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9.5k · Jul 2017
❤ Starry Night ❤
Stars very rarely
Hang-out alone,

A perfect night sky
Lets this be known.

They come together
Forming a spectacular

Shining magnificently bright
In a festive celebration.

Gently glowing undertones
Of a perfect moon,

Allow each individual star's quality
To be extraordinarily exhumed.

A perfect,
Starry evening
Sadly comes to an end,

As dusk turns to dawn;
With it,
The sun it sends.

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
8.7k · May 2017
Soul Tired
My mind has switched off
without giving me
any notice at all,

I find myself staring
into thin air,
I've blended into the wall.

My thoughts are blank,
I'm lacking motivation,
my inspiration is bleak,

I'm lethargic and dull,
I'm feeling very, very weak.

I'm not myself,
or maybe I am,

I'm beyond confused,
my soul is tired;
exhausted is what I am!

I want to cry,
but I 'm too tired,

I want to scream,
I'm frustrated;
I feel like
I need to be rewired.

I'm on edge,
my knees are shaking,

Sweaty palms,
my heart is breaking!

I'm never going to get
my **** together,

I've been trying
for what feels like

As tired as I am,
I know I'll never give in,

I'm too determined to quit,
even though I know
I'll never win.

My mind has switched off,
I can't figure anything out,

I'm full of emptiness,
I'm going through
an emotional drought.

I want to cry,
but I know my tears
are all in vain,

I'm mentally exhausted,
I feel a terrible sensation,
a mental strain;
a relentless
invisible internal pain.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
8.6k · Oct 2016
Soul Searching
I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Such a lovely surprise to receive the daily
for my first poem upon returning to HP.
Two dailys in total in my time here...I'm blown away! Thank you all soooooo much!
Such an honor and a privilege

I'm so glad to be back home, here at HP!
I missed this site and everyone soooo much!
I'm sorry I left unexpectedly,
I really missed you guys!
Rosalie ***
8.0k · Oct 2016
Second Chances (10w)
We can never go back,
but we can go on!

By Lady R.F ©2016
7.7k · Dec 2016
Regret (10w)
The only person
I've continuously lied to,
Is myself - regretfully.

By Lady R.F ©2016
7.3k · Jul 2018
⚘Someone ⚘
You deserve someone who gives you
More than a shoulder to lean on--Someone who gives you
Their right arm,

Someone who protects your heart,
Nourishes your soul,
And keeps your spirit
Away from harm.

You deserve someone
Who brings out the very best in you,

Someone who appreciates
All that you are
And all that you do.

You deserve someone
Who wants you to be
Nothing more
Or nothing less
Than the real you,

Someone who will never
Extinguish the light
From the fire
That burns deep within you.

By Lady. R.F. (C)2018
7.1k · Mar 2017
If I Could, I Would!
If I could vacuum-clean
all of the dark clouds
from the sky above your head,
I would.

If I could make the sun shine
after stopping the rain,
I would.

If I could send you
an everlasting rainbow
to brighten-up all of your days,
I would.

If I could shoot
a wishfilled falling star
your way,
I would.

For you, if I could,
I would!

By Lady R.F ©2017
A little prayer for my family and friends.
Dedicated to anyone going through hardships.
If I could, I would!

I truly appreciate this prayer making the daily! All thanks be to God!
4.9k · Nov 2016
A Doorway In Her Mind
She created
A doorway in her mind,
she always keeps one foot in
And one foot out.

Her mind is always lingering
On the other side -
She often feels the need
To breakout!

On the other side,
The trees are wise ancient
Majestic giants,
Rustic leaves
Cover the fertile ground.

The moon is always full,
It is always perfectly round.

The sun is always shining,
But sometimes she has it rain -
Just to hear
The sweet serene sound...

She loves the smell
Of the earth afterwards -
The damp rich ground.

On the other side of the doorway,
Her soul is free -
She is immune
From emotional stress,
Strain, and pain.

Inspiration is carried
Through the wind,
There is nothing to lose,
But everything to gain.

Is always most accepting,
Embracing her essence,

Here, she is alive,
She has an illuminated spirit -
A pure white glowing presence.

She never needs to struggle
For her every breath...

Everything is truly alive -
Nothing, at all, resembles death.

Rivers, crystal-clear,
Flowing with vitality,

Flora and fauna,
Beauty in an abundance -
Celebrating their precious Individuality.

Magnificent mountains
Reaching into heaven,
The bluest ocean,
Wrapping itself around
A breathtaking coast,

Everything about this place
Is what she adores -
What her soul absolutely loves
The most.

On this side,
Nobody can disturb her peace,
Nobody can break her spirit,

Nobody can take her freedom,
Nobody can invade her tranquil thoughts - that's all there is to it!

Butterflies and doves
Glide through the air,
In dance -
Touching her eyes
With a heavenly love -
So pure.

She always keeps one foot in
And one foot out,
But her heart and her soul
Reside here -
Because here,
Less, is more!

By Lady R.F ©2016
4.8k · Aug 2017
❤ A Reminder ❤
Are a reminder
That without a little rain
We wouldn't be able to bloom,

Without clouds
And a little bad weather
We wouldn't be able to smell
Their divine fragrant perfume.

Are a reminder
That we need gloomy days
So we can highly value
The sun's radiant,
Life-powering, life-giving light,

Because without
Any form of darkness
We wouldn't appreciate
The glorious clear-blue skys
And the gift of precious daylight.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
I'm too fixated in each moment -
Each moment feels so intense,

I'm lost
On the dark side of the moon,
And nothing here has any warmth,
Worth or substance ~
Nothing here makes any sense.

Even my own shadow has left me.
The Monsters, still lurking
In the darkness,
Have stolen all of my hopes
And dreams away,

I can hear the wolves,
They are hauntingly howling -
There's nowhere safe that I can run to,
On this, here, dark, dreary day.

There will be no stars
To light up the pitch-black night-skies,
They have already fallen,
Just like the Angels
That I once loved and knew,

Everything that I once held onto
As sacred, has been molested -
I've been abandoned, once again;
Hell, again, I am being forced
To walk through.

Alone, I was born and raised,
Only my pain has been consistent-
It has held my hand
Throughout my entire life.

At some point, somehow,
I stupidly gave birth
To expectations,
Luckily, I woke up
And divorced reality,
Hence becoming solitude's
Dedicated and loving wife.

On the dark side of the moon
Compassion, loyalty and trust
Are nonexistent.
Evil dwells in almost every man
And woman,

Each with his or her own agenda,
Each with his or her own selfish plan.

Saviors do not exist,
Superheroes all wear masks,

Unconditional love is but an illusion,
Here, I revert to relying solely
On the harshness of reality,
For, the truth, it always exposes
And unmasks.

The dark side of the moon
Is a very lonely, isolating place,
In which to dwell,

There is no sunshine,
No stars or Angels -
The only light visible
Comes from the flames
Of the evildoers'
Raging fiery hell!

Placed here against my will,
No lush green valley in sight,

Taken away
From the divinity of nature,
I was cruelly robbed
Of my radiant life-giving daylight.

Doomed for being too real,
Too open and too honest,
Doomed for loving too much.

Doomed for believing in superheroes,
Doomed for allowing a human
To become my crutch.

Doomed for being too empathetic,
Doomed for being too sincere.

Doomed for being too kind
And too generous,
I'm doomed, abandoned here.

I blame only myself
For allowing my intuitive awareness
And intelligence to fade away
Like the stars that once adorned
Every exquisite night-sky,

I blame only myself
For not using the blessed insight
Of my third eye.

I'm too fixated in each moment,
Each moment feels so intense,

I'm too passionate about life
To give up and remain imprisoned
On the dark side of the moon...
But I'm too emotionally weak
And disappointed to jump the fence.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
4.7k · Aug 2017
Bittersweet Moments

The higher we go
The harder we fall


Leaves you feeling
Lower than low
Smaller than small


With a bitter aftertaste


Helplessly feeling our joy
Go to waste


Pleasure tinged with sadness
And pain


Efforts to achieve happiness
All in vain


Life's cruel little game


Always a crying shame

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
4.7k · Dec 2017
❤ A Beautiful Mess ❤
She's too passionate
and oversensitive
for this messy world -
She doesn't fit-in,
so she tries to stay out.

It's a constant
tug-of-war battle
between her fragile heart
and her delicate mind.
She can't help but feel too much -
peace of mind
is all that she ponders about.

She is gentle,
empathetic and intelligent,
but vulnerable -
she was born this way,

She has relived
this same hopeless feeling
every single blessed day.

She is an overthinker -
always reflecting,
always pensive...

Full of genuine love,
whilst drained by such pain;
she is beautifully oversensitive.

She's always lonely
amongst a crowd,

whilst completely lost
deep inside the belly
of the same-old dark cloud.

She's a beautiful, beautiful mess...

She gives her entirety--nothing less!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
Venturing out
Into the woods.
Everything behind her
Is in Black and white -
Grey, but with a hope-filled
Blue sky.

Her red butterfly
Carries her transformed ideals
Within - it's always hovering close-by.

With every forward step,
Away from this manipulated
painful reality,

The scenery is painted,
Bringing it all to life -
A rainforest green;
Her sacred canopy.

Ever so bright,
Be it, by day,
Or, be it, by night.

Black and white do not exist
On this side of her world -
There's no grey!
Here, even shadows embrace
The blessed, illuminated,
Brilliant, pure light.

And dullness,
Instantaneously banished!

Momentously replaced by
An addictive, elated state of vitality -
A miraculous invisible substance;
She embraces her newfound sanity!
Insanity just vanished!

Her aura
Paints her surroundings,
They are so alive -
In high definition, in full colour.
There are no toxins here,
No sorrow,

Nothing is needed,
Time stands still -
No need to borrow.

All of the brokenness
Is left behind,

She wanders off! -
Her soul
Free to unwind.

Here, she has no fear of heights -
There is a sacred comfort
In all that is phenomenally high,  
And so,
In all that grows,
From deep down

She inhales purity
Into her lungs,
She exhales
All of her noxious emotions,
She sighs with relief,
As she lets them all go.

Sinking her feet
Into the rich ground,

Each footstep brings her closer
To the edge of her world;
This is where she is often found.

Here, she is free...
She asks herself  "To stay, or to go?" 
The answer, she already knows,

The soft breeze carries
This wanderlust decision away,
As the free-spirited wind
Gently blows.

By Lady R.F ©2016
This poem was written to describe, and to help explain, the cover of my book.
"The Edge of My World"
(soon to be released.)
It explains why I chose the cover, and what I was feeling and thinking.
It explains my book's contents.
4.1k · Jul 2017
❤ Bubbles ❤
7.5 billion bubbles
Floating around,

Each bubble is on a mission
Hoping that personal success
Will be found.

Each bubble has a dream,
Which is its driving force
And power,

Some bubbles suddenly burst,
Some bubbles flourish and bloom
Like a flower.

Accidents do happen
Along the way,

Some bubbles collide,
Some bubbles sadly drift away.

7.5 billion bubbles,
Floating around,

Some are successful,
Some get so lost
That they are never found.

Each bubble is fragile,
Surviving on precious oxygen,

Each bubble is a gift
From Our Merciful God
In heaven.

As we never really know the struggles
Each bubble has to endure,

It is vital and most important
That we each ensure...

That we be empathetic and kind
With every bubble that we meet,

That we remember
To offer a humble smile
Whenever a precious bubble
We should happen to greet.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
An innocent heart
Broken, but somewhat mended,

Battered and bruised
Is what it is rendered.

Torn fragments scattered,
Widely spread,

Tarnished, traumatic memories
Stored in her head.

Constantly torturing herself,
Wondering how different
Life could have been,

If, but only,
When she was younger,
Traumatic situations,
She hadn't encountered,
Experienced, felt, or seen.

She had no choice but to follow
The path of forgiveness
To remain sane,
She realised that long ago,

Forgiveness became
A minute-by-minute decision  
She had to make,
But still, her PTSD, Anxiety
And Depression didn't leave her...
Oh no!

She still can't help feeling frustrated,
Knowing that her life
Wasn't meant to turn-out tainted
This way,

As grateful as she is
For all of her countless blessings,
She still cannot rid her tainted,
Traumatic memories,
They torture her every single,
Blessed, precious day.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This one goes out to all the Warriors
Fighting a daily battle,
Whilst keeping it as together as they can!
God grant each of you strength, endurance,
And peace of heart and mind!
3.8k · Nov 2016
Strong Woman
It takes a very strong woman
to remain gentle!

By Lady R.F ©2015
3.7k · Oct 2016
Frozen - Loss (10w)
The night is still - frozen,
Goodbyes are forced, not chosen.

By Lady R.F ©2016
3.6k · Nov 2017
❤ He Is Two ❤
He is two -
Like a vinyl record--
he has an 'A' side
and a 'B' side;
guess which one
I love to listen to,
on repeat,
and over,

He is two -
Like cuttlery--
A knife
and a fork -
one is sharp
and cuts deep,
and one picks me up;
guess which one
I love to spoon?

He is two -
the sun,
and the moon;
and I,
... well,
I was doomed
from the beginning,
just like a shooting star;
guess which one
I fell for?

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
3.5k · Dec 2016
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
I have never trusted you
At all!

Beauty lies beyond
Having a flawless body and face,
But your reflection dictates
That the beautiful, imperfect person
That is staring at you,
Is out of place.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Why do you set people up
To fall?

There is more to life
Than having a perfect complexion,
There is more to life
Than trying to be "perfection!"

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
If you cannot be kind,
Or find anything nice to say...
Then please, do not speak
At all!

Why don't you tell that vulnerable,
Desperate person,
That's gazing into your guise,
That they don't need to try to fit-in -
Or be wearing a made-up disguise.

And why don't you tell
That poor aching soul,
That loving the skin that they were born in,
Should be their number-one goal!

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Beauty is skin deep -
Don't you know anything...
At all!

By Lady R.F ©2016
3.2k · Oct 2016
Petal By Petal (10w)
Petal by petal
her beauty unfolded,
her soul was revealed.

By Lady R.F ©2016
3.1k · Feb 2017
Secret Garden
When I was just a little girl
I wanted so much for my life
to resemble a beautiful secret garden,

I'm aware that this may sound
crazy and bizzare - if it does,
then please do beg my pardon.

A secret garden in the woods
with such beauty hidden deep within,

Full of secret pathways and passages
that only special people would know about,
fitted with padlocked gates - so not to let
any bad people in.

Pretty little flowers
in vivid colours
that please the heart and soul -
seen through the eyes of everyone,

Butterflies dancing above pristine hills -
with hedges making mazes;
for a touch of fun.

Crimson tree-tops and rose bushes
in every beautiful colour
ever created,

A place that is so unique - from it,
no soul could stand to be seperated.

Ineffable in its beauty,
like a magnet souls are attracted,

This secret garden,
like a heavenly day dream,
in a daze -
from it, you cannot be distracted.

Whether there was a blue sky,
or dark clouds, as a daily rooftop,

Love and happiness
would be nonstop.

A place where loved ones
always felt safe and secure,

Never wanting to find
the secret garden's door.

They'd always be free
to be themselves,

A wish
That we all have for ourselves.

When I was just a little girl
I wanted so much for my life
to resemble a beautiful secret garden,

Now I'm all grown up,
and still trying
to bring this aspiration to life;
this vision, is one,
I am never, ever discarding,

I really still want my life
to be just like a beautiful secret garden,

And if this sounds crazy or bizzare...
then, please do beg my pardon!

By Lady R.F ©2017
3.0k · Nov 2016
The Sky (10w)
A vault
in which our secret,
silent prayers are kept.

By Lady R.F ©2016
#Sky #Vault #Secret #Silent #Prayers
The time has come
to show them what you hide
beneath your cape,
the time has come
to remove the
"DO NOT CROSS" barricade tape.

It's time to step out
from behind the big old oak tree,
it's time to stand tall, hold your head up,
and let them see.

It's time to show the world
who you are,
it's time to show them
that you sparkle and shine brighter
than any diamond or star.

The time has come
to let your inner voice be heard,
it's time to spread your hidden wings,
among all of your other beautiful
unique things.

It's time to let them all know
what you've been holding on to,
the list of many extraordinary things
your soul is prone to.

It's time to let your soul shine,
step out into the light, it's your time!

It's time to let them know
what you feel, and what you think,
it's time to express yourself - your wisdom
and experience could be their missing link.

It's time to introduce them
to the 'Warrior' in you,
it's time to do what you need to do.

The time has come
to show them what you hold sacred,
deep within,
the time has come
for you to use your divine words
and to let your soul sing.

The time has come!
Show them that you are
a 'Warrior For Life'
and then some!

By Lady R.F (C) 2016
3.0k · Jun 2017
❤ Wildflower ❤
A precious, single wildflower
All alone in a field
Of plush-green,

Ineludible beauty,
She stands-out in this meadow,
More beautiful than anything
My naked eyes
Have ever seen.

Alone, she stands tall,
Drawn to the sunlight,
Her beauty radiant
Like the sun,

As the sun sets,
On the plush-green blanket,
Gently she rests her fragile head;
Her moonlight dreams
Have now begun.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Think outside the box.
Don't control, confine, contain
Or restrain yourself within a box.
Your mind is a beautiful, cosmic, Boundless space.
Look within.
You will realise
Your mind is not a square.

Lose yourself
Inside the infinite universes
That you constantly create.
You are an endless library
Of unique brilliance...
But only look
If you dare.

By Lady R.F (C)2018⚘
2.7k · Jun 2018
⚘ Food For Thought ⚘
Only a real coward
Leaves scars
On someone's soul,
Where nobody
Can see them.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
2.5k · Apr 2017
Note to Self!
You may not be
strong enough yet,
keep working on it!

You may not be
brave enough yet,
never give up on it!

You may feel overwhelmed,
try to take some
pressure off yourself ,

Otherwise, it could cause
your Anxiety to peak - and that's bad
for your mental health!

You may need to figure out
what's best for you,

you may have forgotten
how to do!

Just breathe,
and simply be,

The world can wait!
You need clarity!

You may need to take time
to understand yourself ,

Build up your resistance,
so you can focus on your goals
and priorities
- this is what is known as 'Real wealth!'

You have to stop worrying
about the hands,
continuously ticking away,
on your watch,

Before you can 'Take life on!'
Before you can take it up
another notch!

You need to stop letting other people
place so much weight on you,

They all do what they have to do!
Now, it's your turn to do
what you have to do!

Those who love you unconditionally
are the ones who will stand by you!

Just remember,
you only get one chance,
and there's only one
of you!

wasn't built
in one day,

Everything happens
when it is supposed to,
and not a minute sooner--it's
'The Universe's' way!

It might take
a day,
a week,
a month,
or a year,

However long it takes,
do not fear!

You need to keep calm,
keep your mind clear,
so you can see
what you're supposed to see,

Life is too short,
it's your turn now!
What is meant to be ...
will always be!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
2.4k · Nov 2016
Blessed Intuition
Our souls
instinctively seem to know,
all too well,
all of the matters that our minds
fail to comprehend.

Our minds
often tend to get
somewhat overwhelmed,
by all of the things
that they struggle to understand.

Our souls
travel more than a few steps
ahead of us - they are guided
by our blessed intuition.

The insight
from our souls
  develop into gut instincts -
it is to these,
that we should surely listen.

By Lady R.F ©2016
2.4k · Oct 2016
Clouds (10w)
Ice crystals in the sky

By Lady R.F ©2016
Once upon a time,
Not so long ago...

There anxiously lived
A lovely lady,
Who was now in the know!

You see..., her inspiration
Was taken away from her,
Forcing her lively spirit
To slowly die.

Her heart had broke,
Beyond repair,
When she finally uncovered
That love
Was nothing but a cruel lie.

Her kind, gentle soul
Was tortured,
And forced into virtual recluse,

For it had withstood
Unbearable amounts
Of mentally painful,
Emotional abuse.

She learnt
That the more one loves,
The more one feels the pain,

A very sad ending to her fairytale;
One that happens to many
Innocent, loving souls,
Leaving them all,
Never to be the same!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
The more one loves,
The more one feels the pain.
A sad ending,
Happens to many loving souls,
Leaving them never to be the same!
2.4k · Dec 2016
A Titanic Galactic Explosion
It was more than love -
A love beyond limits...
They were the first to discover
This newfound emotion,

It wasn't from this world,
It was divine - It must have fallen
From the heavens
When the skies opened;
There must have been
A titanic galactic explosion.

This newfound emotion
Rained down upon them,
That very first night
That their eyes met,
As they both gazed up
To the brilliant pure-white stars,

They were pulled together
By a magnetic energy,
They saw more than love light-up
In each other's eyes -
This was when
Their two worlds collided;
This was when
Venus fell for Mars.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Jealousy is a curse,
There's no curse
that is worse.

Lying is a disease,
There's no cure -
This, I'm sure!

By Lady R.F ©2016
2.3k · Oct 2016
A Heart So Pure
A heart so pure -
but you are continuously rejected,

you give your all -
more than could ever be expected.

You have so much love to give -
but you are never accepted,

instead, you are gazed at scornfully -  
you are thoughtlessly neglected.

You are left feeling hopelessly broken,
left-out, and ever so badly dejected,

but, still you smile,
even though your soul is bruised;
your state of being has now been affected.

By Lady R.F ©2016
2.2k · May 2017
I Will Never Stop
I will never stop loving too much,
Giving the entirety of my heart,

I will never stop believing in love,
Looking into souls and admiring their Uniqueness and individuality like Beautiful, imperfect art.

I will never stop seeing the world  
Through empathetic eyes,

I will never stop appreciating life,
No matter how many more times my
Heart silently cries.

I will never stop being true to myself,
I will fight until the very end,

I will never stop being kind to the world,
To every special, precious friend.

I will never stop appreciating nature
And solitude, my sacred love in life,

I will never stop wanting the best
For every child, man, and his wife.

I will never stop giving my all
To every person that I happen to meet,

I will never stop offering my pure heart And soul to anybody on the street.

I will never stop caring too much,
This is who I really am;
And I will always be who I am!

I will never stop being emotional, Sensitive, considerate, kind, Compassionate, and courteous,
Why? ... Because I can!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
2.2k · Dec 2016
A Shortcut
The eyes
are the windows
of the heart,
and the soul,
through them
we see who people
really and truly are.

A shortcut,
and a gateway,
to the garden
in which we dwell -
near impossible to reach;
for the distance
is a lifelong journey
to a destination extremely far.

By Lady R.F ©2016
2.1k · Oct 2017
❤ Mother ❤
Only when we become a Mother
Do we truly understand
How much pain comes
With unconditional love,

It is only then
That we realise
How much it hurts
To be rejected
When push comes to shove.

To be taken for granted
Or not,

To be disrespected,
And talked-down-to, alot.

Only when we become a Mother
Do we fully comprehend
That our Mothers
Did the best that they could,

They, too, just like us,
Had their own issues
To deal with;
They didn't burden us,
We wouldn't have understood!

They cried just as much
As they smiled--if not more!
They gave more than
They ever received,

They placed everyone's needs
Before their own--since the day
That we were conceived.

They held back tears
Whenever we upset them,

They died inside
Whenever we neglected them
And disrespected them.

Whenever we patronised them -
Whenever we were condescending,

Whenever we blammed them -
Whenever we took them for granted -
When we gave no thought
Nor tried to be understanding.

They only ever wanted
The best for us -
They gave of themselves
Something nobody else
Was ever capable of,
Or willing to do!

Only when we lose our Mothers
Do we live with the regret,

A true blessing,
A pure love we were given--
Our first real love,
The one love
We will never,
Replace or forget!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to our precious Mothers.
Angels without wings!

And, whilst I am aware
That we weren't all blessed with such giving Mothers, I'm certain that even those whom weren't had a deep intention to be so, but life got the better of them.
2.1k · Oct 2016
The Gift Of Life!
Many people say
that life is nothing but a test,
they say we'll die long before
our souls truly get to rest.

I've heard some people say
that from birth
we are already doomed,
and that it's all down-hill
once our petals have bloomed.

I've also heard some people say
that we already live in hell,
and that heaven is only a fairytale,

I say...
feed positivity to your soul,
never give up on reaching for your goal!
Never stop looking up into the sky,
life is full of wonder,
let me tell you why...

You see,
we always get back what we give,
our energy is mirrored - it reflects the energy 
we, in turn, will receive - we control
how we see life
and how we choose to live.

To find our blessings
we have to see beyond the struggles,
YES! difficult as it is,
we have to stay positive
through all of life's hurdles.

Life is a gift!
Just look into any innocent child's
hope-filled eyes,
deep inside them
God has implanted unconditional love
in abundance  - I tell you no lies!

Our children carry
all of the strength and hope
that we will ever need,
they are the beating hearts
of our souls - for them we bleed!

They will continue to keep
our spirits alive,
they are a part of us - we live inside them;
there, we will never really die.
Because of them, we survive!

Life is a gift,
a miracle made from pure love,
it is so much more than just a test!
Look deep down inside,
you will find
a bottomless treasure chest!

Life is a precious gift!
Think positively,
your spirits will lift!

By Lady R.F ©2016
I wrote this to counteract my negative feelings tonight. It helped!
I only have a few friends,
but those few, who are you,
are very precious to me,

I admire your loving hearts,
and your beautiful souls,
that are kind
and filled with purity.

I love you all because...
each of you can hear
the things
that I do not say,

you each know
how to love me
in your very own unique
and special way.

all of you reach-out
to my heart and soul,

you all come together
to grab my hand
and pull me out,
before I sink
into the recurring
black hole.

I never have to worry
that any of you
will ever give up on me -
you all, patiently,
tolerate my relentless Anxiety.

you all really understand
who I truly am,
to the very core
of me--Rosalie!

any amount of absence
doesn't disintegrate or deteriorate
our friendship,
despite the precious time
that my Anxiety,
slowly, eats away,

I can feel each of you
thinking about me,
even though you're all busy,
every blessed new day.

each of you are the sunshine
that removes the dark clouds
that hover over my head
like a curse,

you all stand to make up
my entire universe!

I know
that we were meant to be
a special part
of each other's life journey,

I feel your genuineness
and honest sincerity,

we are kindred spirits -
we are soulmates -
we are rare, beautiful souls in tune,

I am grateful
and most thankful
that we met,
and not a minute too soon!

without these few,
most valuable, friendships
that I truly do cherish,

Life, on this beautiful, but messy,
chaotic, dog-eat-dog, blessed existence,
would be more than hellish!

I love and appreciate
each and every one of you,
YOU!...who I call "A friend!"

I promise to love you all
until my very last breath,
until the very end!
And, from the hereafter,
infinite love to you all,
I will continue to send!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
2.1k · Jun 2017
Those Corridors
the same never-ending,
winding corridors,

Dimmed lights,
***** white walls,
no windows,
no doors,
square-tiled floors.

for what seems like
an eternity,

Stupid girl!
Her mind in a whirl!
Holding hope for an exit,
dreaming about
what it would be like
on the other side of those walls--externally.

Accustomed to the restrictions - sadly!

Hurting, defeated, anxious - badly!

Imprisoned mentally!

Acknowledging it, finally!

No denial, there, nor here!

You'd think she'd be over the fear;

Well, she's not!

She still hurts alot!

All alone in her mind
with her messy thoughts
and her regrets,

She's given away so much
unconditional love,
her heart and soul
have many outstanding depts.

She's had way too much time
to think about
all of the ****
that she's been through!

She hasn't healed,
those ***** walls don't understand,
they listen,
but they haven't any clue!

those same corridors,
never wanting to look back,

With only one direction,
you'd think it be impossible
that she would get so lost...
I mean, after all,
it's a one-way ****** track!

But she did,
and she always does, too!

Getting confused, and lost,
for her, is nothing new!

She found herself
in those deserted corridors
at a very young, tender age,

Don't know how or why
it happened to her,
I can't even begin
to try to explain it
on this page.

I wish i could,
it would probably help her alot
if i did,

But it's a very long story,
winding and never-ending,
just like those corridors,
so it's best that I don't lift the lid.

She doesn't want to look back,

the same

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
2.1k · Jan 2017
Strong Heart
Nobody is born
With a strong heart,
A broad mind,
And a giving soul -
These attributes
Come from exercising your spirit,
And reaching within.

By Lady R.F ©2015
2.1k · Feb 2017
Empathetic Heart ❤
Her capacity to love
was beyond anything
anyone had ever known,

A bottomless chest
carried her beautiful
empathetic heart,
where endless love
was grown.

By Lady R.F ©2017
2.0k · May 2017
Country Girl / Hippy ❤
Fluffy pillows swirling
around a beautiful blue sky,

Free birds
gliding across the heavens,
so gracefully they fly.

Giant tree branches
swaying from side-to-side,

Such beauty my eyes absorb
into my mind;
expanding infinitely wide.

Heavenly Earth,
so exquisitely designed,

Embraced by solitude,
peace of mind
I'm guaranteed to always find.

The smell of fresh open air
and wildflowers
inhaled into my soul;
an essence so divine,

Fragile delicate butterflies
fluttering by,
I love them all
as though they are mine.

I belong to the Earth -
the forests,
the mountains
and the seas,

Deep-down inside
I'm just a born-natural
free-spirit -
a lover of nature;
a born-to-be country girl / hippy.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
2.0k · Feb 2017
A Beautiful Sweet Daydream
As the crystal-clear freshwater
trickles steadily off the glazy rocks,

The sound replenishes my soul
with vitality - on my heart,
serenity, it knocks.

As the dying rusty leaves
float along
the heavenly stream,

My peace-filled mind
goes off into
a beautiful, sweet daydream.

I ponder over recollections
of all the precious magical moments
that together
we have both shared
over the years,

All of the memories we have made -
all of the beautiful words he spoke,
they were all remedies,
conquering all of my fears.

The struggles and the challenges,
together, we took them all on,

Hope, love and faith
were the tools we both used,
hand-in-hand, to rid them
and have them all vanish and be
forever gone.

As the birds flutter in the branches
of the giant trees above my head,

In my mind,
like a delicate melody,
I hear all of the beautiful words
he has said to me
over the course of our lives together,
as far back as the day we met -
before we wed.

Like the crystal-clear freshwater
rushing down the heavenly stream,

All of the amazing moments
and the not forgotten good times
flood my beautiful sweet daydream.

And once again,
revitalized by the serenity
of the heavenly peaceful creek,
the incredible amount of love
I feel for him increases
once more,

My undying love
is born again,
I am to be in love
with my beautiful man
infinitely - forevermore.

By Lady R.F ©2017
2.0k · Jan 2019
⚘Shutting Off ⚘
It is easier
To put-out the light
From our own inner-flame,
Than it is
To put light
Into someone's inner-darkness,
When they have no morals,
Remorse or shame.

~ Shutting off.

By Lady R.F. (C)2019
2.0k · Jul 2017
❤ She is.. ❤
She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a pending rainbow
that's hiding behind the clouds
in the sky.

She is a warm pocket
in a cold, deep ocean,

She is a virtual art form,
She is poetry in motion.

She is thunder and lightning
in a perfect blue horizon,

She is a delicate wildflower
growing in a plush green field,
one that is mesmerising.

She is an unexpected smile
on a lonely day,

She is instant relief
when things aren't going
your way.

She is a suprising hint of sweetness
when you are expecting
something sour,

She is a timeless friend,
She is an immortal flower.

She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a breath of fresh mountain air, causing one to exhale a relieving sigh.

She is full of substance,
empathy, wisdom and kindness,

She contains infinite layers
of universes beneath her skin,
all of which are unrecognisable
to the naked eyes that suffer from "metaphorical" blindness.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to my daughter, Amanda. F ***
1.9k · Jul 2017
❤ Wordsmith ❤
With elegance,
A Wordsmith interprets
In the exquisite,
Timeless language
Of poetry,

Delicately composing
Beautiful words
Into elaborate sonatas,
Each rendition A graceful,
Classical symphony.

With beauty and intensity,
Full of raw emotions,

Each wordsmith
Extracts their most inner-feelings
And intricately converts them
Into rhythmical compositions.

And this
Is the only fluent language
Their soul is able to speak...

Each sonata they release,
With wings,
Is individually mastered,
Impeccable, and unique.

May each Wordsmith
Never miss a beat,

And continue writing,
With poetic justice,
Their heart's rhythm
On every sheet.


By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to the Wordsmiths of our world;
May you never miss a beat and continue writing your heart's rhythm on your sheet.

1.9k · Dec 2016
White Dove
My crystal-clear
ran dry,

so I dipped
my quill-pen tip
into the sky.

I said
a little prayer,

and blew it out
into the air.

I spent a tear,
I sighed a little sigh,

I tried so hard
not to breakdown
and cry.

I took a deep breath
and closed my eyes,

I hoped
that the heavens
would hear
my silent cries.

I sat down
with my back
against our big tree,

it still looked
exactly the same
as it used to be.

A white dove came
and greeted me,

I then remembered
those words
you once said to me...

"It's in your blood,
it runs through your veins...
Just let your inner voice
guide your hand,
its ink
will leave beautiful stains!"

I thanked
the Gracious,
Merciful Lord
up above,

for he,
sent those words to me,
through the beautiful
white dove.

The white dove flew
from the branch
of our big tree,

I knew
that the white dove
was sent
to watch over me.

By Lady R.F ©2016
1.9k · Aug 2017
❤ Soulful Nature ❤

The magnificence of nature
Makes me fall to my knees.

Such breathtaking beauty
Brings me to overwhelming tears,

As it captures my heart,
Embraces my soul,
And strips me
Of my anxiety and fears.


Serene, soulful nature
Vividly alive in my dreams.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
1.9k · Nov 2016
A Pure Soul
The Moon shines,
and it glows,
a loving light of warmth
through the darkness,
no matter how dark it may be,

just like
a pure soul
that glows as it shares
its inner beauty - its radiance
shines so brightly,
casting a shadow of security,
like that of the moonlight,
for all to embrace,
to feel,
and to see.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Overwhelmed by a 20 year love
which is still ever growing,
consumed by pure emotions
that are out of my control,

our two souls stick together,
meshed - inseparable,  
as one--we are whole.

Filled with pure emotion,
never lacking adoration,

Just looking at him
my eyes fill my heart
with complete and total fascination.

I fall deeper and deeper
as time goes by--as it continues
to tick away,

I love him with more intensity
and with more passion
every single new day.

I truly value our connection
with every breath,

I know my heart and soul
will remain captured by him
beyond my physical death.

I will take this precious love with me wherever my soul may go,

This love, so well, I fully understand,
and have truly come to know.

A love carved into my heart,
intertwined with my soul,
written from the start,

A powerful love
which my entirety
can never ever part.

I love this love
with each new gifted sunrise,
I love this love
with every memorable sunset,

I love this love
when it rains,
through bad weather,
and not a day do I ever regret...

That unforgettable day
that our hearts touched -
the day that our hungry souls attached,
the beautiful day that we met,
that perfect blessed day
is the day
that I will never

By Lady R.F ©2017
❤ Forever and a day  ❤
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