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there are two types of sadness

there’s the kind of sadness
we ignore and
try to get rid of it
by finding new things to do
or we find someone to talk to
by blatantly avoiding any type of conversation
about feeling sad
about having any feelings at all
and then there’s that kind of sadness
that takes over
and it consumes any activity we do
we know it’s there
and there’s no possible way to avoid it
so we feed it exactly what it wants
it craves the sad music
it craves the isolation
it craves the anxiousness
and the sadness comes storming in
it has no manners
here we are calling sadness, an “it”
when all it is
is a feeling
that most people
call home
she wanted to
be his escape

someplace he
could get lost

someplace with
no direction

or destination

someplace too
dark to see

where all speech
is touch

but she offered
him too much

so he never
wanted to leave

and thus it was

that she had to
break him
 Oct 2020 Mackenzie Faith
We all take
slow poison
willingly -  when we allow
toxic people in our life
to exploit
our vulnerabilities,
to prey
on our weaknesses...
to infest
their misery
on our blessings...
My dear
I have seen them casting spells
so evil
that they left nothing
but a dry, barren and empty soul....
it could be nothing

it comes from nowhere

a throwaway comment about her teenage years
light disdain in her voice as she complains to a waitress
an attempted joke that doesn't hit the mark
an evening where she doesn't quite bond with my friends

the slightest thing can cause me to instantly
react, re-evaluate and retreat

and that's why they're better off without me
 Feb 2020 Mackenzie Faith
 Feb 2020 Mackenzie Faith
36 hours have past
after your last breath

59 years of memories
is all i have left
Every day i fight the good fight
every day I seem to lose
whenever the odds are in my favor (is)
when I'm with  you

Every day that I'm without you (is)
every day i seem to lose
whenever the odds aren't in my favor
i think of you
I disintegrate into a thousand stars
Of myself, when I see
Your footprints in the snow.
I am still blinded by your winter beauty
Yet you have banished me
To the edge of your world.
Every day I return for your broken water,
The scraps of love you throw out
Keep me alive.

I must get word to you
But my clumsiness gathers dust in the corner.
I will always love you
In unwritten poems.
I’ve been told I have walls,
That aren’t too easy to break,
They’ve been up for so long,
That my smile is entirely fake.
They’re made of unshed tears and a broken soul,
Of emotions that have taken their costly toll.
Tear them down if you feel you must,
But it takes too much to gain my trust
Strip me down to every pebble and stone,
Shatter me like a mirror and break me to the bone,
But don’t you see you’ve already lost,
For even my walls have a cost.
LHB 2020
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