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459 · Jun 2019
Lea J Jun 2019
When I cried
You held me tight
When I screamed
You told me it would be alright
When I cut
You stitched my arm
When I took
You switched the pills so I wouldn’t do harm
When I punched
You held my hand
When I kept silent
You smiled because you’d understand.
345 · Jun 2019
My 'thank you'
Lea J Jun 2019
Every time these four walls seem to be closing in
You swing through them to give me oxygen
Every time these four walls seem to be crashing in
You hold them up to give me oxygen

Every time these thoughts get darker
You light a candle
Every time these thoughts get harder
You help me handle

Every time I need you
You are there for me
Every time I call for you
You come to hold me

So this is my ‘thank you’
For everything you do
Even when I am taking it to far
You are always there to stitch my scar.
249 · Jun 2019
Lea J Jun 2019
I am drowning in fear
I am below the surface where no one can hear
Everyone is up there
While I’m down here
No one seems to have a minute to spare
To help me from drowning in fear

I was drowning in fear
Trying to hold my breath and keeping my mouth
But no one saw me trying to keep the water out
And no one saw that I drowned in fear.
207 · Sep 2019
My love story
Lea J Sep 2019
I always assumed I wasn't capable to love
Not romantically anyway
Not one lover managed to stay
Love seemed a film element I could only dream off

So I faked my feelings for them all
Silently building my defence wall
Waiting for a brave knight to come along
Who would finally be able to prove me wrong

One day that knight actually appeared
And helped me realise that loving someone isn't as scary as I feared
Maybe that is because he wasn't a knight
But a prisoner reaching for the light

Yet in the end I wasn't his light, he was mine
As it was I who sat in the dark thinking all was fine
But searching for love in the dark is quite hard
When you never open up your heart

Thanks to him I've finally figured that out
And I'm not afraid to say out loud
That I am indescribably, madly in love with you
And I'm convinced that you do too
This poem is written for the man who made me believe that love actually does excist.

— The End —