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January has arrived
Along with the other months
Enclosed in envelopes neat
To unfold with time

January has arrived
Always the first one to
It offers what it knows
And takes it slow

January has arrived
It says, believe
And seek the opportunity
Of new beginnings

January has arrived
With each passing day
A little warmth it brings
Harbinger of spring
 Jan 2022 Khaab
Shofi Ahmed
Happy New Year to all,
Gluten free, sugar free
perhaps preservatives free goods
We like to be thick in stocks.

O God let it be all in all
a Covid free 2022 store.
Happy New Year to all.
We chew over a small wooden table
Chew bell peppers and drink old fermented tea
wonder how many more breathe until the stomach stiffens in regret and says
no more to all the veggies we must eat before they spoil in our fridge

We chew the small thoughts and the big bad memories tucked in the thinnest most transparent of thoughts
so translucent it took us most of our  lives to recognize them as just thoughts painting boxes, stacked to create an obstacle

We chew playing dalgona with our minds
trying to keep the only the portion of through a we want.

We chew and concentrate and then there are no thoughts, just the veggies I stir fried to sweet from the wild flower honey
Clarity in mind
Purity in heart
I seek with each passing thought

Revel in the revelation
Of weaknesses and strengths
Peace reigns within

Accumulating experiences
Imbued in the knowledge
That right and wrong coexist

Year after year
New and old
Blend in and grow apart

Lost and found
Forever in time
Rays of hope and sunshine
Happy New Year 🎉🎉
 Jan 2022 Khaab
New day knocks the door
A hot, happy Sun rises
In spite of the moon...
Sun for 2022...and Moon for 2021

Happy new year guys 😊❤️
 Jan 2022 Khaab
Isaac afunadhula
If my heart pours out
If the rains turns to snow
Then my heart shall find rest
To the delight of the world

If a cry for blood burns like a fire
In the far land of kasheki, then the song of the heartland shall be sung by the hyena's

If the moon shodows it's beauty under the blue skies
A roar shall be heard in the sea deepth

To the voices of the earth
I just want to sing beneath the sun
beneath the clouds
If the words that we say sometimes mean less in this life of uncertainty then we ought to do better for the greater good.
 Dec 2021 Khaab
Hooria Iftikhar
If i lose you i will never be the same anymore,
i will lose my best friend , my soul mate, my smile , my laugh and everything. Once i lose you there will be no more sunlight , no clear skies, just like the clouds my eyes will do the same cry until you make the tears go away, if you walk away it will rain.
I cannot lose you because if i lost you everything would be meaningless,I wandered into the darkness looking for something to bring happiness to my life, something real. I found you and ill be ** if i lose you. You mean more to me then you'll ever know! I've fallen so hard for you, that if i ever lose you, ill lose myself. If you were a tear i would never dare to cry. I might lose you ! I don't think you'll ever understand how afraid i am of losing you <3
My worst fear is losing you </3
Maybe im scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything i think about, everything i need and everything i want.
Stay. No matter how hard it is being with me, just stay. I need you!
I get jealous very often, i get jealous so easily and its only because i dont want to lose you <3
Even though i know things won't always last forever, I want to have you for as long as i can. Youre the one who brought the happy feeling inside me again. i haven't felt like this since i was a kid when my family would make me laugh , and i dont think ill ever want to lose my happiness again. Please don't go anytime soon. You make me really happy and i cant risk losing someone like you.
My nightmares are usually about losing you, I don't want us to be strangers again. I dont want to lose you after all weve been through, all the pain we push past , all those beautiful memories.
Promise me, promise me you'll never leave.
I dont wanna lose you, please dont ever let me.
You see i love you and i dont want to lose you because my life has been better since i found you <3
To Mimo n Laibi
Mimo, I’m sorry for today I thought I lost you today,💔😭
I must be a clock...
For I wish for your happiness 60 times a minute...
Which is the same number of times my heart beats...
So my heart beats because of you...
We're not together...
Perhaps never will...
But I can only ask for life to treat you like the princess you are...
I wake up everyday wishing for the day to be better for you than the day before...
And that will never change...
It will only change when my heart stops beating...
And at that point...
I will continue loving you from heaven...
Time is eternal...
So is my love for you...
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