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Crystal Bilbray Nov 2018
An end.
An unavailing arena having secured hollowness. "See this!" Exclaimed. A valley on high. So pristine. For what makes the spring's bloom than the depths of doom.
Crystal Bilbray Oct 2018
Off to the side you stand with glee. To watch as I run but there's no one that follows me. A whistle. A whip. "You will catch up to me!", She screams from side. A breath that says; "I just want to be free." Of this race for life, which is far beyond anything at all, that it was ever meant to be.
Crystal Bilbray Oct 2018
A broken start yields a broken heart. A past erased by possessive hands. All that's claimed, shadows unreined. A silence passed down like a deadly strain.
Crystal Bilbray Oct 2018
Responsibilities are easily given away when all hope is lost for the brighter day.
Numbers dictating the fake smiles in crowds. Faceless men above and below hold more power than beating hearts. I pray to this bay. Please come take me away.
Crystal Bilbray Oct 2018
I give my bones. The foundation. Lasting life to find what few do. It burns so bright, painful to the touch. You'll make it with nothing more than a helpful ******.

— The End —