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 Apr 2016 Karen Hamilton
Perilous are the plunder dreams, those torn by twisted manifestation.  

Dipping toes into a opulent grand design, holding back tears caught hanging over the finest line.

Wicked straights drawn in the memories of this who once held up these walls, the walls we couldn't bear to look at now we can never live without.

How do you measure the strength of you inner stream, how can you chase a dream when you are sleeping.
 Apr 2016 Karen Hamilton
Projecting wishful daydreams in the battle to fall asleep, hoping for no nightmares in the simplistic counting of sheep.

But there is something lurking in the gloom of pressing night, something beyond the shadows for a feeling not quite right.

Peering through the blackness convinced of matrixing designs, until that intense moment when caught by steely eyes.

Gone within an instant was the will to move an inch, to the further realization of losing the ability to flinch.

Sliding ever closer to the distance within visions reach, hearing whispering softly yet never was there speech.

Turning to a horrid feeling that something is terribly wrong, only to wake up to the sun light...and everything is gone.
My world is not like other worlds that sear
My world is more like heavenly wide sphere
My world has no bitter sadness nor tears of tear
My world has no lies to lie nor fears to fear

When I raise my eyes above all the mustiness,
My world has blue skies splattered with whiteness
My world has misty horizon fighting brightness
My world has huge trees carrying greatness

I’m all by my self ruling my world that never fades
Sitting with pride on top of my hill, from gold is made
Like a brave lion holding his shiny sharpened blades
Watching his river filled with precious valued preys
© Copyright
Abdullah Ayyash
17th of October, 2010
We attempt rescue, unable to bear
the stardust-coated dragonfly
beat, beat, beating
frantic on the glass.

We entice him to perch
on our extended lifeline-broom
nurse him in a box, where he flutters
quivers, lies quietly blue.

My son cries bitterly
as we place a minute cross
upon the dragonfly grave
while intoning our final goodbyes:

We honor those who have fallen victim
to this fatal architectural trap, lured
by skylights of enticing white-light death
and the paned illusion of freedom.

In admiration of winged determination
and perseverance in the face of futility
we carefully tend the fragile, curved bodies
lay them here to rest under the mock orange.

years of gauze-weighted detritus
swept beneath these ponderous shrubs
a reminder - what seems like freedom
                                                         ­           often isn’t.
We lived in a house that had outdoor skylights.  Insects would be lured by the light and die trying to fly through the glass that imprisoned them.
I hated those skylights...

Hey lovely poets!  Thank you so much for being a supportive, amazing group of people.  I'm truly honored that you take the time to read my poems.  The Daily is just icing on an already sweet cake.
: )
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