  in the dark
Shine in the light
Sparkle under the stars
Be proud of who you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Grow in life,
Not older
But wiser
Why won’t you save someone
Love and acceptance is all it takes
to heal any kind of trauma.

 Jul 2021 Shattered Thoughts
Be your own creator.
Mold yourself to look or act however you want,
and don’t forget that it’s never too late to change.

Be your own source of love.
The most intimate connection you will ever have
is that with yourself.

Be your own judge.
You answer to no one but yourself,
so don’t disregard your feelings to please anyone or anything.

Be your own shepard.
While you may not be able to control everything,
you have the power to forge your own fate.

Be your own salvation.
Don’t wait for someone to save you,
you’re strong and capable.

And finally,
Please don’t concern yourself with death.
All that does is waste the precious time you have to live.
I look up in the night
So many stars to see
I know my loved one is there
A star
Shining light on me
Protecting me
My forever angel.

Shell ✨🐚
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