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Kim Essary Feb 2020
Your tears of sadness and uncertainty pour like rain on my heart.
Wanting so much to mend what others have torn apart.
Keep your head up, love yourself and God above all.
For as long as I'm still breathing, rest assure I will be there to pick you up if you should fall.
This is your life to live so live it as you choose.
You will make mistakes along the waybut that doesn't mean you lose.
You will travel many roads some of them a dead end.
Dont give up turn around rid yourself of everything and everyone in your life that's pretend .
One day you will look back and remember all the roads you traveled, all the dead ends, all the times you turned around,
Don't be ashamed of your story , look in the mirror and be proud of that woman all those roads found.

I'm always here for you

Written by

Kim Essary
Kim Essary Feb 2020
I long to write of happiness, joyous days and mindful bliss.
My pen however flows of truth, each word written silently.
It tells a story of sadness how The tunnels of this life have confined me
Blinded walking in disbelief how I've allowed the people I love cause me so much pain.
Living yet never learning I only have myself to blame.
The sacrifices, the tears I've shed over things in which were out of my hands
I've confined myself in this tunnel by granting others demands
For now it is I have nothing left to give
My strength has grown weak, my life seems to have lost purpose as to even want to live .
I will always wonder what it's like to have someone to turn to in my times of hurt and despair.
For Everytime I was needed you turned around and I was there.

Written by
Kim Essary
Words spoken teue
Kim Essary Feb 2020
Reaching out to catch you and save you from the fall
so many times I caught you and warned you of that wall.
I’m holding onto you in every possible way
Overpowered by your strength I’m begging you to stay
My eyes are pouring tears as I watch you try to cross a weak and broken bridge
Where I’ve seen too many fall from the never returning edge
As the waters run rapid like a raging beast below your feet
Waters so powerful even you cannot defeat
This is the place I’ve warned you of so many times before
The place where I can’t save you anymore
Your ears have grown deaf to me as your eyes have turned from blue to black
The devil of addiction has taken you as I fight to get you back
Addiction is real but it affects more than just the addict.
Kim Essary Feb 2020
I’ve believed in you and all of your lies
I know I’m only a victim of my own demise
For every time you ever let me down, I have forgiven you,
I spent every minute of every day trying to see you through
I’ve begged and pleaded for you to live your life right
The only time your ears listen to me is when I’m all you have out here to even put up a fight
My struggles run deep through me as I have to ask myself why
Why is it I fight so hard for your freedom when you’re free you don’t even try
This gangster mentality you have taken on to be
Is only a mask to hide your pain and fear thinking nobody can see
I wish you could see or even care how your actions hurt more than you
They take more of my life every day and will some day effect your children too
Your words you speak are full of hate you have no respect or remorse
I’m afraid you will regret these things if you don’t change and get back on coarse
I taught you manners and respect I raised you not to steel or lie and try to do what’s right
You’ve come to a crossroad in your life when you’re hanging on by a string tied by a knot but not so tight
I pray if your given this last chance you understand what waits for you if you go down the wrong road
For next time son this ride I’ve rode with you I won’t ride again, you will carry your own load
All I know to do is pray
Kim Essary Dec 2019
God gives a mother the gift of a child to love and nurture all the days through
A boy or a girl but only one, yet he blessed our mother with two.
We came into this world on the very same day
Identical twins, just alike in every way.
We spent our days together in all that we would do.
My life isn’t the same here on earth without you.
I see you in my mirror and every picture that I take
I miss your smile and the funny faces we would make.
I know one day I will see you face to face again.
Happy Birthday My best friend, my sister my angel my twin.
I will see you today when I walk outside in the sun
For when I look beside me at my silhouette it reminds me there are two of us never just one.
Dedicated to Sara and Samantha love forever Kim
Kim Essary Nov 2019
One moment she lays watching his innocence glow across his soft little cheeks as he nestles closely beside her and falls quickly asleep.
She has lost so much more than she has gained in this life
As her body has grown weak and sickness overtakes her yet her will to go on still fights within her.
Once it was pills she took to keep her going or so she thought not knowing it was the pills that was killing her
Thoughts of giving up the fight often entered her tired soul as she fought  through her pain often times she wondered where she gained her strength and will to fight.
She held on to hope for the ones that had left her as thoughts of them returning were fading away
That little boy that lay nestled beside her and the man that she loves was the medicine she needed to fight for one more day.
Just as the others had gone now so did he
Now she lays all alone , no more bedtime prayers or supper at the table
No more knowing he’s sneaking behind me with a smile on his face thinking I can’t see him rushing to my bed to sleep.
He has no clue how much he means to me and how that precious little boy has kept his mawmaw alive just knowing she was with him almost every day.
My grandson was my medicine to get through my days. Now I don’t get to see him because his mom moved away.
Kim Essary Nov 2019
It’s not always the things of this world that we may want that are the things we need.
Like the beautiful flowers we buy already in bloom when we could have witnessed the beauty of their growth by planting their seed.
Our eyes trick us into perfection of what we see
As our minds are trained to look at the here and now, not what it may some day be.  
We are human so we will make our share of mistakes and wrong choices along the way.
Admitting them is easier to know than it is to say.
Would our choices in this world be the same without eyes
We would then have to base our choice off of truth with no disguise.
The world would be a better place without seeing pretty my friend,
We would be forced to see more than face value and the beauty within.
If the world couldn’t see what then would we judge
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