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Look beyond the falling raindrops
Beams of sunlight coming through.
Look between the dark clouds
A silver lining is there for you
Parts of a rainbow will soon appear.
Giving color to a grey sky
Such is love, such is life.
Never give up on both
As long as you see your own worth
As long as you love each other
There  is hope.
You will always have sad and difficult days but beautiful and happy ones are also there.
Just look.

Shell ✨🐚
Never give up. Always stay positive and hopeful.
Every now and then
My lungs morph into cement
It's so hard to breathe
And the tears run free
There are no sound out of my mouth
No cry for help to be found
Is a silent pain
A little death of soul
And my lungs are so heavy
I might just let it go

- the longest nights are the ones I can't breathe through
Oh sky, oh beauty
I have fallen deep for you
I am still falling for you
When you think of forever,
do you fear what lies ahead or
do you relish the endless possibilities?
Maybe I didn’t say
the words you wanted to hear
But I did hear the words
you didn’t want to say
Beware the Quiet Ones.

The Quiet Ones are the Thinkers
The Quiet Ones are the Dreamers
They’re the heart seekers, thrill lovers, and love givers
They’re the heart breakers, story makers, and life changers
The best heroes, the worst villains, the most notorious saints and sinners
Their hearts and minds are largest of all (But they’ll never control them)

Beware the Quiet Ones, because it’s Always the Quiet Ones.

The Quiet Ones will always listen, even when you won’t do the same
They’ll break your comfort zone, just to make you comfortable
They’ll never ask for favors or a shoulder to cry on
But they will always be there, hanging on every word and tear
They’ll sell their souls to save yours, sacrifice their minds to break yours
They’re the strongest, and the most broken.

The Quiet Ones don’t like to harm you, because they know too well how it feels... but don’t you hurt them.
They’ll always forgive and never forget, and they know how to aim for the heart
All they know is the past, and vengeance is their greatest weapon.
That’s why it’s always the Quiet Ones.
Whether the key to your heart or your greatest fear? The Quiet Ones will find it – Beware the Quiet Ones.

The Quiet Ones are the first to stand up, and the last to point the finger
They’ll stand up for anything, because they have nothing to lose.
They are the champions of love and hate, and if you hate to love them, or love to hate them?
That was their plan all along.
Your deepest plots or darkest secrets? The Quiet Ones knew all along. They’re four steps ahead of you – Beware the Quiet Ones.

They’ll never put you down, but believe they know how, because the Quiet Ones see EVERYTHING
They know what you did, they heard what you said - they were there
Their depth knows no end, yet they’re so empty inside

Their curses bring power, their strengths bring weaknesses
They’ll control you, even when they can’t control themselves
That’s why it’s always the Quiet Ones

Beware the Quiet Ones.
Kyle D.
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