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 Apr 2016 Karen Hamilton
am i ee
peaceful, dark,
rainy morning
with puppy & tea
Each time I tuck you in
I am anchored
With love
My eyes allow you
In my classified space
You land in my head
For the slightest moment
Wanderlust hits
Swimming to my edges
Nourishing my stream
Ending with my heart
As it sings in joy
Inviting you in
Where my damaged soul
Floats in dark isolation
Her pain is paralyzed
In your presence
You love her perfectly
Without expectations
Holding her hand
Guiding her
On your journey  
She is fed  
By the glow  
you spread
Now feeling alive
You bring her back
Deep inside my heart
Less bruised
Kiss her goodnight

Jl 2016
This is how my kids say goodnight each night without even knowing it.
I wish to
reside in the
space between your
heart and your
loneliness so that
the two may
never meet again
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 17, 2016
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